vegetables, bras, pajamas, tastes, store, knickers, socks, toys, fruit, cotton, stall, customers, wool, shoelaces, branches, buttons, shirts, chicken, sell. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


vegetables, bras, pajamas, tastes, store, knickers, socks, toys, fruit, cotton, stall, customers, wool, shoelaces, branches, buttons, shirts, chicken, sell.


EXERCISE 3. a) Say what one can buy (refer to the Topical Vo­cabulary)

at the knitwear department; at the butcher's; at the perfumery; at the baker's; at the greengrocer's; at the footwear department; at the confectioner's; at the ready-made clothes department; at the glassware department.

b) Say where one can buy (refer to the Topical Vocabulary)

short-sleeved pullovers; cheese; cabbage; shoes; lipstick; sweaters; books; cameras; china; sweets and cakes; sports goods; shirts; poultry; fruit; electric appliances; blouses.

EXERCISE 4. Use the following questions in a natural context of your own

1. What size do you take in shoes?

2. May I try this coat on?

3. Does the coat fit me?

4. Will the blouse match my skirt?

5. The color doesn't become me, does it?

6. How do you like the cut?

7. Is dark-brown in fashion this season?

8. Is the coat shrinkproof and waterproof?

9. At what prices are these blouses?


S to fitподходить, быть впору

for example: The coat fits youпальто на вас хорошо сидит Your coat fits you too tight — пальто вам узковато

^ to become — быть к лицу, идти

for example: The dress becomes you —это платье вам к лицу

* to go with smth —подходить к чему-либо, гармониро­вать с чем-либо, соответствовать чему-либо

forexample: The blue scarf goes well with your blouse — этот голубой шарф красиво сочетается с вашей блузкой

^ to match —1) подходить, гармонировать, сочетаться

t sr example: These colors don't match — эти цвета плохо сочетаются

A. brown dress with a hat and gloves to match — коричневое пальто с подобранными к нему шляпкой и перчатками

Подбирать под пару

forexample: I want smth to match this cloth — мне нужно что-то подходящее к этому материалу

■/'to suit — соответствовать, подходить, удовлетворять, быть к лицу

for example: This hat suits you — эта шляпка вам идет

My new coat doesn't quite suit me — новое пальто не совсем мне подходит

EXERCISE 5. Read the following dialogues, see the difference in the usage of "to fit, suit, become, match " and use them in your own dialogues with the fellow-students.

Why not buy this lovely dress? It is your size and the lat­est fashion.

I don't think it'll suit me. And the price is too high I can't afford it now.

Try on this velvet hat. Does it fit you? No, it's too small. I need a size larger.

I think I'll take this pair of black shoes.

You'd better not. They won't match your new dress.

I can't agree with you. Black goes well with all colors.

Look, what a lovely hat Ann has on! Yes, it awfully becomes her.

EXERCISE 6. Insert W fit, t o becom e, to go with, to m atch.,

1. The dress doesn't _____ me: it's a bit too loose in the waist and tight round the hips.

2. The color doesn't__________ you.

3. I want a gray jacket _____ my skirt.

4. The gloves don't _____ with my shoes.

5. At last I've found the dress which____________ me perfectly.

6. The jacket________ you, but the color doesn't___________ you.

7. What color tie will you recommend____________ my light-gray shirt?

8. I don't think black shoes will___________ with your brown coat.

9. The dress is to my face but the price doesn't______________ me.

EXERCISE 7. Translate

1. Она искала шляпку в тон своему светло-коричневому пальто.

2. Мне кажется, вам не идет этот цвет.

3. Жакет не очень хорошо сидит на тебе, он узок в плечах

4. Покрой этого платья ей очень идет.

5. Какого цвета шарф ты мне посоветуешь купить, чтобы он гармонировал с моим темно-синим пальто?

6. Ей очень идет это платье.

7. Меня не устраивает цена этих туфель.

EXERCISE 8. Complete the following dialogues

— I'd like a pair of woolen trousers.

— I'd like them in gray. Where could I try them on?

— They're a bit too long. I'll try on another size.

2 — Could you show me a nice vase?

— I like this one. How much is it?

— Well, and let me have this set. How much is it all?

— I think I'll take it. Where do I pay?

