Elephant, camel, monkey, bat, fox, crocodile, bear, leopard 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Elephant, camel, monkey, bat, fox, crocodile, bear, leopard



ugly aggressive agile unpleasant clumsy proud independent nervous selfish stubborn elegant easy-going cunning powerful shy emotional

b) Imagine the species in A were all endangered animals. Which ones would you most like to preserve and why?

EXERCISE 5. Match each animal with the sound it makes


a. monkey b. lion с dog d. cat e. horse f. hen g.cock h. bee i. cow roar cluck miaow, purr chatter crow bark, growl moo neigh buzz j. sheep k. elephant 1. pig m.donkey o. snake p. duck q. wolf r. mouse n. frog bleat bray hiss grunt, squeal squeak howl trumpet quack croak

EXERCISE 6. Divide the names of creatures into three groups and give each one a title


monkey cock bee grasshopper cow camel spider mosquito horse goat fly sheep zebra leopard butterfly tiger wasp giraffe pig rhinoceros bear chicken rabbit elephant ant


EXERCISE 7. Can you match these creatures with their maxi mum speeds

lion, spider, elephant, rabbit, pig, snail, shark, golden eagle

64 kph, 0.05 kph, 80 kph, 56 kph, 40 kph, 18 kph, 270 kph, 1.88 kph.

EXERCISE 8. Which nouns on the right often follow the verbi on the left?


plant water pick grow slaughter apples cows wheat plants trees

EXERCISE 9. Match the clues in column A with the terms in column В


— animals or plants which are all alike called — a dry plum — you do this to an orange before you are eat it — small grapes become this when they have dried — birds do this when they are eating — the inside part of an apple contains this — a wasp could do this to you — it can be found inside a peach — fruit becomes this in the sun — the inside part of a nut — a of locusts 1) to peckA 2) ripe 3) kernel I 4) to sting 1 5) raisin 6) to peel 1 7) prune 8) pips 9) stone 10) speciesX 11) plaguM


10- Translate

1. На некоторых кустах было много желтых и красных ягод.

2. Они провели целый день в лесу, где собирали цветы и грибы.

3. Ей нравятся ландыши, незабудки и сирень. А на день рождения мы подарили ей букет васильков.

4. Большинство женщин ненавидит мышей, пауков, тараканов, моль и даже муравьев. Лично я же не переношу комаров, мух и ос.

5. Многие ученые считают, что нельзя держать диких зверей в зоопарках, т. к. они не могут жить в клетках. Даже домашние животные (например, коровы, козы, овцы и лошади) должны много двигаться.

6. "Муравей и стрекоза" — одна из известных басен Крылова Басня Лафонтена на эту же тему называется "Муравей и кузнечик".

7. Говорят, что раньше в городах было больше воробьев, ласточек, ворон и голубей На многих деревьях (особенно на кленах, тополях и осинах) можно было найти птичьи гнезда

8. Я считаю, что в городских парках должны расти каштаны, березы и липы, а также ивы, если в парке есть пруд.

9. — Некоторые городские жители имеют цыплят, уток и

даже поросят.

— Это ужасно. Свиней следует держать только на ферме.

Ю. Наступила осень. Скоро увянут трава и последние цве­ты, опадут желтые листья. Все деревья, кроме сосен и елей будут стоять с голыми ветвями до апреля.



Test yourself

1. Tea and coffee are major trading.

a) articles; b) commodities; c) material; d) stocks

2. I took the shoes to the shop, but the manager _________________ to

change them.

a) denied; b) disliked; c) disagreed; d) refused

3. That's a nice dress. It_________ you perfectly.

a) costumes; b) goes, c) matches; d) suits

4. We've run_______ sugar. Ask Mrs Green to lend us some.

a) away with; b) down; c) off; d) out of

5. After a knock at the door, she threw a (an)______________ over her

pajamas and went downstairs to open the door.

a) bra; b) dressing-gown; c) evening dress; d) nightdress

6. Mr Smith was_______ the packing department of the shop.

a) at charge of, b) in charge of; c) on charge from; d) with charge to

7. That supermarket carries a wide__________ of goods.

a) line; b) load; c) range; d) series

8. Sales staff are often told that "the__________ is always right".

a) dealer; b) employee; c) customer; d) stocklist

9. This carpet was made________ that is why it is so expensive.

a) by hand; b) by hands; c) by the hand; d) with hands

10. Lucy was wearing a very__________ skirt which swirled round her

as she danced.

a) big; b) full; c) loose; d) tight

11. The _______ of strawberries on the market is due to a late


a) drought; b) exception; c) rarity; d) scarcity


12. Look at those holes in my fur! I am afraid the _____ have been at it.

a) butterflies; b) insects; c) moths; d) worms

13. Buying in bulk_______ one to make good saving.

a) empowers; b) enables; c) facilitates; d) means

14. That shop sells________ clothes, but they are well-made.

a) ancient; b) antique; c)elderly; d) old-fashioned

15. A shop-_______ is someone who steals from shop and stores.

a) carrier; b) lifter, c) picker; d) thief

16. Why don't you wear a (an)________ when you do the washing-up?

\ a) apron; b) cloth; c) duster; d) towel

17. The advantage of this new plastic covering is that it will to fit any size of object.

y a) change; b) expand; c) extend; d) stretch

18. The most expensive_________ coats are made of mink.

a) feather; b) fur; c) hair; d) skin

19. The butcher cut some pork,_______ it up and handed it to me.

a) closed; b) strung; c) wound; d) wrapped

20. She bought a new _,_______ for the birthday party.

a) cloth; b) dress; c) vest; d) wear

21. A modern cash register keeps a record of every______________

a) contract; b) deal; c) purchaser; d) transaction.

