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Brain occurs a gliolis - phagocytosis of damaged neurocytes by a neuroglia. What neuroglia participates in this process? Microglia cells Oligodendrocytes Protoplasmatic astrocytes Ependymal cells Fibrous astrocytes 2 13 In the histological specimen of an organ numerous lymphocytes in periphery Of each lobule and stromal reticular epithelial cells can be observed. Which of The following hematopoietic tissue or organ develops from endoderm? Thymus Tonsils Bone marrow Spleen Blood islands 2 14 The specimens present sections of haemopoetic and immunogenetic organs. Organ consists of lymphoid tissue forming different structures (lobules, cortex, and medulla). In what organ does antigen-independent proliferation And differentiation take place? Thymus Lymph nodes Spleen Tonsil Hemolymph nodes 2 15 An experimental animal was undergone by overdoses of X-rays. Due to this Total destruction of CFU-GM cells in bone marrow took place. Further Development of what blood formed elements will be happen in this case Normally? Erythrocytes Basophils Monocytes Eosinophils Neutrophils 2 16 At a person genetic disorder of metabolism of amino acid histidin broke Synthesis of a black pigment melanin. In what cells of loose connective tissue And a skin epidermis lack of this pigment will be observed? Pigment cells (melanocytes) Mast cells Dendritic cells Adipose cells Pericytes 2 17 Differentiation of cells within some type of hematopoiesis is accompanied by a Nucleus extrusion. What cell type is characterized by such morphologic Changes? Orthochromatophilic erythroblast (normoblast) Megakaryoblast Polychromatophilic erythroblast Basophilic erythroblast Monoblast 2 18 Live vaccine is injected into the human body. Increasing activity of what cells Of connective tissue can be expected? Plasma cells and lymphocytes cells Adipose cells and adventitial Fibroblasts and mast cells Macrophages and fibroblasts Pigment cells and pericytes 2 19 Blood analysis of a healthy adult man revealed 3% of some blood formed Elements. What formed elements have this characteristic? Eosinophils, band neutrophils Eosinophils, lymphocytes Band neutrophils, lymphocytes Eosinophils, mature neutrophils Lymphocytes, monocytes 2 20 The inner envelope of the blood and lymph vessels lines an epithelium. Name It. An endothelium Epidermis Stratified squamous epithelium Simple squamous epithelium Transitional epithelium 2 21 At injection to the patient of a proteinaceous drug the amount of plasma cells Which produce specific antibodies on the given antigen increases. Due to what Blood cells there is an augmentation of an amount of plasma cells? B cells T-memory cells T-suppressor cells T-killers T-helper cells 2 22 After invasion of bacteria into wounded surface of skin they were destroyed by Receptor mediated phagocytosis. What formed blood elements participate in This protective reaction? Neutrophils Basophils Eosinophils Lymphocytes Platelets 2 23 Scientists marked developing B-lymphocytes of the red bone marrow by Radioactive label. In what regions of peripheral hematopoietic organs this label May be determined at first? Outer cortex and medulla of lymph node PALS of spleen Paracortex of lymph node Splenic red pulp cords Splenic synusoids 2 24 At the laboratory experiment the leukocyte culture was mixed with Staphylococci. Neutrophilic leukocytes engulfed and digested bacterial cells. These processes are termed: Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Facilitated diffusion Osmosis Diffusion 2 25 Stromal compartment of some organ is composed of branch-shaped epithelial
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