EXERCISE 9. Read the sentences and translate them into Rus­sian. Pay attention to the usage of WEAR

1. I would never wear this fur coat to the office.

2. It was a nice suit for everyday wear.

3. Do you think these sandals will wear well?

4. I wore dark glasses so that I wouldn't be recognized.

5. The man was wearing a brown tracksuit, snickers and a leather jacket.

6. I need a pair of boots for outdoor wear.

7. The jeans have been in constant wear. They look shabby.

8. The sheepskin is beginning to look worse for wear.

9. I've worn my slippers into holes.


10. Cheap things soon wear out.

11. She wore no lipstick and looked very pale.

EXERCISE 10. Rewrite the following inserting the English translation of the sentences given in Russian

1. Your hand-knitted sweater is a dear. Ноя не думаю, что ты должен одевать его на вечер.

2. The burn has made the trousers unwearable. Тебе надо переодеться во что-нибудь другое.

3. It's very cold today. Ты надел плащ?

4. I'm fifteen minutes early but you're not ready. Я быстро оденусь.

5. Betsy is so elegant today! На ней очень красивое вечернее ппатье.

6. The dress is just the right length for me. Интересно, хорошо ли будет носиться материал? It's shrink-proof.

7. — Would you like this dark-red blouse?

Боюсь, что нет. Я ношу 46 размер. It'll be too broad in shoulders for me.

EXERCISE 11. Translate

1. — Советую вам купить серый или зеленый костюм. Эти

цвета сейчас очень модны. Какой размер вы носите? Думаю, 50-й вам подойдет. Как вам нравится вот этот?

— Хороший покрой. Разрешите примерить?

— Пожалуйста, вот примерочная.

— Он мне узок в плечах. Покажите мне 52-й размер.

— Пожалуйста. Этот костюм на вас хорошо сидит. Вам немного длинны рукава, но мы их можем укоротить.

2. —Я вижу у тебя тысяча пакетов. Была в универсаме?

— У меня дома закончились почти все продукты. Хорошо, что наш магазин открывается в 8 утра. Я купила отличной говядины и свинины, сахар, овсянку, три пачки чая, муку, овощи для салата и супа.

— Мне тоже надо в бакалею и в рыбный Хочу приготовить рыбные блюда на обед.

— А мне еще надо купить всяких мелочей. Где мой список? Кусок мыла, зубную пасту, печенье, конфет.

— В кондитерском на нашей улице была большая очередь. Но не беспокойся. Большинство товаров там продается в расфасованном виде, так что это не займет у тебя много времени.

3. Современные торговые центры часто посещают целые семьи. Покупателям нравится, что в таких магазинах они могут сделать все покупки "под одной крышей". Типичный торговый центр располагается в одном большом здании, а различные магазины находятся на нескольких этажах Многие торговые центры включают продовольственные отделы, рестораны или закусочные и даже билетные кассы, аптеки и оптики.


Test yourself

1. The doctor examined him carefully and influenza.

a) concluded; b) decided; c) diagnosed; d) realised

2. The______ in one of my teeth has come out, so I'm going to the


a) cover; b) completion; c) filling; d) replacement

3. Whenever there's a flu__________, doctors are kept very busy.

a) breakout; b) outbreak; c) outcome; d) outlook

4. The loss of a front tooth has left an unsightly ______________________ in her


a) gap; b) hole; c) slot; d) space

5. My grandmother is very old and is not______________ very good health.

a) from; b) in; c) on; d) with

6. The nurse told me that Sam's_______________ immediately after his operation was satisfactory.

a) condition; b) health; c) situation; d) state

7. There were thirty_________ waiting in the doctor's surgery.

a) clients; b) customers; c) patients; d) visitors

8. You keep sneezing. You must have caught_________________.

a) a cold; b) a cough; c) a headache; d) an illness

9. You should take more exercise if you want to keep_________________.

a) fat; b) fine; c) fit; d) fresh

10. At midday the doctor went on his___, visiting sick patients.

a) circles; b) rounds; c) routes; d) ways

11. When my brother was in hospital he was ____________________ by a well- known surgeon.

a) carried on; b) operated on; c) passed on; d) worked on

12. He had a very bad cold and couldn't stop________________ „.

a) sneezing; b) snoring; c) spitting; d) yawning

13. She died after a long___________.

a) disease; b) failing; c) illness; d) sickness

14. The small girl had to have four teeth________________ because they were

so bad

a) broken; b) pulled; c) taken away; d) taken out

15. At the casualty department my sister had her injury__________________.

a) cured; b) healed; c) operated; d) treated

16. Short sight can be_______ by the use of suitable glasses.

a) corrected; b) fixed; c) improved; d) reduced

17. She always pays______ visits to the dentist.

a) customary; b) habitual; c) normal; d) regular

1Й. The doctor had three.__________ of nose-bleeding in the same day.

a) aspects; b) cases; c) examples; d) illnesses

19. My brother was______ ill yesterday and is now in hospital.

a) broken; b) caught; c) fallen; d) taken

20. It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for___________.

a) a control; b) a check-up; c) an investigation; d) a revision

21. In some countries more and more young people now need teeth.

a) false; b) spare; c) unnatural; d) untrue

22. He____ a rare disease when he was working in the hospital.

a) caught; b) infected; c) suffered; d) took

23. It was a minor illness and he soon got__________ it.

a) around; b) on with; c) over; d) up to

24. Everyone hoped that he would________ after the operation.

a) get well; b) pull on; c) pull out; d) pull over

25. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of.

