Tom: Yes, and I'll close the window. A gust of wind may break the pane. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Tom: Yes, and I'll close the window. A gust of wind may break the pane.


Peggy: Oh, what a shower! It's raining cats and dogs.

Mrs. Green: It's cold today, isn't it, Mrs. Brown? Mrs. Brown: Oh yes. I'm simply freezing. Especially when the wind is blowing.

Mrs. Green: It -was a hard frost in the morning, temperature was 28 degrees below zero.


Mrs. Brown: What's the temperature now'7

Mrs. Green: It's about 20 degrees below zero but it isn't the coldest winter. In winter, Mrs. Brown, the temperature here may be as low as 35 degrees below zero.

Mrs. Brown: 30 degrees of frost! Oh, don't you say so!

EXERCISE 16. Read and translate the dialogues EXERCISE 17. Learn the dialogues by heart

EXERCISE 18. When will you say?

It's a lovely day, isn't it?

What beastly weather we're having! It looks like rain, doesn't it?

What a nasty day it is!

We are in for a spell of good weather again.

The weather is going to get worse.

It looks like a thunderstorm, doesn't it?

It's a beautiful spring morning.


EXERCISE 19. Study these problem situations. Try to solve them


1.After a period of frosts thaw has set in. You are on the bank of a river. You see a man walking across the frozen river. You shout: "Stop! The ice is thin!" In a moment the ice bieaks and the man gets into the cold water. You save him and bring him to his home. 1. Who is walking across the frozen river? 2. What's happened with him? Why? 3. What do you do? 4. Dramatise a talk with him/ his relatives.
2. It is a cold, foggy winter day. The weather report says the fog is going to get worse. Mrs. Dee is telephoning her husband who is at work. She is worried about him because bad accidents often happen on the road, especially after it gets dark. Mi". Dee does not know what to do. He is still at work but he says: "Don't worry, I'll get home before it gets dark". 1. What's the weather like now? What does the weather report say? 2. Why is Mrs. Dee worried? 3. What is Mr. Dee's problem? 4. Dramatise their talk over the telephone.


EXERCISE 20. Describe your favorite season using the words and word combinations given below

to set in, to come to life, to get longer (shorter), to break into blossom, the air is fresh (cool), leaves turn yellow and red, the sky is clear (blue), to be frozen over, the temperature is rising (falling)

EXERCISE 21. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks

1.It's a lovely day, isn't it?

— And the morning was so dark and cloudy. It looked like rain.

2. —What's the weather like today'!

— I hope the fog won't get thicker.

3. —The wind is getting stronger.

— The morning was frosty. Do you like when it's frosty?

EXERCISE 22. Translate

1. — Привет! Ужасный день, не так ли?

— Да. Льет как из ведра Хорошо, что я не забыла зонтик Погода была хорошая, когда я выходила из дома

— А я хотела поехать за город Давайте пойдем в кафе и выпьем по чашечке горячего кофе.

2. — Довольно холодно для этого времени года.

— Да май обычно гораздо теплее А сейчас холодно, температура низкая и часто идет дождь.

— Но, погода переменчива Надеюсь, завтра будет хорошая погода.

3. — Какая сегодня погода?

— Чудесный день Солнце светит ярко, небо безоблачное, тепло.

— Какая сейчас температура?

— 20 градусов тепла

Поедем после обеда за город?

— С удовольствием

4. — Сегодня мороз Я не пойду на улицу.

— Да, сегодня очень холодно и ветрено

— Но сейчас не так холодно, как было рано утром Пойдем, поиграем в снежки.

— Пойдем. А еще слепим снежную бабу.

— Да, с удовольствием. Воздух такой чистый!

Text С

Weather Reports (Forecasts)

Weather reports are often misleading. They report what happened yesterday or the day before and not what is going to happen today.

I remember one Sunday in autumn that was spoiled because of the weather report in the newspaper. "Heavy rains and thunderstorms today," it said and we had to give up our picnic and stayed at home, waiting for the rain.

Many people passed our house. It was clear that they were going to the country. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky.

"Ah," we said looking at them through the window, "they 'will come home wet to the bones". At twelve o'clock we began to wonder when those heavy rains were going to come. "They'll come in the afternoon," we said to each other. But in the afternoon no rain came. The next morning we read that it was going to be a fine warm day, and we went out without our raincoats and umbrellas. Half an hour later it began to rain heavily and a cold wind blew so that we came home with bad colds and had to go to bed.