22. What_______ of soap do you buy?

a) class; b) make, c) mark; d) style

23. The suit was badly made and didn't___________ him properly.

a) fit; b) frame; c) meet; d) round

24. I'm sorry, but the book is out of__________.

a) order; b) stock; c) store; d) supply.


Text A


When I want to buy something, I go4o the shop. Every day I go shopping. I buy some food at food shops and different things at department stores. A big supermarket has several different stores. I can buy there nearly everything I need.

Bread is sold at the baker's, meat at the butcher's, vegetables at the greengrocer's, fruit at the fruiterer's. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner's. We buy books at the bookseller's.

A department store is composed of many departments. Ready-made clothes, textiles, footwear, sports goods, china and glass, perfumery, hosiery, jewelry etc. There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors.

The things for sale are on the counters so that they can be easily seen. A salesman or a salesgirl stands behind the counter. The cashier sits at the cash-desk. Customers go up to the counter, then they go to the cash-desk.

In the women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats and many other things. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, ties etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved or long-sleeved pullovers, woolen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face creams, powders, lipsticks

and shampoos.


In the food supermarket we can also buy many different things^ at once: sausages, fish, sugar, cereals and tea. At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you can buy brown and white bread, cookies and biscuits.

Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocer's which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots and green peas. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed-If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.


The method of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up.

If it is not a self-service shop the salesman helps the customer in finding what he wants.

EXERCISE I. Give Russian equivalents

to go shopping; at the butcher's; at the confectioner's; the bookseller's; departments; ready-made clothes; textiles; a customer; a counter; a cashier; the knitwear department; the perfumery; brown bread, a self-service shop.

EXERCISE 2. Give English equivalents

продавать; универсальный магазин; пекарь; торговец фруктами; состоять из; вещи на продажу; продавец; стоять за прилавком; овощной магазин; расфасованные продукты с указанием веса и цены; посчитать стоимость товара; молоч­ный отдел: идти к кассе.

EXERCISE 3. Fill in the blanks

1.Bread is sold at the ____, _____ at the butcher's, vegetables at the, at the fruiterer's.

2.Cakes and sweets are sold at the_____________.

3.We buy_________ at the bookseller's.

4.A is composed of many departments.

5.The things for sale are on the _______________ so that they can be

easily seen.

6.The cashier sits at the____________.

7.If you call round at a ______________ you can buy milk, cream,

cheese, butter and many other products.

8. It may be a________________ where the customer goes from

counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy.

9. Then he takes the basket to the______________ ___.__ where the

prices of the____________ are added up

10. In the_______ they sell face creams and powders


EXERCISE 4. Answer these questions

1. Where do you go if you want to buy everything you need?

2. What kinds of big shops do you know?

3. What departments are there in a department store?

4. How can customers reach different floors?

5. What are the counters for?

6. What people work in a department store? What do they do?

7. What is peculiar about the greengrocery?

8. What is a self-service shop?

9. Are there any big department stores in our city?

10. Would you prefer going to big department stores or to small shops to do shopping? Why?

EXERCISE 5. Match the definitions in column A with the terms in column B:


a) the money, the shopper pays for the things he wants to buy b) a person, who helps buyers to choose the goods c) a store where foodstuffs are sold d) a cash-desk in a self-service shop e) a special container for the goods the buyer has chosen f) a department, where different things made of glass, porcelain are sold g) a person, who buys goods h) a store, where one can buy vegetables i) a store, where customers go from counter to counter selecting and put­ting things into a special basket k) a very big store composed of many different departments 1. a food shop 2. a greengrocery 3. a customer 4. a self-service store 5. a department store 6. a salesman/woman 7. a check-out counter 8. a basket 9. a china and glass 10. a price


EXERCISE 6. Fill in the prepositions where necessary

1. Yesterday my mother went_________ the supermarket and did a

lot__________ shopping. She bought half a kilo___________ butter and

two bottles___________ milk. Then she went the cash-desk

and paid___________ the goods she had bought and left____________ the


2. They offered ______ me a very good choice___________ ties _____

all colors.

3. I should like to have a look______________ one ________ the blue

dresses you have here.

4. I prefer to do the shopping _____ a self-service shop.

5. _______ the perfumery they sell face cream and lipstick and

many other things.

6. If you call________ a dairy you can buy milk, cheese, butter

and cream.

7. If it is a self-service shop the customer goes_______________ counter

_________ counter selecting and putting ______ a basket what he

wants to buy.

8. A big store is composed _____ many different departments.

9. The escalators __________ big stores take customers____________ different floors.

10. A salesman or a salesgirl stands _______________ the counter and

helps___________ the customer in finding what he wants.