a) crash; b) crisis; c) emergency; d) urgency

26. It's important to keep your body in good_________.

a) contour; b) figure; c) form; d) shape

Text A

There is no denying the fact, that good health is better than the best medicine. Is there anything more important than health? It's doubtful. If your body suffers from any disorder your mind suffers with the body too. You can't be good either at work or at studies. Aches and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown, exhaustion, apathy. And if your health is good, you are usually in a good. You have a sound mind in a sound body, as the old Latin

saying goes. Taking medicines is an unpleasant thing, of course, and if you want to avoid it, you should keep yourself fit. There is no doubt, if a person doesn't take exercises, he can easily catch an illness. Certainly the progress of science is a wonderful thing, and I want to speak about the achievements of medical science. A hundred years ago there was no medicine for diphtheria, mea­sles, scarlet fever, whooping-cough and other infectious diseases. A lot of people suffered from pain and nobody could help them.

But nowadays the situation has changed and our medicine has succeeded in treating patients for contagious diseases. You can always go and see a doctor, and you are sure he will examine you carefully: feel your pulse, sound your chest, heart and lungs, test your blood pressure and give advice. The only thing you have to do is to follow his directions. Otherwise a slight ailment can develop into an incurable malady. And if you have to have an op­eration he will send you to hospital where they have all the neces­sary equipment.

If your teeth need attention, filling or extracting, or if you need false teeth, then you go to the dentist.

If your eyes need attention, you go to the oculist, who will ex­amine them, test your sight to see whether you are suffering from short-sight or long-sight, and will write out a prescription, which you take to an optician, who will then make the necessary glasses -for you.

Once my friend came to school as usual, but in two hours his strange paleness attracted attention of his fellows. It was obvious that something was wrong with him. We advised him not to risk his health and turn to his physician at once.

The doctor asked my friend what the matter was with him. My friend complained of a headache and sore throat. He took his temperature, and it proved to be high. Having examined my friend, the doctor found he had a bad cold, wrote out a prescription and told him to go home and stay in bed to avoid complications. My friend followed the doctor's instructions and in a week he felt much better and the doctor said he had fully recovered.

EXERCISE 1. Give Russian equivalents

to be meant for; disorder; ache; pain; to be in a good mood; "a sound mind in a sound body"; to avoid smth; there is no doubt, to take exercises; progress of science; to see a doctor; medicine for; infectious diseases; to succeed in smth; to examine (a pa­tient); to feel one's pulse; smb's teeth (eyes) need attention; to test one's sight; to suffer from; to be wrong; to turn to one's physician; to complain of; to stay in bed; to recover.

EXERCISE 2. Give English equivalents

принимать лекарства от...; держать (себя) в форме; забо­левать; дифтерия; корь; скарлатина; коклюш; инфекционные болезни; страдать от боли; пойти к врачу; лечить; осматри­вать пациента; прослушать сердце и легкие; измерить кровя­ное давление; легкое недомогание; неизлечимая болезнь; нуждаться в операции; класть в больницу; необходимое обо­рудование; стоматолог; пломбировать зуб; вырывать зуб; вставной зуб; окулист; проверять остроту зрения; близору­кость; дальнозоркость; выписать рецепт; оптик; очки, блед­ность; рисковать здоровьем; жаловаться на головную боль и боль в горле; измерять температуру; быть сильно просту­женным; избегать осложнений.

EXERCISE 3. Answer the questions

1. Good health is better than any medicine, isn't it? Why?

2. What can be more important than health?

3. What do aches and pains lead to?

4. How can you avoid taking medicines?

5. When can a person catch an illness?

6. What diseases were incurable a hundred years ago?

7. Has the situation changed?

8. What does the doctor usually do?

9. What may happen if you don't follow his directions?


10. When do people go to the dentists?

11. What does the oculist do?

12. Why did the friends advise the fellow turn to his physician?

13. What did he complain of?

14. What did the doctor do?

15. Why did the fellow recover?

EXERCISE 4. Fill in the blanks with the words and word con binations from the list given below

1. When the doctor came he ____________ the boy and prescribe

three different_____________ in pills and capsules and gave instru

tions how to_____________ them.

2. It is an awful flu and the doctor gave Gregory advice_____________

in bed ____________ complications. Only if he follows the doctor

prescriptions and______________ his health, he will_________ soon.

3. When a person _________ an illness he should go to hospit

where they have all the necessary ___________________ to examine ar

__________ him.

4. You don't have to go and see___________ to_______ a prescriptic

for glasses nowadays, there're oculists right in the optician

and they will_____________ your_______ to see whether you are si

fering from____________ or_______.

