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This Is Confusing. I'm Very ConfusedСодержание книги
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This is confusing. I'm very confused. I can't understand what he's saying, can you?
This is confusing. I'm very confused. I can't understand what he's saying.
I'm all mixed up. I'm all mixed up.
It's very confusing. I can't understand him. He's talking too quickly. I can't understand him.
This is confusing. I'm very confused. I can't understand what he's saying
Who Has the Keys? This chant provides practice in the plural forms keys/ticket/them and in a shifting stress pattern / thought you had the/ii gave them to you.Students should note the past tense form of irregular verbs, thought and gave, and the use of the definite article, the keys/the tickets/the money.
Who Has the Keys? Who has the keys? What keys? My keys. I thought you had them. I gave them to you. Who has the tickets? What tickets? Our tickets. I thought you had them. I gave them to you.
Who has the money? What money? My money. I thought you had it. I gave it to you.
Does This Make Sense to You? This chant provides practice in shifting stress for emphasis, Does this make sense to you? It offers examples of the can/can't sounds and provides practice in the short tag endings do you/can you. It also offers practice in the use of neither so as it occurs in Neither can I, Neither do I, and So am I. Students should note the use of totally in place of very.
Does This Make Sense to You? Does this make sense to you? No. Does it make any sense to you? No. I can't figure it out, can you? No, I can't. Neither can I. I don't understand this at all, do you? No, I don't. Neither do I. I'm very confused. I am too. I'm totally lost. So am I.
Where Do We Go? This chant provides practice in the question forms with what do/shall and where do/is/shall. It also offers examples of the contractions don't, where's, and I'm. This chant includes useful expressions, I'm not quite sure/I was counting on you.
Where Do We Go? Where do we go? What do we do? Don't ask me. I was following you.
What do we do? Where do we go? Don't ask me. I don't know.
Where's the hotel? Where's the car? I'm not quite sure just where we are.
Where shall we go? What shall we do? Don't ask me. I was counting on you.
What Are We Supposed to Do? This chant provides practice in the use of supposed to with the question words what/when/where. It also offers practice in the sound of the past tense in thought and knew and the reduced vowels in are, to and am.
What Are We Supposed to Do? What are we supposed to do? I thought you knew. What are we supposed to do? I thought you knew. When are we supposed to go? Where are we supposed to be? What are we supposed to do? I thought you knew.
What am I supposed to do? I thought you knew. What am I supposed to do? I thought you knew.
When am I supposed to go? Where am I supposed to be? What am I supposed to do? I thought you knew. PRACTICE I. Listen carefully as your teacher reads the sentences. Then listen again as your teacher repeats them. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Check your answers in the Appendix.* 1. _________ is______________. I__________ understand ____________ he's_________, can_______________? 2. No, I_________ He's______________ too______________. 3. __________ very__________________. I___________________ understand__________. 4. I'm______________ lost. 5. ______________am_______. I'm _____________ mixed ____________. 6. _________ the__________?__________ do__________ go? 7. _________ not_________ sure_________ where ____________ are. 8. What_________ we_________? 9. __________ ask_________. I___________ counting
____________ you. 10. I_________ you__________. II. Listen carefully while your teacher reads the sentences. Write them in the blanks below. Note the suggestions for careful listening. Check your answers in the Appendix.* 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (seven words; two sentences) Listen for the sound of the contraction and the disappearing h in him. 2. _______________________________________________________ (six words) Listen for the plural s. 3. ____________________________________________________ (seven words) Listen for the contrasting sounds in can/can't. 4. _____________________________________________________ (eight words) Listen for the sound of the contraction. 5. _______________________________________________________ (six words) Listen for the reduced vowel sounds in are/to. Unit 15 Making plans What Are You Going to Do? This chant offers practice in the future with going to and the shifting stress pattern in What are you going to do/What are yougoing to do? It also includes examples of plural s in plans and the third person s in depends Students should note the vowel reduction in the sound of going to (gonna). What Are You Going to Do? What are you going to do when you finish this course? I'm not quite sure. What are you going to do? I'm not quite sure. I haven't decided.
What are your plans? Are you going to stay here? I'm not quite sure. Are you going to stay? It all depends. I'm not quite sure. Are you going to get a job? It all depends. Are you going to buy a car? It all depends. Are you going to take a trip? It all depends. I'm not quite sure. I'm not quite sure.
Let's Make a Date This chant offers practice in the sound of the contractions let's, I'm, that's, I'll, I'd, and eight's. Students should note the vowel reductions in the sound of tomorrow, at, to, together and for.
Let's Make a Date Let's make a date. Are you busy tomorrow? I'm free at two. What about you? That's fine with me. I'll meet you at two.
I'd love to see you. When are you free? Call me tomorrow. I finish at three.
Can we get together tomorrow at three? I'm sorry, that's a little too early for me. How about eight? That's a little too late. I'm sorry, but eight's just a little too late.
How About Nine? This chant offers practice in the sound of the contractions that's, it's, and eight's. It provides examples of the language of suggestion, what about… /how about... and useful expressions such as That's fine with те /it's up to you/The later the better/Whatever you say.
How About Nine? How about nine? Nine is fine. How about three? That's fine with me.
How about two? It's up to you.
How about eight? Eight's too late.
Is eight too late? Not at all. The later the better. What about nine? Nine is fine.
Is two OK? Whatever you say. Is three OK? What about three? Whatever you say is fine with me.
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