EXERCISE 7. Imagine that you 're a shop-assistant. What would you do

a) if the customer were impolite to you?

b) If the customer couldn't choose a present for his/her friend?

c) If the customer couldn't remember the title of the book he'd like to buy?

d) If the customer forgot to pay for his purchase?

e) If the customer was too long in choosing a hat?

f) If the customer chose a coat which was too loose for him?

E XERCISE 8. Translate

1. — Где отдел готового платья?

— На втором этаже напротив обувного отдела. 4 2. Сколько стоит килограмм картофеля?

3. По дороге домой зайди в магазин и купи полкило масла, килограмм огурцов и килограмм помидор.

Мне нравится цвет этого костюма, но он мне слишком велик.

4. — Вы ходили вчера в магазин?

— Да, я всегда хожу в магазин прсле работы. Около моего офиса есть маленькая, но хорошая булочная. Вы всегда можете купить там что-нибудь к чаю.

6.-— Вы часто ходите в универсам?

— Нет. Универсам, конечно, лучшее место для покупки продуктов, но он далеко от нашего дома.

7. Сколько стоит эта блузка? Покажите мне, такую же, только синюю.

8. — Как пройти в кондитерский отдел?

— Прямо и направо.

9. Мне нужно сделать кое-какие покупки.

10. В нашем гастрономе всегда в продаже свежее мясо и птица.

11. В овощном отделе супермаркета вы можете купить разнообразные овощи: картошку, лук, капусту, морковку. Все продукты уже взвешены и упакованы.

12. Больше всего я люблю делать покупки в магазине самообслуживания. Вы ходите от прилавка к прилавку, выбираете продукты, а затем складываете все в специальную корзину.

13. — Вы любите готовую одежду?

— Да, я всегда покупаю вещи в отделе женской готовой одежды.

14. — Где вы покупаете молоко и сметану?

— В молочном магазине, недалеко от нашего дома.

15. Вы знаете, в нашем универмаге открылся новый парфюмерный отдел? Я купила там пудру, помаду и крем для лица.

16. — Куда ты идешь?

— Я иду в бакалею. Мне нужно купить сахар, чай и кофе

17. — Где я могу купить печенье?

— В кондитерском отделе. Он находится на первом этаже.

18. Пойдем в универмаг. Я хочу зайти в отдел тканей и обувной отдел.

19. — Где касса?

— В конце отдела. Кассир посчитает стоимость ваших покупок.


EXERCISE 9. Read and translate the dialogues



Shop-assistant: Customer: " Shop-assistant: Customer: Shop-assistant: Customer: Shop-assistant: Customer: Shop-assistant: Customer: Shop-assistant: Customer: What can I do for you, madam? I'd like a pair of walking shoes for everyday wear. What size do you take in shoes? My size is Will you try on these brown shoes? Don't you think that the heels are a bit too high for everyday wear? Oh, no. Such heels are all the fashion now. But you can try on another pair. This is a pair of nice flat-heeled shoes. Do they pinch? I like them much better than those ones. It's a perfect fit. How much are they? 35 $. Will you wrap them up, please? Where is the cash-desk? It's at the end of the department. Thank you. Thank you.


A: Hello, madam. Can I help you?

B: Yes, please, I'd like a nice summer dress.

A: Oh, madam, I can offer you a wide choice of dresses to all

tastes. What color dress would you like? B: Something not too long. I think something in blue or pink, or

maybe light brown. A: Yes, madam. What size do you take in dresses?

B: My size is______

A: Just have a look at this dress.

B: M-m... The cut is somewhat strange.

A: Oh, madam such dresses are just coming in. They are going to

be all the fashion in the coming season. B: Where can I try it on? A: Just step into the cabin.



A: Oh, you look smart in this dress. B: Do I?

A: Does it fit you well?

B: I'm afraid it's just a little bit broad in the shoulders. A: Let me see... Yes, you are right. And now I see it's a bit too

long in the sleeves.

B: Will it shrink, do you think? Perhaps if it does... -A: Oh, no, madam, it won't shrink, it's made of рге-shrunk stuff.

Try on this dress. It's a size smaller. B: Oh yes, it Fits me well. Where do I pay? A: The cash-desk is over there across the hall.

EXERCISE 10. Learn the dialogues by heart

EXERCISE 11. Answer the questions

1. What can one buy at the footwear department?

2. What size do you take in shoes?

3. What are the best shoes for everyday wear in your opinion?

4. Do you always try shoes on before you buy them?

5. What shoes are all the fashion now?,

6. Do you buy ready-made clothes or have them made to measure? Why?

7. What did you buy for your girlfriend/boyfriend as a birthday present?

8. What is your favorite department?

9. Do you like window-shopping?

EXERCISE 12. Find the logical order of the following parts of these dialogues

1. Could I look at these shoes?

2. What can I do for you?

3. Just one moment please.

4. My size is______.

5. Could you help me, please?

6. What size do you take in shoes?


1. Yes, Madam.

2. Don't you think it's too broad in shoulders?

3. Will you try on this one?

4. Excuse me, could you help me?

5. I'd like a nice blouse.

6. What color would you like?

7. Yes, you are right. Try on this one.

8. It's a perfect fit. I'll take it.

9. Something in light blue.


1. It's on the third floor, to the right of the escalator.

2. Try the hosiery department.

3. Excuse me, where can I buy a pair of socks?

4. Where is it?

EXERCISE 13. Supply the omitted questions or answers to the following dialogues ■ r


B: Which one?