5. If you ______ from headache and sore throat it means yc

have a cold. You should ______ your temperature and if

__________ to be high it's necessary to stay in bed and______________ Vi

doctor's instructions.

Short-sight; to catch; to examine; sight; to recover; not, risk; to treat; to avoid; to suffer; to follow; oculist; to taf (2); to test; medicine; to prove; long-sight; to write ou equipment; to stay.

EXERCISE 5. a) Study the following


1. We always use a/an with, these illnesses: a cold, a headache, a sore throat. 2. We can use or omit a/an with these: catch (a) cold, have (a/an) backache/ earache/ stomachache/ toothache. 3. We use no article at all with these plurals: measles, mumps, shingles. 4. 'We use no article with these: (high) blood pressure, flu, gout and hepatitis.

b) Fill in articles where necessary, and translate the situations

1. The old man was seriously ill. He was running________________ high


2. I was awake all night with_________ toothache

. 3. I've _ _______ bad cold in _________ head. I must have caught

______ cold yesterday when I ran out into________________ yard without

, • ________ cap on I'm going to bed. I've got____________ headache.

4. "I'll put you on_______ sick-list for three days," the doctor said.

"Keep to bed, You'll be in _____ good health by___________________ end

■ ' of_______ week, I hope."

5. The children are in bed with____________ mumps.

6. He was treated for___________ chicken-pox but it turned out to be

__________ scarlet fever.

7. I just can't stop sneezing, and I've got_______ splitting headache, and on top of that I have sore throat

8. I think I've got a cold.

9. He often suffers from________ backache.

10. ______ measles can be very unpleasant.

EXERCISE 6. Fill in adverbs or prepositions where necessary. Expand the situations

v 1. You are losing weight and you do look like a sick man _______________

me. Why don't you go and consult______________ a doctor?

2. Most unfortunately he fell ill_________ pneumonia just_________ the

middle of his holiday.

3. The doctor asked me what the matter was______________ me.

4. The boy falls ill_________ quinsy practically every other month. He

must be operated____________ and have his glands removed

5. I must have caught flu on coming ______________ ______ an overheated cinema the cold, damp air. I thought, judging

__________ the symptoms, that it was only a cold, but when my

temperature rose and my headache grew worse I sent____________________

a doctor. He looked______________ my tongue, felt__________ my pulse,

listened____________ my heart and lungs and took my temperature.

"It's quite clear what's wrong_________________ you", he said. "You've

got flu."

6. I'll write_______ a prescription and you will take it _____ the



EXERCISE 7. Translate

1. — Я не совсем хорошо себя чувствую. К тому же побали-

вает голова.

— Ты, наверное, простудился. Тебе надо лечь в постель и вызвать врача.

2. Дифтерия — это страшное заболевание, которого можно избежать, делая прививки.

3. Чтобы не получить осложнений после скарлатины, самое главное соблюдать постельный режим, даже если у тебя легкий случай.

4. Чтобы поставить точный диагноз, врач должен сделать все анализы и полностью обследовать пациента.

5. Трудно встретить человека, который не болел бы в детстве ветрянкой или свинкой.

6. Он пожилой человек, его нельзя волновать, у него может быть сердечный приступ.

7. Рак — одно из самых тяжелых заболеваний на сегодняшний день. Многие ученые во всем мире работают над проблемой создания лекарства от рака.

8. Туберкулез относится к опасным инфекционным заболеваниям. Но это также и наследственная болезнь. Кроме того, сейчас туберкулез стал социальной болезнью.

9. Если вы чихаете, у вас насморк и озноб, вам не нужно приходить в Университет и распространять инфекцию.



Doctor: Well, what's the matter with you, Mr. Simpson?

Patient: You'd better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be suffering from all the illnesses imaginable: insomnia, headache, backache, indigestion, constipation and pains in the stomach. To make things still worse, I've caught a cold, I've got a sore throat, and I'm constantly sneezing and coughing. To crown it all, I had an accident the other day, hurt my right shoulder, leg and knee, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a long walk, I get short of breath. In fact, I feel more dead than alive.

Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren't as bad as you imagine. Let me examine you. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be all right. Now open your mouth and show me you tongue. Now breathe in deeply through the nose... There doesn't seem to be anything radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're run down, and if you don't take care of yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown and have to go to hospital. I advise you, first of all, to stop worrying. Take a long rest, have regular meals, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and very little meat. Keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals. If you do this, I can promise you full recovery within two or three months.

Patient: And if I don't, doctor?

Doctor: Then you'd better make your will, if you haven't yet done so!

Patient: I see. Well, thank you, doctor. I shall have to think it over and decide which is the lesser evil — to follow your advice or prepare for a better world!

