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1. The girl said, "I have been thinking about it all day." 2. He said, "She has been behaving strangely." 3. Tom said, "I've only been in the country for two days." 4. The teacher said, "I've been correcting your dictations." 5. The boys said, "We have been rowing for a long time."
The introduction of new procedures and new technology is said to be disruptive. Many people, particularly the older generation, cannot and do not want to change their ways of life. They tend to be afraid of the new systems. They believe that they won’t be able to learn the new skills and will appear awkward and dumb. Nevertheless, changing technology tends to enforce this on them. The introduction of computers is said to follow that pattern. Slowly but surely, however, computers have crept into our life. The microcomputer is now widely accepted as a very efficient device for performing many types of operation, such as the display of business and other information from a database. It is used for performing computations of varying types at high speed including professional, scientific, engineering and accounting calculations. It is employed for mathematical calculations for the classroom as well as for world processing in typing and secretarial departments. In business the computer is known to be means increasing administrative efficiency, payroll processing, sales, ets. Therefore the pressure on those who still are unfamiliar with computers and their use is ever greater. So, almost everyone will need to become familiar with data processing and computing, particularly microcomputing, to a greater or less extent. No matter whether we need it in the home, office, school, college or factory, it will be almost as commonplace to use a computer as it is to drive a car. Computers today are said to become more and more user friendly. That is they are becoming much easier to use and understand. To use a computer in the past, one had to learn computer language such as FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) or COBOL (Common Business- Oriented Language). The learning process was slow, errors were plentiful, and the whole process was difficult for many students. Today’s computers are much easier to use. Focus in many schools is shifting away from programming computers to using them for managerial decision making a more enjoyable high-level function. Clerks do not need to become involved with the programming of computers, as this is the prerogative of the systems staff. Package programs may be used for the various applications. Let’s make acquaintance now with some of the terms and uses of computers, robots, and other high-tech equipment in today’s organisations. Here are selected computer languages: Ada: A government (especially military) computer language; ALGOL (Algorithmic Language): math-oriented language used most often for larger computers; APL (A Programming Language): IBM-devised language used for maths; BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instructional Code): used mostly for maths and statistics; COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language): used for business applications such as billing, payroll, or inventory; FORTRAN (Formula Translation): used most often scientific problems; LISP: Advanced artificial intelligence language for programs that deal with human languages; LOGO: Language useful for graphics; widely used in schools; PASCAL: Language that teaches a structured approach to programming; PROLOG (Programming in Logic): basic artificial intelligence program. Due to computer application, a lot of new jobs have appeared. Some of the careers in computers, according to the government, will involve system analysts. Systems analysts have the challenging job of analysing the many functions of the firm and designing a computer system to perform those functions more efficiently. First the systems analysts study how the job is now being performed. Then they design a system to do the job better. To do that, they must learn what information must be collected and processed, and the costs involved. Systems analysts must explain the system to the various computer users and tell the programmers what the system needs to do. The greatest increase in computer jobs in the future may be for computer service technician. During the last decades, companies were busy installing computers. Someone has to maintain and fix those computers. This is a great opportunity for someone to start his or her own service business. Dozens of careers have evolved because of computers and the information revolution. Someone, for example, must teach people how to use computers (computer trainers). There are computer consultants who advise firms which computers to buy. Computer librarians keep track of all the tapes, disks and other data storage devices. A data processing manager supervises the data processing centre. Computer security specialists try to prevent computer crime. Technical writers write the manuals that tell how to use the computer. Naturally, there are also computer engineers who design computers and manufacturers that produce computers. There is a device that allows people to stay at home and work with a computer at work. It is called a modem. A modem converts data into a form that can be sent over phone lines so that one computer can ”talk” to another. Another major revolution is occurring in the use of computers to run machines, including robots. Robot technology has improved dramatically in the last few years. Today, intelligent robots are being used in factories. Some robots can see and read using cameras. One robot, for example, detects irregularities in welded seams and corrects any mistakes. Another robot reads identifying numbers in nuclear fuel rods. The newest robots can feel the difference between an egg and a piece of steel and handle each of them accordingly. Some robots even respond to voice commands. Computers linked with robots can perform dirty, difficult, repetitive tasks faster, cheaper, and better than people. Vocabulary. to maintain and fix - обслуговувати (експлоатувати) і встановлювати prosedure - процедура awkward - незграбний, незручний manegerial - управлінський enjoyable - втішний, приємний acquaintance - знайомство efficiency - дієвість, ефективність evolve - розгортати(ся), виявляти disruptive - той, що руйнує (руйнівний) dumb - дурний, тупий accounting calculations - бухгалтерськи розрахунки payroll (sheet) processing - обробка платіжної відомості high-level function - функція високого рівня computer user - користувач комп'ютера data base - база даних to a greater or lesser extent - більшою чи меньшою мірою to shift away (from... to) - переключитися (з... на) computer service technician - технік, що обслуговує комп'ютери way of life - спосіб життя they tend to be afraid - вони схильні побоюватися changing technology tends to enforce - зміна технології має тенденцію нав’язувати computers have crept into our life - комп’ютери проникли у наше життя to become familiar with - знайомитися з user friendly дружелюбний щодо користувача managerial decision making - приняття рішення з питань управління high-tech equipment - високотехнологічне обладнання math - скорочене від mathematics - матаматика analyst - аналітик challenging job - заманлива, цікава to keep track of - стежити за computer crime - злочинність, пов’язана з комп’ютеризацією.
7.2 Oral practice. 1. Translate the following word-combinations: data base, accounting calculations, payroll processing, data processing, computer language, managerial decision making, high-tech equipment, systems analyst, computer service technician, service business, information revolution, data storage device, data processing centre. 2. Give full wording of the following abbreviations: Ada, ALGOL, APL, BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, LISP, LOGO, PASCAL, PLI, PROLOG.
3. Find in the text the explanation of the meaning of the following terms and give their Ukrainian equivalents: Computer trainer, computer consultant, computer librarian, data processing manager, computer security, specialist, technical writer, computer engineer, computer manufacturer, modem, intelligent robot.
4. Comprehension question: How do people of the older generation accept the new technologies? 2. Why do some people tend to be afraid of the new systems? 3. What technology is very efficient in processing various kinds of information? 4. Where can computers, especially microcomputers, be efficiently applied? 5. Are all working people familiar with data processing and computing? 6. What is it necessary to know to be able to use a computer in one’s work? 7. Why are today’s computers easier to use? 8. What new computer careers have evolved because of computers and information revolution? 9. How are robots connected with the computer? 5. Speak about: a) the history of computer technology; b) computer use in various life situations; d) the new computer careers. 7.3 Grammar Review ENGLISH TENSES IN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE
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