A: The one next to the black skirt.

B: It's 19.99$

A: Can I look at it?



B: I'd like a pair of shoes.

A: I can offer you this model_____________?

В: І take size 5 in shoes.


B: What a pity!_______________?

A: Yes, certainly. Try on this pair.


A: Please, step round the counter, there are some chairs you can sit on.



В: I bought it at Harrods - but a long time ago.

A: ___________?

B: Sorry, but I've forgotten how much it cost.

A:__________ _?

B: Yes. How much is that pen? A: This one or that one? B: The one next to the black one. A: It's 90p.

B:__________ _?

A: Certainly.______________?

B: I'm looking for a good fountain-pen.

EXERCISE 14. Expand the situation introduced by the opening phrases

A: I'm afraid these gloves are too dark.

B: You're right. Please, step over to the leather counter and pick the right shade.

A: What would you like to see?

B: I'd like to see your coats, please.

A: Can I look at the lipstick? B: Which one?

A: How much is that suit? B: 50$. Anything else?

5 A: How much will it be in all?

B: Let's see. That'll come to 40.55$.



Wife: I'd like to buy a dress. Husband: A dress! One of those expensive ones! Wife: Summer dresses are not expensive. Husband: All those fashionable things are.

VXERCISE IS. Translate

— Могу я вам помочь?

— Да. Сколько стоит этот свитер?

— Этот или вон тот?

— Тот, что рядом с зеленым пуловером.

Извините, пожалуйста. Не могли бы вы мне помочь?

Да, что бы вы хотели?

Я хочу посмотреть эту пудру

Минутку. Я возьму ключ.

Дайте мне, пожалуйста, посмотреть вон ту вазу.


Бледно голубую, на третьей полке.


Сколько она стоит?


Боюсь, это слишком дорого для меня.

В котором часу закрываются магазины? Магазины закрываются в 18:00. Пойдем за покупками. У нас есть еще»ремя? Да, сейчас четверть пятого.

Почему вы выбрали черную блузку?

В моем размере был маленький выбор

А сколько она стоит?


О, это совсем недорого.


Чем могу помочь, мадам?

Я ищу туфли др(я повседневной носки.

Какой размер вы носите?


Примерьте вот эти кожаные туфли.

Вы знаете, они мне жмут.

Тогда примерьте вот эту пару.

Сидят прекрасно. Я возьму.

— Покажите мне, пожалуйста, вот это красное платье.

— Какой размер вы носите?

— 46.


— К сожалению, такого размера нет. Могу предложить вам точно такое же, но бледно-розовое.

— Вы не считаете, что оно широко мне в плечах?

— Да, вы правы. Примерьте вот это. Такие платья как раз входят в моду.

— А оно не сядет?

— Нет. Оно не сядет

— Сколько оно стоит?

— 60$.

— Где касса?

— В конце зала.

— Спасибо.

EXERCISE 16. Make up your own dialogues between

a) a salesgirl (man) and a customer;

b) a wife and a husband;

c) two friends

d) act as an interpreter and help an Englishman in his talk with the shop-assistant at the ready-made clothes department.


EXERCISE 17. Read and translate the dialogues

Tom: What are you doing, Peggy?

Peggy: I'm making a shopping list, Tom.

Tom: What do we need?

Peggy: We need a lot of things this week.

Tom: Yes, 1 see that our refrigerator is nearly empty.

Peggy: I must go to the grocer's. We haven't got much tea or coffee, and we're running out of sugar and jam.

Tom: What about vegetables?

Peggy: Yes, I must go to the greengrocer's too. We haven't got any tomatoes left.

4Tom: But we've got a lot of potatoes.

Peggy: Well, that's right, but potatoes are not enough for dinner. Tom: What else are you going to buy? Peggy: I'll also go to the butcher's. We need some meat. Tom: Have we got any beer or wine left? Peggy: No, we haven't. And I'm not going to buy any.

What can I do for you? Shopgirl: Please, I want half a kilo of sausage and 200 grams of

Swiss cheese.,

Ре8ёУ: Will you have the cheese sliced? Shopgirl: No, thank you. Shall I pay you or at the cash-desk? Peggy: At the cash-desk, please. Shopgirl: Oh... and have you got oil? And I also want salt and

pepper. ^ggy: You can get them at the grocer's counter over there

across the hall. Shopgirl: Thank you.

U gERCISE 18. Learn the dialogues by heart


EXERCISE 19. Answer the questions

1. Who does the shopping in your family?

2. Where can one buy meat?

3. What kinds of meat do you know?

4. How much bread do you buy daily?

5. Where do you buy it?.

6. Are you fond of sweets?

7. What does the fruiterer deal in?

8. What fruit can you buy in season? All year round?

9. Where do we buy vegetables?

10. What dishes can we make of vegetables?

EXERCISE 20. What will you say if you want to know

— the price of the cake you're buying;

— where the meat counter is;

— if the bread is fresh;

— if they have bottled milk;

— how much a kilo of apples costs;

— where you can buy sweets;

— if you must do the shopping today.

