Пасивний стан ( Passive voice ) 

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Пасивний стан ( Passive voice )

Порівнюючи речення The scientist published this article last year і This article was published last year, ми помічаємо, що в першому реченні підмет означає особу, що виконує (виконала) дію, тоді як у другому реченні підмет означає предмет, який був об'єктом дії, — стаття була опублікована, її опублікували.

У першому реченні дієслово to publish вжито в активному стані (published), у другому — в пасивному (was publish ed).

Активний стан дієслова (the Active Voice) вживається тоді, коли підмет речення означає особу або предмет, що виконує дію.

Пасивний стан (the Passive Voice) вживається тоді, коли нас цікавить особа або предмет, на яких спрямована дія.

Пасивний стан в англійській мові утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідному часі активного стану і Participle II основного дієслова.

Значення і вживання часів пасивного стану таке ж саме, як і часів активного стану. Питальна і заперечна форми пасивного стану утворюються так:

а) у питальній формі допоміжне дієслово to be стоїть перед підметом: Are they asked? Is the letter read?

Якщо форма присудка складна, перед підметом стоїть допоміжне дієслово: Will he be asked?

б) у заперечній формі частка not стоїть після допоміжного дієслова:

The book is not read.

Форми дієслова в пасивному стані групи неозначених (Indefinite) часів

число Стверджувальна форма Питальна форма

Заперечна форма

Present Indefinite passive

Од. (sing.) I am asked. You are asked. He (she, it) is asked. Am I asked? Are you asked? Is he (she, it) asked?

I am not asked.

You are not asked.

He (she, it) is not asked.

Мн. (pl.) We (you, they) are asked. Are we (you, they) asked?


Past Indefinite passive

Од. (sing.) I (he, she, it) was asked. You were asked.

Was I (he, she, it) asked?

Were you asked?

I (he, she, it) was not asked. You were not asked.
Мн. (pl.) We (you, they) were asked. Were we (you, they) asked?

We (you, they) were not asked.

Future Indefinite passive

Од. (sing.) I shall be asked. You (he, she, it) will be asked. Shall I be asked? Will you (he, she, it) be asked?

I shan’t be asked.

You (he, she, it) won’t be asked.

Мн. (pl.) We shall be asked. You (they) will be asked. Shall we be asked? Will you (they) be asked?

We shan’t be asked.

You (they) won’t be asked.


Переклад пасиву


The students were provided with all necessary materials.

1. Дієсловом в активному стані (3 особа множини з неозначно-особовим значенням): Студентів забезпечували (забезпечили) усіма необхідними матеріалами.
2. Дієсловом, що закінчується на –ся: Студенти забезпечувались усіма необхідними матеріалами.
3. За допомогою дієслова бути та скороченої форми пасивного дієприкметника: Студенти були забезпечені усіма необхідними матеріалами.

3. Перекладіть надані речення українською, звертаючи увагу на особливості перекладу пасиву:

1. Preparatory schools are so named because they prepare pupils for entrance to public schools. 2. Boys and girls are taught together in most British primary schools. 3. A lot of different courses are provided in British colleges of further education, which are for people over 16. 4. These courses are run by almost 500 further education colleges, many of which also provide higher education courses. 5. Teachers are trained at the Teachers’ Training Colleges. 6. Some additional information on American system of education will be reported in the newspaper tonight. 7. Modern methods of teaching are hotly debated now. 8. Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London. 9. Every college is headed by the Dean.

4. Назвіть три не особових форми наведених дієслів:

to speak, to feel, to deal, to come, to grow, to send, to set, to leave, to become, to bring, to shut, to choose, to think, to know, to smell, to learn, to teach, to break, to spend, to put, to build, to let, to show, to give

5. Користуючись прикладом, поставте дієслова наступних речень в пасивну форму:

Many examples illustrate this rule. – This rule is illustrated by many examples.

1. Two laboratories will study this problem. 2. Several examples illustrated this idea. 3. The Academy of science organized the conference. 4. Each faculty controls the various subjects of study at this college. 5. The Cambridge University trains about 7,000 students in different specialties.

6. Перекладіть надані речення українською та поставте їх в питальну форму:

1. Matter is composed of atoms. 2. These computers are sold everywhere. 3. New methods of obtaining polymers are used at our plant. 4. Many properties of compounds were investigated at the end of the eighteenth century. 5. These data were studied by our group. 6. This problem was overcome by the researcher in his work. 7. His report will be discussed at the conference tomorrow. 8. This work will be done in three days.