EXERCISE8. Give English equivalents

хуже того, постоянно; в завершение всего; несчастный случай, катастрофа; иметь одышку, еле живой; представ­лять, воображать; дышать; дышите глубоко через нос, регу­лярно питаться; придерживаться диеты; не употреблять спиртного

EXERCISE 9. Learn the dialogue by heart EXERCISE JO. Practice the following dialogues


C: Can I help you?

D.: Could you give me something for a toothache?

C: I would recommend you Tylenol. It's for temporary relief of

minor pain. D.: Dont you have a painkiller?

С: We've plenty of them. But without a doctor's prescription you can't have it.

D.: Okay. What's to be done? Please give me Tylenol, extra-strength — 50 capsules. I've to see my dentist anyway.


C: Good evening. What can I do for you?

H.: I've a long list of things I need. Most items I can find on your shelves without any help. Please tell me only where I should look for vitamins and adhesive tapes.

C: Aisle 3 —for vitamins, aisle 2 —for adhesive tapes. Any­thing else?

H.: Aspirin, a deodorant, shaving cream and shampoo for my wife.

C: You'll find aspirin in aisle 1. Aspirin comes in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 tablets. In aisle 4 you can find deodorants, shampoos and shaving creams. As to the shampoo, we have a very good new one.

H.: Is it for oily hair?

C: Yes, it is.

H.: That's the right thing for my wife. Thank you. Now I can find the items I need without any difficulties.


A.: Could you fill this prescription? >


A. B.

B. A. B.

Just a minute. I've to check if we have this in stock. Sorry. Today you can get only 37 capsules. Is that okay with you? All right. When will you have the rest?

We owe you 23 capsules. Can you drop in the day after to­morrow?

Of course. I'll come the day after tomorrow if I can get the

other capsules.

That's for sure.

Should I pay now or later?

Now will be fine. Have a seat, please. Your medicine will be

ready in 5 minutes. I'll give you a receipt. I'll indicate there

that we owe you 23 capsules.

EXERCISE 11. Render the dialogues in indirect speech

EXERCISE 12. Make up your own dialogues using the following words and word combinations

my left ear aches; prescription; I've got a cold; sleeping pills; I've got a chill; pills; my blood pressure is high, low; injection; syringe; I'm allergic to odors, antibiotics, some drugs; could you fill this prescription? have you got the test results? how should the medicine be taken? is the disease catching? on an-empty stomach; after a meal; before a meal; what shall I take for it? eyedrops; give something for the pain; something for fever; my vision is poor; boil; I'm near-sighted, far-sighted; cut; my cheek is swollen; my left (right) eye is plus (minus) one; I've lost a fill­ing; pull out; what sort of glasses (frames) do you have?; drill; bandage; pain killer; metal frames; shell frames; sunglasses; cotton wool; drops; smoked glasses; medical herbs; ointment; please, change the lenses; plaster; gargle.

Text В

The afternoons were devoted to a new course, physical diagno­sis, in which the students practiced the technique of examination on one another. Dan and Noble again were partners. They spent a whole week learning how to use a stethoscope.

"Take a deep breath. Now hold it. Now cough." After the cough Dan heard something odd in the right lung. He put the stethoscope down. "I think you've got rales in the right lung".

Noble looked around. Then he said quietly, "My mother and father both died of tuberculosis".

"Have you been swimming lately? Maybe you got some water in your lungs?"

"I've lost eleven pounds."

"Maybe you ought to get an X-ray."

"Be quiet," Noble whispered fiercely. "If they find out about this I'll be put in a sanitarium. I won't get out for a couple of

years, and I won't finish the medical school then. I'll be out of money."

"Are you sweating at night?"

"Sometimes I sweat. Don't you?"

"Not much. Have you ever run a fever?"

Noble felt his own forehead. "I don't know," he said.

"Get a thermometer. Take your temperature whenever you get. a chance, particularly in the afternoon."

Noble looked at him. "Don't tell anybody about this," he said.

"You ought to see a doctor. The school doesn't have to know anything about this."

In the evening Dan managed to get Noble into X-ray unnoticed. He took his chest X-ray and developed the film. When Noble looked at the picture he was sure it was tuberculosis. Dan was not so sure.

That night Noble didn't go home. He was afraid that he was contagious. He slept at Dan's. All through the night Dan heard \ him moving restlessly and coughing. In the morning Dan drove di­rectly to the hospital and took Noble to Dr. Rosenthal. The doctor took out his stethoscope. After a while he asked Dan where he had heard those rales. Dan showed him. The doctor handed him the scope. "Find them for me." Dan heard nothing but the soft move­ment of air in Noble's lungs. Then Dr. Rosenthal listened again.

"Have you had a cold?"

