Other ways of expressing your like and dislike of people and things 

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Other ways of expressing your like and dislike of people and things



D'you like...?


fish and chips/spaghetti

the cinema/the theatre


pop music/classical music






I do.

(I do) very much/a lot.                        strong

I quite like it/you/them.                  

It's/You're/They're all right/OK.             moderate

I like it /you/them very much indeed.     enthusiastic



I don't.

I don't like it /you/them at all.

I don't care for it /you/them.

I hate it /you/them.

I can't stand it /you/them.           strong   

I can't bear it /you/them.    

Not (very) much.   

Not particularly.                          moderate

I can't say I do.



It's/You're/They're    horrible.        strong


Agreement and disagreement


So do I.

I do too.

I don't./I don't either.

Nor do I./Nor can I.

I do./I can.



I. Ask someone


if he/she likes     boys/girls.



what kind of      flowers

                          people      he/she likes.





A What kind of food d'you like?

В I like continental food.


II. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

Tom        I love blondes, don't you? (slim girls/red-haired girls)

Dick      Not particularly. I like brunettes better. (fat girls/black- haired girls)
Tom       And I like a girl with a nice smile. (good skin/nice eyes)

Dick        Do you? I can't say I do. What I like is a girl with a nice nature, (good                     

                manners/a good sense of humour)

Tom       Well yes, but surely you like a girl with good looks. (a nice

                 figure/good legs)

Dick         Yes, but I like a girl with good brains better, (a nice personality/

Tom        But you like a girl to have money, surely? (to be rich /to dress well) Dick          Not particularly. I like a girl to have character, (to be good/to dress

Tom        Mmm. What about you Harry? You haven't said a thing.

Harry          I don't like girls. I think they're awful.


III. Ask someone questions beginning:

D'you like...?/What kind of... d'you like?

When you have finished talking, write down in dialogue form the

conversation you have had.


IV. Read the following situations. Then choose a partner and create your own conversation between 1) the brother and the sister-in-law 2) Bob and his boss 3) Sally and her husband. Look at the example.

1. My sister-in-law just bought a new house but she's not very happy with it. It's a lot smaller than the old one and not as comfortable. My brother thinks it's wonderful. In fact, he really loves it because it has a large yard and he likes to workin the garden.


Brother: I love the house. Don't you love it? Isn't it terrific? Sister-in-law: It's OK. Brother: What do you mean OK? It's great. Sister-in-law: It's all right, I guess.


2. Bob has just started a new job. He likes his boss a lot and he enjoys his work but there is one problem. He has to be in the office at 8 a.m. every day. He likes to stay up late at night, so it's very hard for him to wake up early. He hates to be late but he's just not a morning person. He may have to look for another job.

3. Sally loves dogs but she can't stand cats. Cats make her very nervous. They scratch and bite and they are not as friendly as dogs. She thinks dogs are more intelligent but her husband doesn't agree. He prefers cats. They have two cats and a big dog. Sally takes care of the dog and her husband takes care of the cats. The dog hates the cats and the cats hate the dog.



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