X. Role play «scientific event » 

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X. Role play «scientific event »


1. Organizing committee: o rganize and hold an international scientific event. This often goes through several different stages or order of speakers before being finished. One effective way for the organizing committee to control this variability might be:

· Set out the aims of the event and its format (symposium, workshop, round-table, etc.).

  • Set out problematic issues to be covered (agenda).
  • Identify a proper title.

· Prepare an information letter and an application form to participate in the conference.

· Collect abstracts from speakers (rejecting - if necessary - those extraneous to the conference subject or devoid of any academic relevance).

· Verify what technical devices each speaker needs.

· Make up a list of participants on the basis of the subject of their paper remembering to allow time for questions.

· Send speakers the draft programme and ask them for confirmation.

· Type and release the definitive programme. At that point, your programme should not change any more, but it is possible (or rather, probable) that this will turn out to be necessary.

· Choose a Chairperson of the conference

Follow the Chairperson’s guide

- Opening ceremony. Welcome all participants and initiate introductions. To create a more relaxed atmosphere, it is a good idea to encourage informal conversation between sites before the meeting is called to order.

- Remind participants about conferencing etiquette.

- Call the meeting to order and review the agenda and objectives of the meeting.

- Invite guests and key-note speakers to welcome all participants and deliver their speeches.

- Try to ensure that the agenda is closely followed and time allocations are adhered to.

- Hold the conference.

-  Be sure to leave sufficient time at the end of the meeting to summarise the proceedings.

- You can track and manage participation from all involved: Place an «X» next to a person’s name each time he or she is heard from and place a question if a person asks a question. This will give you the opportunity to keep the discussion on track and get involvement by all participants.

- Closure. In the end make conclusions and compile Conference Resolution (basic conclusions, main ideas, suggestions, recommendations and future joint projects).

- Prepare conference proceedings

- (http://port.igrs.sas.ac.uk/conferencetypes.htm)

Useful phrases

The meeting is declared open. Who asks the floor?
The floor is open for nomination. May I speak on the point in question?
We are to select the president and the secretary of the meeting. May I take the floor?
I move nomination be closed. N. has the floor.
I second the motion. The motion is carried (adopted)
The floor is open for discussion. The motion is voted down (overruled)
Conduct the meeting, please. Let’s attend to the other items of the agenda.
N. will keep the minutes. I move that the discussion should be stopped owing to the late hour.
The following items are on the agenda; item one…item two Hear! Hear!
The agenda is carried (adopted, passed) I’m putting the matter to the vote.
The floor is given to N for the report. Shall we draw up a resolution on the points discussed?
There is a motion to fix the time limit at 10 minutes. The resolution is passed unanimously (by the overwhelming majority)
Submit questions in writing, please. The majority has it.
Who asks the floor? Who’s in favour of (against) it?
May I speak on the point in question? Who’s abstained (from voting)?
May I take the floor? The agenda is complete.
N has the floor. I declare the meeting closed.
The motion is carried (adopted) Who asks the floor?
The motion is voted down (overruled) May I speak on the point in question?
Let’s attend to the other items of the agenda. May I take the floor?
I move that the discussion should be stopped owing to the late hour. N has the floor.
Hear! Hear! The motion is carried (adopted)
I’m putting the matter to the vote. The motion is voted down (overruled)
Shall we draw up a resolution on the points discussed? Let’s attend to the other items of the agenda.
The resolution is passed unanimously (by the overwhelming majority) I move that the discussion should be stopped owing to the late hour.
The majority has it. Hear! Hear!
Who’s in favour of (against) it? I’m putting the matter to the vote.
Who’s abstained (from voting)? Shall we draw up a resolution on the points discussed?
The agenda is complete. The resolution is passed unanimously (by the overwhelming majority)
I declare the meeting closed. The majority has it.



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