Noble nodded. "I'm just getting over one. I can't eat and I've-been sweating and I'm feeling lousy."

"I'd feel the same way if I thought I had tuberculosis. All you have is a cold," Dr. Rosenthal said.

EXERCISE 13. Give Russian equivalents

technique of examination, stethoscope, sanitarium, to sweat, forehead, to develop a film, thermometer, contagious, to hand, to have a cold.

EXERCISE 14. Give English equivalents

сделайте глубокий вдох, не дышите, у вас хрипы в правом легком, умереть от туберкулеза, похудеть на одиннадцать фунтов температурить, измерять температуру, перепутать, отвратительно себя чувствовать, сделать снимок грудной клетки, физическая диагностика.

EXERCISE 15. Answer the questions

1. What did Dan and Noble learn to do?

2. Why didn't Noble want to get a chest X-ray?

3. What made them both think that Noble had tuberculosis?

4. Why didn't Noble go home one night?

5. Why did Dan take Noble to see Dr. Rosenthal?

6. What was Dr Rosenthal's opinion of Dan's diagnosis?

7. What was the final diagnosis?

EXERCISE 16. Retell the text as if you were

a) Dan;

b) Noble;

c) Dr. Rosenthal.

EXERCISE 17. Fill in prepositions where necessary and develop the situations

1. I fell ill______ flu.

2. A hundred years ago there was no medicine_____________ diphtheria,

measles, scarlet fever, whooping-cough and other catching diseases.

3. Nobody has yet found a cure_________ cancer.

4. He was treated_______ flu while he had quinsy.

5. My father complained_______ a headache and a sore throat.

6. What do you take_______ coughing?

7. I have a running nose/cold_________ the head.

8. Make______ this medicine yourself

9. He has been treated________ long but he is not cured.


10. I can hardly walk______ my rheumatism.

11. You are pale_____ pain.

12. If you don't have that tooth attended_________ you'll lose it.

13. He stayed away from his studies and his mother attended him at home.

14. You must consult______ a doctor.

15. You must have the prescription made_________.


16. You must be treated___________ your anemia.

17. You must take these pills____________ your blood pressure.

18. You must be put__________ sick leave. Having examined my son,

the doctor found he had a bad cold, wrote______________________ a prescription

and told him to go home and stay___________________ bed.

EXERCISE 18. Study the list of injuries. Check them up in the dictionary. Use your imagination to think of a cause and treatment


Injury Cause Treatment
A broken arm. A fall from the tree. Set the arm and put it in plaster.
A bruise    
A sprained ankle    
A swollen wrist    
A black eye    
A dislocated shoulder    
A burn    
A cut lip    
Bleeding knees    

EXERCISE 19. Choose the right way out in the following situa­tions

1. Someone has a minor burn; should you:

a) put cold water on the burned area?

b) put a tight bandage on it?

c) put butter on it?

2. Someone has a bad burn (a third-degree burn); should you:

a) put cold water on the burned area?

b) put a tight bandage on it?

c) put a loose, clean covering on?

3. You are the first to arrive at the scene of a car accident; should you:

a) lay the victims flat and keep them warm?

b) avoid moving the victims and keep them warm?

c) check if the victims are breathing, and if not give them arti-

ficial respiration?


EXERCISE 20. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations ant translate them into Russian

A. 1) in a sling; 2) to dress a wound; 3) to undergo an operation, 4) swollen fingers; 5) to be laid up in a hospital;

' 6) a coated tongue; 7) free medical service; 8) to be run down; 9) the rate of mortality; 10) medical equipment; 11) disease prevention; 12) to gargle one's throat; 13) to have an X-ray taken; 14) medicine for external (inter­nal) use; 15) to take a deep breath; 16) to affect one's eye­sight; 17) to go on crutches; 18) to have a good effect on one's health; 19) to feel giddy; 20) health insurance; 21) emergency room of hospital; 22) to be drug addicted; 23) to keep the swelling down; 24) pad of cotton wool; 25) to get a medical certificate.

B. 1) remedy; 2) to sprain; 3) to faint. 4) amputation; 5) ward, 6) to vaccinate; 7) blister; 8) to limp. 9) splinter; 10) injection; 11) swelling; 12) cancer; 13) hot water bottle; 14) epidemic; 15) health-resort; 16) stretcher; 17) cripple.

EXERCISE 21. Answer the questions

1. The saying has it that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Is that true?

2. Why must cooks, waitresses, grocery assistants, military personnel, etc. undergo periodical medical examinations?

3. What are the ways of fighting an epidemic?

4.)s one right in assuming ihat if ТВ has been diagnosed in its early stages a complete cure is more easily achieved?