EXERCISE 23. Give Russian equivalents

weather forecast (report); heavy rains; to give up smth; to be wet to the bones, a cold wind blew; to catch a cold; half an hour later

E XERCISE 24. Give English equivalents

вводить в заблуждение, позавчера; испортить, гроза; солн­це светило, интересоваться; плащ; прекрасный теплый день

EXERCISE 25. Retell the story as if it happened to you EXERCISE 26. Answer the questions

1. Do you trust weather forecasts?

2. Are weather forecasts really misleading? Why do you think so?

3. What's the latest weather report?

4. Do you know the weather forecast for this month?

EXERCISE 27. Comment on the statement

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.


EXERCISE 28. What will you say if?

it rains cats and dogs; the sun shines brightly; it's warm, it pours with rain; the air is cool and fresh; the temperature is falling; the streets are slushy and muddy the sky is overcast; the weather turned to better.

EXERCISE 29. Imagine you are a teacher of geography. Be ready to talk to your pupils about the climate of Great Britain, the USA, Ukraine or any other country

EXERCISE 30. Make up your own dialogues, based on the sug­gested situations

a) On a rainy day you and your friend are looking out of the window

b) It is a sunny day at the beginning of September. You are in the forest.

c) You are going out for a picnic with your wife/husband.


EXERCISE 31. a) Learn the following proverbs and sayings


Everything is good in its season It never rains, but it pours Make hay while the sun shines Sow the wind and reap the storm Все хорошо в свое время Дождь не просто идет, а льет (Беда не приходит одна) Коси сено, пока солнце светит Посеешь ветерпожнешь бурю

b) Think of situations to illustrate each of the above sayings and proverbs

EXERCISE 32. Translate

1. — Какая прекрасная погода, не правда ли? Совсем не по-

хоже на осень.

— Да. сегодня очень тепло. И солнце светит ярко

— Вы не знаете, какая сегодня температура?

— Я думаю, градусов 19-20

— Это довольно высокая температура для октября

— Да такая погода осенью бывает не часто.

2. — Ты не знаешь сегодняшний прогноз погоды'-'

— Днем дождь. Возьми зонтик и надень плащ Ты можешь простудиться.

3. Какая отвратительная погода! Совсем не похоже на весну Небо затянуто тучами, похоже, что будет дождь В апреле было всего несколько солнечных дней

4. — Какой климат в Шотландии?

— Климат в Шотландии не такой мягкий, как в Англии. Зимой очень холодно и много снега

5. Погода в Лондоне очень переменчива. Утро может быть солнечным, а днем может пойти дождь

6. Сегодня очень холодно. Дождь льет как из ведра

7. Когда ветер дует с севера, в этих местах холодает. Даже озеро замерзает

EXERCISE 33. Topics for composition

1. Your favorite season.

2. The climate and weather in your native parts.

3. Summer {winter, etc.) is the best season for holidays


Topical Vocabulary


autumn— осень spring весна winter— іима summer— лето climate— климат subtropical climate— субтропический климат continental climate— конти­нентальный климат moderate climate— умеренный климат mildclimate — мягкий климат weather— погода


How is the weather?Как погода?

What's the weather like today?Какая сегодня погода?

What does the weather look like?Как погода?

What kind of day is it today? (will be tomorrow?)Какой день

сегодня? (будет завтра?)

What do you think of the weather?Что вы думаете о погоде?

What was the weather like yesterday? ■— Какая вчера была погода?


nice — хорошая fine — хорошая lovely — чудная glorious — великолепная clear — безоблачная marvelous— чудесная bright— ясная awful — ужасная beastly — - отвратительная nasty — скверная damp— сирая wet - мокрая humid — влажный It's cool— прохладно It's dry— сухо It's warm— тепло It's sunny— солнечно rainy-------- дождливая foggy -------------- туманная misty — туманная hazy — туманная, пасмурная cold — холодная chilly — промозглая, прохладная frosty — морозная sultry знойная dull — пасмурная cloudy — облачная unsettled— изменчивая changeable — непостоянная It's windy— ветрено It's slippery— скользко It's cold —холодно It's muddy— грязно



weatherman — синоптик

sunny periods, bright intervalsпрояснения variable cloud — -переменная облачность occasional showers --временами ливни with rain at timesвременами дожди

wind moderate to strong, from the northsemep умеренный, временами сильный, северный