7. Виберіть вірну форму дієслова (активну чи пасивну):

1. Newton (was performed, performed) many experiments with light.

2. When Cambridge (was closed, closed) in 1662, Newton returned to his native village.

3. Mass (is measured, measured) in grams or kilograms.

4. The unit of electricity "farad" (was named, named) after M. Faraday.

5. The first lightning rod (was invented, invented) by B. Franklin, the outstanding American scientist.

6. At Cambridge, Newton (was read, read) with great interest the writings of Galileo.

7. In 1745 Lomonosov (was appointed, appointed) a professor at the Academy of Sciences.

8. The first electric lamp (was invented, invented) in 1873 by A. N. Lodygin.

9. In 1911 Marie Curie (was received, received) the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

10. At first, the Periodic Law (was received, received) very coldly by other scientists.

11. In 1893 Mendeleev (was appointed, appointed) Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures.

12. B. Franklin (was founded, founded) the first public library and the University of Pennsylvania.



Прослухайте уривок лекції професора університету. Зробіть собі помітки. Після цього запитайте професора пояснити ті моменти, які ви недостатньо зрозуміли. Використовуйте фрази, що приведені нижче. Також вам надаються слова та вирази, що використовуються під час діалогу, щоб краще зрозуміти розмову.


I'm afraid it's not quite clear what you mean by...

I'm sorry I didn't quite follow what you said about...

I'm afraid I don't understand what... mean(s).

When you say..., do you mean that...?


I'd like to know what/when/why/how/who/if...

Could you tell me what/when/why/how/who/if...?

I wonder what/when/why/how/who/if...

Would you tell me what/when/why/how/who/if...?

It's interesting to know (to find out) what/when/why/how/who/if...


1. most of the elements — більша частина елементів

2. breaking down —розклад

3. it's taken for granted — приймається за належне


to accompany —     супроводжувати     drug — ліки

behaviour — поведінка                           dye — барвник

density — щільність, густина             hardness — твердість

determination —     визначення         insecticide — засіб від комах

liberation — звільнення            smell — запах

paint — фарба                               solubility — розчинення

J. В: Ladies and gentlemen! Let me begin by introducing myself. I'm John Brown, and I'm going to teach you chemistry during the first semester. The purpose of today's lecture is to provide an introduction to chemistry. As you probably know, chemistry is an experimental and theoretical science, studying the composition of matter and the changes that take place in it. Let me remind you that chemical changes involve changes in composition of matter, accompanied by energy changes. Physical changes involve changes in the position, location, or size of matter without any alteration in its composition. Energy changes may be explained as the liberation or absorption of energy in the form of light, heat, or electricity. Another thing to remember is that all forms of matter, and we'll discuss it in detail in other lectures, consist of either pure substances or mixtures of two or more substances. Right? What are the building blocks of matter?... Yes, they are elements. And compounds are combinations of elements. Most of the elements are metals and most of them unite with other elements and form compounds. Now, the formation of a compound from simpler substances is known as synthesis. Another process, analysis, is breaking down a compound into simpler substances or elements, and in this way determining its composition. Remember, please, that the composition of a pure substance never changes. Furthermore, every substance has physical and chemical properties. Physical properties include... what do they include?

STUDENT: Oh... colour, smell... well, what else?... solubility, density ah... probably hardness... oh, yes and boiling and melting points.

J. B: Right. They include colour, smell, solubility, density, hardness, and boiling and melting points. As for chemical properties, they include the behaviour with other materials. Now, a few words about matter. It exists in three states. What are they?

STUDENT: Ah... solid, liquid, oh, yes, and gas, gaseous state.

J. В: Quite true. The solid, the liquid, and the gaseous state. Usually a substance can be transformed from one state to another under the changes of its... what?

STUDENT: Temperature.

J. B: Yes, temperature. Let me conclude by saying that chemistry is so much a part of our lives that it's very easily taken for granted. Metals, glass, plastics, dyes, paints, drugs, insecticides, plants, paper and a lot more are made of chemicals. Now, do you have any questions? Is everything clear?


Прослухайте діалог ще один раз та дайте відповіді на наступні запитання. Починайте свої відповіді, використовуючи наступні фрази:


As far as I know/understand;

According to the lecturer;

As far as... is concerned;

The lecturer says that;

The professor gives information on...;

Dr. Brown claims that....

1. What does Professor J. Brown begin his lecture with?

2. What is the aim of the lecture?

3. What science is chemistry?

4. What does it study?

5. What does a chemical change involve?

6. What are chemical changes usually accompanied by?

7. What are the building blocks of matter?

8. What is synthesis?

9. What is analysis?

10. What are the three states of matter?





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