5. Have inoculations for ТВ (as prevention for ТВ) been developed?

6. Does rheumatism give you a pain in the bones or in the muscles or in the joints?

7. Which disease now seems to take most of human lives?

8. When were you ill last? What examination did the doctor put you through? Were laboratory tests made? How did the doctor diagnose the case? What treatment did he prescribe? How long did it take you to get well?

9. Do bad teeth ever bother you? Has a bad tooth ever kept you awake all night? What did you do about it?


10. Have you ever had complications after a disease? Which did you take harder, the disease itself or the complications after it?

11. What treatment does a doctor usually prescribe to a patient suffering from the flu?

12. Is a man ill with the flu usually put on a diet?

13. In what cases is hospitalization a rigid must (and imposed if it is resisted)?

14. What diseases did you suffer from in childhood?

15. What do you usually do for a headache?

16. What diseases usually occur in older age only?

17. What must one do to get a pair of glasses?

18. What will an eye-doctor make you do to find out whether you are short- or long-sighted?

19. Are visitors allowed at hospitals at any time or are there fixed hours to visit in-patients?

20. What diseases are known as "social diseases" and why?

EXERCISE 22. Translate

1. Я очень плохо себя чувствую.

2. У меня опух локоть. Какого врача вы мне порекомендуете?

3. Вызовите, пожалуйста, врача. Мне кажется, мою жену придется госпитализировать. Я хочу проконсультироваться с врачом.

4. Когда принимает зубной врач? Как я могу записаться на прием? Мне нужно запломбировать зуб и поставить на него коронку.

5. — Что с вами?

— Я только что вырвал зуб. По-моему у меня сейчас температура. И у меня головокружение.

6. Положите градусник под язык и измерьте температуру. У вас сыпь. Похоже, что у вас ветрянка или скарлатина.

7. У вас расстройство желудка, рвота? У вас болит желудок? У вас отравление, вам нужно промыть желудок.

8. Разденьтесь до пояса, пожалуйста. Я хочу прослушать ваши легкие. У вас пневмония, вам нужно соблюдать постельный режим и принимать те лекарства, которые я вам назначаю. Я сейчас выпишу рецепт.

9. У ребенка сильные приступы кашля и мне рекомендовали давать ему вот эти капли от кашля. Кроме того, ему делают уколы три раза в день.


10. Вам нужно посидеть на диете.

11. — На что жалуетесь?


— У меня выпала пломба.

— Откройте рот. У вас опухла десна. Этот зуб нельзя больше лечить, его нужно вырвать. Мне придется сделать вам мост в этом месте и удалить этот зуб, он шатается. Пополощите рот и выплюньте.

12. Разденьтесь до пояса и лягте на кушетку, я должен пощупать ваш живот.

13. В аптеке вам приготовят лекарство по этому рецепту.

14. Его выпишут из больницы, только когда он полностью выздоровеет.

15. Да он здоров как бык. Зачем вы вызываете ему скорую?

16. Рана затянется быстрее, если вы будете накладывать специальную мазь.

17. Засучите рукав, я измеряю вам давление и определю пульс.

18. Оспа — это страшное инфекционное заболевание, которое уносило миллионы людей, но сейчас вирус оспы на земном шаре практически уничтожен. Детям даже не делают прививок от оспы уже 20 лет.

19. У этой девочки врожденные нарушения в системе кровообращения. Ей будут делать операцию, иначе ей не прожить дольше, чем несколько лет. Сейчас она находится в плохом состоянии и часто испытывает приступы депрессии.


EXERCISE 23. Make up dialogues on the following topics

1. At hospital. (A talk between two fellow sufferers)

2. At the doctor's.

3. At the chemist's.

4. At the bedside of a sick child. (A talk between father and mother)

5. Visiting a sick friend.

EXERCISE 24. Answer the questions

1. How do diseases vary according to the difficulty in getting over them?

2. What helps promote health?

3. When does illness occur?

4. How is illness discovered?

5. What infectious diseases do you know?

6. Is there any vaccine against the cold?

7. What are noncommunicable diseases?

8. Why can no immunity be produced for these diseases?

EXERCISE 25. Translate a) from English into Russian

1. Some diseases such as a common cold may go away after a few days without any treatment. Other diseases require medical treatment to cure them.

2. Still other diseases may require a lifetime of medical supervision to manage them.

3. The body itself has defenses against disease. But now and then the defenses give way and illness occurs.

4. Disease germs may break through the defenses. Parts of the body may begin to function poorly.

5. Illnesses, that can be passed along by an infected person to a well person either directly or indirectly, are called infectious or communicable diseases.

6. In the 1900s infectious diseases were still a serious public health problem. Today as a result of improved hygiene and living conditions, new drugs, new kinds of medical treatment, and the widespread use of vaccines, the picture has changed.