EXERCISE 21. Complete the following sentences and expand the situations

1. Can I have half a loaf of _________?

2. I prefer to do the shopping at___________.

3. The fruiterer deals in__________.

4. Besides milk I want to buy__________.

5. Every day I buy_________.

6. Once a week we buy__________.

7. They sell a lot of tasty things at____________.

8. It's very convenient to do the shopping

9. I've run out of_________.

10. Have you got________.?


EXERCISE 22. a) Name some kinds of vegetables, meat, poultry,

fruit, pastry and explain which you like best b) Say what you buy when you make cabbage soup, a cake, vegetables salad

EXERCISE 23. Translate

А: Сколько стоит эта колбаса?

В: 20 гривен килограмм.

А: Дайте мне, пожалуйста, триста грамм. Я бы хотела еще ку­пить сыру, но у вас такой большой выбор, что я просто не знаю, что предпочесть.

В: Вот отличный швейцарский сыр.

А: Прекрасно. Дайте, пожалуйста, двести грамм.

А: Ты знаешь, у нас кончаются сахар и кофе. В: Да, я знаю. Я пойду в универсам и куплю сахару и кофе. А: Купи, пожалуйста, еще буханку черного хлеба. И еще зай­ди в мясной отдел и купи полкило говядины. В: Хорошо.

А: У нас нет овощей.

В: Вот овощной, давай зайдем.

А: Ты покупай овощи, а я посмотрю фрукты.

В: Какие овощи нам нужны?

А: 1кг моркови, 0,5кг лука и 5кг картофеля.

В: А картофеля нет. Я схожу за ним завтра.

А: Дайте, пожалуйста, бутылку молока.

8: Пожалуйста.

А: А масло свежее?

& Да.

^: И 1кг масла. Сколько это все стоит?

": 15 гр. Касса в конце зала.


А: Ты можешь купить все в одном месте?

В: Да, но я предпочитаю не делать покупок в супермаркете.

А: Почему?

В: Я люблю маленькие магазины. Булочная, кондитерский, мясной, овощной, молочный - - они все такие разные. А супермаркеты все одинаковые.

А: Да. И еще, когда я иду в супермаркет за одним килограм­мом помидор, то покупаю полную сумку товаров так и не ■ купив помидор.

EXERCISE 24. Write and reproduce dialogues on the following topics

1. At the grocer's.

2. At the baker's.

3. At the greengrocer's.

4. Going to the market.

Text В


All cities and towns have a shopping center, where most of the shops are situated. In large cities many of these separate shops are combined to form a department store where the shopper can buy almost all he needs under one roof. The big stores started in America and the idea was brought to England by Gordon Selfridges about fifty years ago. Selfridges's is still one of the biggest stores in London as well as Harrods. The department stores, which sell the cheaper kinds of goods in London, are Woolworth's and Marks and Spencer's. Branches of these stores are situated in almost every city in Britain. There are two of them in Oxford Street and you are likely to visit them-The important thing about shopping in England is to decide exactly what you want and how much you are prepared to pay

before going into the shop. Shop-assistants are specially trained in advertising. Many shops have retained their old looks, but not their old prices, which go up steadily.

At times big department stores in Britain hold the so-called bargain sales, that is, they sell goods at reduced prices. These are not real price reductions, however. In many cases the goods offered to the customer are sub-standard, out of fashion or out of season. But what the department store loses during the bargain sales, it returns by raising prices for other goods.

The store is divided into departments: women's clothes, men's clothes, shoes, hosiery, toys, sports goods, leather goods, china and glass, food and so on. Sometimes there is a tearoom and a restaurant as well. There is a room where you can write letters, and a post office to post them. You will also find a room where you can rest if you are tired. There are men's and women's hairdressers and an office where you book seats for the theatre or arrange to travel anywhere in the world. If you are with someone who does not want to do shopping, leave him at one of these places to have a rest or to watch people go by. Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street are rightly considered the shopping streets in London. Though Chelsea, the King's Road in particular, is still a great favorite for the young because they can find all the latest fashions at various price levels. Most shops in London are open from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. from Monday to Saturday although a few close on Saturday afternoons.

EXERCISE 25. Give Russian equivalents

a shopping center; the shopper; the cheaper kinds of goods, branches of these stores; to go up steadily; to hold bargain sales, to be out of fashion or out of season; hosiery, to be a great favorite for smb, to retain old looks, to hold bargain sales; До sell at reduced prices.

EXERCISE 26. Give English equivalents

под одной крышей; обязательно посетить, сохранять ста­рый фасад; продавать по сниженным ценам; бракованные товары; повышать цены на товары; мужские и женские парикмахерские; по различным ценам; самые модные вещи.