The temperature is 30 degrees above/below zeroтемперату­ра 30 градусов выше! ниже нуля

Blizzard is probable/ expectedожидается пурга It looks like rain — похоже, будет дождь It's raining cats and dogs - - льет как из ведра It's spotting with rainначинается дождь It's drizzlingморосит

The sky is overcast — небо затянуто тучами My clothes are soaking wet - моя одежда промокла насквозь It's muddy after rainпосле дождя грязно shower, heavy rain, torrent, down pourливень a clap of thunderраскат грома a flash of lightning — вспышка молнии

a gust of windпорыв ветра і

to be caught (overtaken) by the rain - попасть под дождь rainbowрадуга sleet — дождь со снегом raindrop - Сожоевая капля pool, puddle — лужа



hail— град ice pellets градинки hoar frost - иней first frosts— иней thick fog — густой туман mist fog — легкий туман haze fog— дымка drought ------ засуха flood — наводнение Indian summer— бабье лета severe winter— суровая зима breeze — приятный ветерок gale— шквал hurricane, tornado— ураган blizzard, severe snowstorm пурга, мітель dew— роса rainbow------------------- радуга



It's slushy — снег талый с водой

The snow lies half a meter deep — снег лежит в метр глубиной

It's getting chilly — подмораживает

I'm chiUed to the marrow of my bones — я замерз до мозга костей

Rivers and ponds are frozen over - реки и пруды замерзли

The temperature is falling (going down) — температура падает

heavy snowfall — сильный снегопад

fluffy snowflake — пушистая снежинка

icicle — сосулька

snowdrift — сугроб

thaw — оттепель

to melt — таять

snowman — снеговик

snowball — снежок


The heat is unbearable /oppressive / stifling — жара невыно­симая/ угнетающая /удушающая

Not a leaf is stirring------------------- Ни один листик не шелохнется

There's hardly a breath in the air — Кажется нечем дышат ь, The temperature is 30 degrees in the shade — Температура ЗО градусов в тіни The temperature is rising (going up) — Температура поднимается




^^to be in for — ожидать to clear up — проясняться to freeze — замерзать, замора­живать to drizzle ---------- моросить to pour — лить to set in — устанавливаться to stand — виносить



EXERCISE 1. Give the opposite to the following words. Remem­ber we are speaking about weather

nice, damp, foggy, cold, sultry, dull, nasty, sunny, changeable, chilly.

EXERCISE 2. Give adjectives to the following nouns

sun, cloud, fog, heat, wind, ice, humidity, dampness, chill, frost, snow, sleet

EXERCISE 3. a) Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combination

1) thick (mist, haze) fog; 2) hurricane; 3) a fluffy snowflake; 4) it's slushy; 5) a weatherman; 6) sunny periods; 7) with rain at times; 8) subtropical climate; 9) to melt; 10) a puddle.

b) Make up your own sentences with the words from part A

EXERCISE 4. Give English-English explanation of the follow­ing words and word combinations

1) hail; 2) hoar frost; 3) dew; 4) thunderstorm; 5) blizzard, 6) shower; 7) drought; 8) flood; 9) rainbow; 10) a thaw, 11) overcast sky; 12) snowdrift; 13) sleet; 14) breeze; 15) gale.

EXERCISE 5. Fill in the missing words

1. In autumn the sky is often__________, the sun________ behind the

clouds and then____________ again.

2. As autumn is a rainy season, the weather is mostly_______________.

3. I don't like rain of any kind, even if it____________ just_______.

4. Autumn is the time of tasty ____________ and vegetables, time of

beautiful__________ leaves.

5. Winter is considered to be the____________ season.

6. In winter the sun shines_____________, its rays are_________, it sets

early and___________ late

7. Large________ fall to the ground, the streets are___________ with ice

8. By the end of the winter the temperature_____________ and the snow

begins to___________.


9. The trees and flowers begin to____________.

10. The farmers till the_________ and_______ the seed.

11. In summer, sometimes, the heat is___________.

appears, rises, unbearable, dull, is drizzling, hides, over­cast, covered, colored, fruit, sow, low, soil, weak, snow-flakes, coldest, melt, bloom, goes up.