EXERCISE 27. Answer the questions

1. Where did big stores start?

2. What are the biggest stores in London?

3. Where are the cheaper kinds of goods sold?

4. What is the important thing about shopping in London?

5. What do the big department stores hold at times?

6. What else can you find in a department store except the de-, partments?

7. Where can you leave a person who doesn't want to do shopping?

8. What streets are considered to be the shopping streets in London? >

9. What are the working hours of most shops?

Text С

The shops that are most characteristically American are the "drugstores" and the "supermarkets". Л "drugstore" is not, as an Englishman might think, a "chemist's shop", i.e. a place that sells only or mainly drugs. In some of them you can buy drugs, but their main business is to sell stationary, candy, milk shakes, ball-point pens, ice-creams, toasters and imitation jewelry. Every drugstore has a food counter where you can sit on a high stool and have Coca-Cola, orange juice, hot dogs, cakes and sandwiches.

There are "supermarkets" in England but the ones in America are much bigger; some covering 40,000 square feet are very common, and they have huge car parks where the cars of a thousand customers can be parked. Nearly 50% of the groceries sold in America are sold in the supermarkets. You just help

yourself as you walk pushing a wire basket on wheels that is

, provided to hold the goods you want to buy. At the exit

the assistant will take the goods you have chosen from the wheel

basket, add up the cost and take your money in payment for

I the goods.

EXERCISE 28. Give Russian equivalents

drugstore; the main business; milk shakes; toaster; imitation jewelry; to sit on a high stool; hot dogs; to cover a square of, to help oneself; to push a wire basket on wheels.

EXERCISE 29. Give English equivalents

аптека; лекарства; шариковая ручка; бутерброд; стоянка,,для машин; на выходе; взять деньги за товар; типично аме­риканские магазины; пить апельсиновый сок; почти.

EXERCISE 30. Answer the questions

1. What shops are considered characteristically American?

2. What's the difference between a chemist's shop and a drugstore?

/ 3. What do they sell in the drugstore?

4. What can you have for a snack in the drugstore? I 5. What is a supermarket?

6. What are the wheel baskets used for? L 7. Where do you pay for the goods you have chosen?

8: Why is the principle of self-service convenient? How is it used in our shops?

EXERCISE 31. Compare the supermarkets in the UK and the USA. Speak about differences and similarities

I EXERCISE 32. Describe a big department store in your city/ town (abroad)

| &ERCISE 33. Speak about your experience of shopping in big department stores

a) in your country;

b) abroad.

EXERCISE 34. a)Learn the following sayings and proverbs

That's where the shoe pinches — Ви m где жмет ботинок.

A light purse is a heavy curse — Легкий кошелек — это тяжелое проклятье

A stitch in time saves nine — Один своевременный стежок избавляет от девяти

Cut your coat according to your cloth - Надо жить по средством.

Every man has a fool in his sleeve — He ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает

b) Think of situations to illustrate the above sayings and proverbs

c) Do you know the meaning of the following English idioms? Comment on them

a toad hat;

to have a bee in one's bonnet;

the boot on the other leg;

a feather in his cap;

to cast pearls before swine;

dead man's shoes;

hand in glove;

mad as hatter;

to put the shoe on the right foot;

as neat as a new pin.

EXERCISE 35. Be ready to speak on the following topics

1. Buying things at a department store.

2. How you bought presents for your family.

3. The shopping і did before my birthday party.

4. Everyday shopping.

5. Some of the complaints housewives have about shopping. How can the problem be overcome?

6. What does our state do to make shopping easier for working women?



EXERCISE 36. Translate

1. — Чем я могу вам помочь?

— Мне нужны вечерние туфли.

— Какой размер вы носите?

— 35-й

— Примерьте вот эти черные кожаные туфли.

— Прекрасный цвет. Я думаю, они подойдут к моему вечернему платью.

2. — Мне идет эта блузка?

— Вам не подходит цвет.

З- У нас закончился хлеб. Зайди в булочную и купи буханку белого и буханку черного хлеба.

4. — Что нужно купить в овощном магазине?

— 1 кг картошки, 2 кг огурцов и 0.5 кг моркови.

5. Рядом с нашим домом большой универсам. Я люблю делать там покупки.

6. Иногда в больших универмагах проходят распродажи. Товары продаются по сниженной цене, но эти товары часто бракованные или уже вышли из моды.

7. Вы обязательно должны посетить все крупные магазины Лондона.

8. Я делаю покупки только в универсаме т. к. я могу купить все, что хочу под одной крышей.

9. У вас есть сегодня в продаже свежий творог?


10. Сколько стоит килограмм этой муки?

11. — Как мне пройти в рыбный отдел?

— Прямо, затем направо.

12. По дороге домой зайди в магазин и купи полкило свинины, банку шпрот, 2 кг груш, 1кг слив, 1 кг банан и 2 лимона.

13. Она купила сосисок, фунт мясного фарша и дюжину яиц.

14. Дайте мне четыре пирожных, полкило печенья, килограмм вот этих шоколадных конфет и баночку варенья

15. Ты идешь в магазин? Купи мне, пожалуйста, полкило телятины и килограмм ветчины.

16. Мне нужно шелковое летнее платье. Покажите мне что- нибудь голубое.

17. Мне нравится цвет этого костюма и покрой, но он слишком велик. Покажите мне такой же, но размером меньше.

18. Когда я пришел вчера в рыбный магазин, икры там не было. Но продавали хорошую селедку.

19. — Я вчера видел Катю в бакалейном отделе.


— Что она там делала?

— Она покупала спагетти и крупу.


20. Мы собираемся поехать на море. Нам нужно купить плавки и купальник.

21. — Где отдел тканей?

— На втором этаже. У нас много разнообразных материалов- шерсть, шелк, вельвет, замша. Вы можете выбрать с рисунком, без рисунка, в полоску, в крапинку, в клеточку.

22. — Где ты купила такие красивые сережки?

— В универмаге. Мне еще понравилось ожерелье.

23. — Где я могу купить миксер?

— В отделе электротоваров.

24. — Что тебе подарили?

— -Муж подарил брошь и браслет, мама подарила кофеварку,

а подруга подарила тушь и лак для ногтей.

25. — Сколько стоит музыкальный центр?

— 200$.

— Боюсь, это очень дорого.

26. — Мне нужно в галантерею.»

— Что ты хочешь купить?

— Запонки, заколку для галстука и молнию.

27. — Чем могу помочь?

— Мы бы хотели купить видеомагнитофон. Сколько он стоит?

— 150$.

— А вы даете скидку?

— Если вы купите еще наушники, мы дадим вам 5% скидку.

28. — Покажите, пожалуйста, тени для век.

— Какого цвета?

— Светло коричневые.

— А у вас есть шариковый дезодорант?

— Да.

29. Когда вы приезжаете в новый город, нужно пойти в книжный магазин и купить путеводитель и карту города.

EXERCISE 37. Dramatize the situations

1. Husband and wife in the supermarket shopping for a week's supply of food.

2. At the butcher's, the customer wants to buy various kinds of meat but can't afford to spend too much money.

3. Advise your new neighbor on the best food store in the area.

EXERCISE 38. Topics for oral composition

1. Do you remember your first purchase? Talk about it.

2. Speak about your most successful shopping.

3. Describe a disastrous shopping experience in your life.

1 4. When did you buy your first present for your father/mother?

5. Do you prefer to do shopping on your own or in company? Why?

6. What is the best place for shopping food and goods in your city?

7. What is the best time for shopping (morning, evening, week- ' end;? Why?

Topical Vocabulary



supermarket — супермаркет department store — универмаг departments — отделы ■ haberdashery — галантерея footwear — обувь perjFumery — косметика ' textiles — ткани household goods — хозтовары hosiery — чулки, носки jewelry — ювелирные изделия stationery — канцтовары bookshop — книжный магазин souvenirs, gifts — подарки і check-in counter — контроль за кассой trolley — тележка to push a trolley along the aisle — везти тележку по проходу freezer — морозильник purchase — покупка receipt — чек cashier— кассир


grocer's — бакалея baker's - булочная butcher's— мясной, магазин fishmonger's — рыбный магазин toys — игрушки linen— постільної бсльс underwear— нижнее белье electric appliances — электро­товары sporting goods — спорттовары china — фаянс crockery — фарфор glassware — стекло deli (delicatessen) — гастро­номия florist's— цветочный магазин shop-window — витрина to weigh smth on scales -------------------------------------------------- взвешивать на весах to wrap— заворачивать consumer goods — потреби­тельские товары queue— очередь to stand in a queue — стоять в очереди salesman/woman, shop-assistant— продавец, продавщица counter — прилавок to go/do shopping — ходить за покупками, делать покупки to do/go window-shopping рассматривать витрины buyer/customer/shopper —- покупатель price-tag— этикетка с ценой




panties/trunks — мужские плавки knickers— женские трусы vest—■ майка (Вг); жилет (гЛт) slip— комбинация bra (brassiere) — бюстгальтер bathing suit — купальник nightgown— ночная рубашка tights— колготки T-shirt — футболка shorts — шорты pajamas — пижама




jeans/bleached jeans — джин­сы/ вареные джинсы coat— пиджак/ пальто raincoat — плащ trousers (J3r) /pants (Am) — брюки shirt— рубашка jacket— куртка/ пиджак tracksuit— спортивный костюм suit— костюм pullover — пуловер scarf — шарф waistcoat — жилетка


apron — передник (sleeveless) dress/evening dress/ casual dress — платье (без рукавов), вечернее / повседнев­ное платье overcoat — пальто ■ sheepskin — дубленка -fur coat — шуба kerchief— косынка beret — берет shawl — шаяъ blouse — блузка skirl — юбка sweater — свитер cardigan — шерстяной жакет


walking shoes — уличные туфли evening shoes — вечерние туфли leather/ suede shoes — кожа­ные/замшевые туфли high/low heels — высо­кие/ низкие каблуки sandals — босоножки slippers — домашние тапоч­ки/ шлепки trainers/snickers — кроссовки boots — высокие зимние ботинки to tie shoe laces — завязывать шнурки



a pair of stockings/socks — пара чулок/ носков knitted — вязаный panty-hose — колготки


handkerchief— носовой платок 'tie — галстук umbrella — зонтик cuff — манжет cufflinks — запонки tiepin — заколка для галстука zipper — молния button — пуговица



handbag — дамская сумочка Wallet — бумажник t gloves — перчатки suit-case — чемодан I purse — кошелек і belt — пояс