K XERCISE 6. True or false? If a sentence is false, write a true sentence about the weather conditions in the sentence

1. When it's a thick fog you need sunglasses.

2. Above zero, water turns to ice.

3. Lightning can kill people.

4. It often pours with rain in the desert.

5. Thunder makes a loud noise.

6. It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.

7. A shower is a gentle breeze.

8. Heavy rain means that it's raining cats and dogs.

9. A spell of hot weather may end in a thunderstorm. 10. If it is humid, the air will be very dry.

EXERCISE 7. Ask your fellow students

... how he/she finds the weather today.... which weather he/she hates and why.... which weather he/she likes and why.... why slippery roads are dangerous.... what happens to the ground after rain.... why people are afraid of lightning.... if he/she is afraid of thunderstorms.... if he/she can stand heat (frost).... what winter sports he/she prefers.... what determines the climate.

EXERCISE H. Respond to the following sentences. Develop them into dialogues

1. It looks like rain.

2. It's pouring, what shall we do?

3. What nasty weather we're having today!

4. It's a lovely morning, isn't it?

Isn't it a hot day?

5. It's wonderful weather we're having. I hope it'll keep fine.

6. What an awful clap of thunder!

7. Look! It's clearing up.

8. We are in for a spell of good weather again. 10. I can't stand such heat. I'm simply melting.

EXERCISE 9. Complete this text with suitable words

The single greatest influence on Japanese weather is the

wind During the summer it_____________ from the Pacific, causing

_____ and humid weather, but in winter, the northweasterly_____________

from Siberia are very cold and it___________ heavily on the mountains

of the northwest. The southeastern parts receive cold dry air

Between June and mid July, there is a _______________ of wet weather

when rice fields get the water vital for growth. After that, there is

less _______ rain, but the air is still ___________. Autumn, however, is

drier, and usually very pleasant.

EXERCISE 10. Here are some sayings about the weather. Two of them say the same thing. Which are they?


Red sky at night Shepherd's delight. Red sky in the morning, Shepherd's warning. A sunshiny shower Won't last half an hour. Rain before seven, Fine before eleven. If bees stay at home, Rain willsoon come. If they Пу away, Fine will be the day.

When the wind is in the East,

This neither good for man nor beast.

When the wind is in the West

Then the wind is at its best.


Evening red and morning gray Send the traveler on his way; Evening red and morning gray Bring the rain upon his head. Rain from the East Will last three days at least.


jrxE RCISE 11. Translate

1. Вчера был густой туман и я боялся ехать на машине

2. Я не люблю гулять, когда небо покрыто тучами и идет дождь

3. Какая сегодня скверная погода! Моросит дождь, улицы очень грязные.

4. Дует холодный ветер. Собираются тучи. Похоже, что будет дождь.

5. Подмораживает. Когда озеро замерзнет, вы сможете кататься на коньках.

6. Парк выглядит прекрасно. Земля покрыта снегом и на деревьях сверкает иней.

7. Я не слышала прогноза погоды. Я не знаю, что одеть сегодня.

8. Погода становится теплее, скоро зацветут деревья.

9. Возьми плащ и зонт Погода может измениться.


10. Как красиво! Капельки дождя и росы сверкают на листьях.

11. Сегодня душно. Думаю, что скоро будет гроза.

12. Ужасные раскаты грома и вспышки молнии разбудили меня ночью. Дождь лил как из ведра.

13. Посмотри! Дождь перестал. Небо прояснилось. И на небе красивая радуга.

14. Согласно прогнозу погоды завтра местами дожди, ветер умеренный, температура 18 градусов выше нуля. Ожидаются прояснения

15. Идет сильный ливень Твоя одежда промокла до нитки. Мы должны как можно быстрее попасть домой.

16. Ночью был сильный снегопад. На улице большие сугробы.

17. Когда температура поднимется, снег начнет таять и на улицах станет грязно.

18. Туман рассеивается. Погода проясняется.

19. Вчера был ужасный ураган. Дул шквальный ветер. Даже был град.

20. Какая удушающая жара! Ни один листик не шелохнется Кажется нечем дышать.

21. — Ты слушал прогноз погоды на завтра? — Да. Обещают пургу и сильные морозы.

22. в этом году очень много снега Если он растает весь сразу, будет наводнение.


Test yourself


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