wool— шерсть silk — шелк cotton/printed cotton — хло­пок/ ситец plain — без рисунка striped — в полоску dotted— в крапинку checked— в клеточку figured— с рисунком ■washable — нелиняющий velvet — вельвет



a bottle of perfume — флакон духов powder — пуора lipstick — помада cake (JBr)/bar (Am) of soap кусок мыла tooth-paste/brush — зубная паста/ щетка cleansing cream — крем для очистки кожи hand cream — крем для рук roll-on deodorant — шарико­вый дезодорант nail varnish/polish — лак для ногтей rouge — румяна eye-shadows — тени для век mascara — тушь hair clip— заколка для волос



brief-case — портфель memo pad — блокнот ball-point pen — шариковая ручка



watch — часи bracelet — браслет brooch — брошь necklace — ожерелье ear-rings — сережки


a box of matches — коробка спичек a pack of cigarettes — пачка сигарет



hair-dryer — фен battery— батарейка cassette-player — кассетный магнитофон walkman — плеер mixer — миксер toaster — тостер vacuum cleaner (hoover) пылесос iron —утюг


CD player (compact disc player) — плеер с компакт дисками VCR (video recorder) — ви­деомагнитофон hi-fi system — музыкальный центр headphones — наушники coffee-maker (percolator) кофеварка coffee grinder — кофемолка micro-wave cooker — микро­волновая печь dish-washer — посудомоечная машина


guidebook — пуме водитель postcard — открытка city map — карта города dictionary — словарь text-book — учебник pocket dictionary — карман­ный словарь


Can you help me? — He могли би вы мне помочь? Can you show me? — He могли бы вы показать мне?

I'm looking for_____________ — Я ищу_________.

I would like____________ — Я бы хотел/ а__________.

Could I try it on? — Можно примерить? ■ How much is this? — Сколько стоит?

What's the price of this? — Сколько стоит?

Do you give a discount? — Вы делаете скидку?

Where do I pay? — Где платить?

It's too expensive for me. — Это слишком дорого.

I'm just looking around. — Я просто смотрю.

That's not quite what I want. — Это не совсем то, что я хочу.


What can I do for you? — Чем могу помочь? Are you being served? — Вас обслуживают?

What size do you take in shoes? — Какого размера туфли вы носите? It's (out of) in fashion — Это (не) в моде, It suits you perfectly — Вам очень идет.

ї'т afraid I can't help you at the moment — Боюсь, не могу вам по­мочь в данный момент.

Please, look again next week — Пожалуйста, заходите на следующей неделе.




meat— мясо beef — говядина pork — свинина mutton — баранина veal — телятина mince— фарш ft'1'^ -chicken — курица duck— утка goose— гусь turkey— индейка


foodstuffs— продукты bread— хлеб buns — сдобные булочки biscuits — сухое печены cookies — сдобное печенье



fish— рыба seafood — морепродукты herring— селедка caviar— икра


macaroni— макароны Spaghetti— спагетти cereals— крупа flour— мука salt— соль sugar— сахар pepper— перец spices — приправы tea— чай coffee— кофе oil — растительное масло



vegetables овощи potatoes— картофель cabbage— капуста carrots— морковь beet — свекла swede— брюква onion — лук garlic— чеснок cucumbers— огурцы tomatoes— помидоры



fruit — фрукты apples — яблоки pears — груши plums — сливы lemons — лимоны oranges — апельсины bananas — бананы pineapples — ананасы grapes — виноград



milk — молоко butter — масло cheese — сыр eggs — яйца sour cream — сметана cottage cheese — творог yoghurt — йогурт



sausage — колбаса ham — ветчина bacon — бекон frankfurters — сосиски



sweets — конфеты candies — конфеты (леденцы) chocolate — шоколад 1 chocolates — шоколадные кон­феты cakes — торти, кексы fancy-cakes — пирожные


a loaf of bread - буханка хлеба

a pound of meat — фунт мяса

a kilogram (kilo) of sugar —- килограмм сахара

a bottle of milk — бутылка молока

a jar of jam — баночка варенья

a box of chocolates — коробка конфет

a bar of chocolate — плитка шоколада

a package of salt — пакет соли

a tin of sprats — банка шпрот

a head of cabbage — качан капусты


EXERCISE 1. a) Find Russian equivalents to the following Eng­lish words and word combinations

check-in counter; to push a trolley along the aisle; freezer; re­ceipt; consumer goods; to weigh something on scales; to stand in a queue; price-tag; shop-window.

b) Make up your own sentences with these words

EXERCISE 2. Fill in with the corresponding words

Marks and Spencer's is Britain's favorite ________________. It attracts

many_______. It all started 100 years ago, when a young Polish

immigrant, Michael Marks, opened a _____________ in Leeds market.

He had only few things to___________: some textiles such as ___________

and______, and some haberdashery goods such as ______ and

_____. Ten years later he met Tom Spencer and together they opened many new stalls in the north of England. Today there are 564_________ of M&S all over the world.

It's interesting but___________ in food and clothes are international.

The best-selling clothes are: ______________ and ________ for women,

_____,______ and_______ for men,________ for children.

Best-sellers in food include:_____________,______ and______.


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