7. Many diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, scarlet fever, small pox, and diphtheria have been almost wiped out.

b) from Russian into English

1. Самой распространенной инфекционной болезнью является простуда. Ученые обнаружили более 100 разновидностей вируса простуды, поэтому вакцин против простуды не существует.

2. У меня на руке ожог. Я пошел в поликлинику, медсестра положила мне мазь и забинтовала рану.

3. — У тебя заложен нос, хриплый голос и щеки горят. У

тебя, должно быть, простуда.

— Да, я, наверное, простудился вчера вечером, когда по­сле игры в футбол мне было очень жарко, и я снял куртку

4. Откройте, пожалуйста, рот Да, на языке у вас налет и горло воспалено. Полощите горло этим лекарством каждый час, и вы выздоровеете через несколько дней.

5. — Мой племянник очень сильно упал с велосипеда и

сломал руку. Сейчас он в гипсе.

— Его что-то беспокоит?

— Да, рука болит достаточно сильно, и первые несколько дней у него была высокая температура.


Here is a list of controversial statements about medical care. For each one, discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Think also what the consequences of the idea would be.

1. The State should pay for all medical care. There should be no private medical care.

2. Heart transplants should be stopped. They are rarely successful, and the money could be better spent on other

*■ things

3. The tax on cigarettes should be increased to pay for the health care needed by smokers.

4. Health care should be reduced for people over 65

5. Peopie who are very ill should have the right to decide if they want to die.

6. Doctors should always give patients a\\ the information about their illness and chances of recovery.

Topical vocabulary


brain — мозг vein — вена artery — артерии bronchus — бронх lung — легкое heart — сердце liver - ■ уіечень stomach — же^іудок intestine — кишечник kidney — почка blood circulation — система кровообращения nervous system — нервная система muscle — мышца muscular system — мышечная система


healthy (to be in^ good health) -------------------------- здоровий

feel well/be fine/all right ------------------------ чувствовать себя хорошо

be in (a) good (bad, poor) shape/condition/state -------------------------------------- быть здоровим (нездоровым)

to be/keep fit------------------- быть в хорошей форме

patient — больной, пациент in-patient стационарный больной

out-patient — амбулаторный больной

the wounded, the injured, casualties -------------------------- раненые, пострадавшие,


hurt, injured, wounded — пострадавший

a sick person----------- больной

to be ill/feel ill (with) — -болеть

to fall ill/to get ill--------------- заболеть

to be in no condition to do smth--------------------- быть не в состоянии

to be out of order------------- быть н$ в себе

to be in poor/ill health ---------------- иметь плохое здоровье

to go/be down with -------------- -заболеть/болеть

to catch a disease ------------- зараіиться

to feel seedy/miserable — -плохо!ужасно себя чуествоват ь

to take a turn for the worse ----------------- наступило ухудшение

one's health gave -way-------------- здоровы сильно ухудшилось

not to last more than...----------------- не прожить дольше...

го get better ---------- выздоравливать

to recover/to get over an illness/to get well — выздоравливать

marked improvement in one's condition----------------------- значительное улучшение

to be out of danger-------------- вне опасности

to die (with, of).../to have complications after... ------------------------------------ умереть

от/ иметь осложнения после...


ache -— боль (продолжительная, тупая)

toothache/ headache/ stomachache — зубная, головная боль, боль

в желудке

to have a (splitting) headache, an earache, etc. ----------------------------- раскалывает-ся

голова, болит ухо

I'm all ache. ----------- У меня все болит.

to ache - болеть

Не ached all over. — У него все болело.

pain in -------- боль (в)

to feel pain (suffer from pain) ------------------ испытывать боль

to have a sharp pain -------------- острая боль

The pain was gone ------------- боль прошла

to have pain in the stomach/neck---------------------- боль в желубке/ шее

Bui: to feel sick at heart------------------- боль в сердце

painful/painless (operation) ----------------- болезненная (безболезненная) операция

sore ------ воспаленный

to have (got) a sore throat, eye, finger, back, etc. — болит горло, глаз, палец, спина

to hurt-------- причинять боль

hurt — раті, повреждение, боль

It hurts me. My leg hurts — Меня это беспокоит. У меня болит нога

disorder-------- нарушение

sleep/liver disorder -------------- расстройство сна/ печени

disturbance —расстройство

visual disturbance -расстройство зрения

fever - - лихорадка, жар

to have (got) a fevcr/to feel feverish ------------------- лихорадить

high temperature-------------- высокая температура

to be running (a) high temperature - иметь высокую температуру

high blood pressure ------------- высокое^кровяное давление


itch/to itch---------- зуд, зудеть

spots /pimple s--------- яр ы щ и

blister------- волдырь

sneezing/to sneeze-------------- чихание, чихать

runny/running nose/cold in the head-------------------- насморк

to be clogged (up)/ stuffed ---------------- заложен (нос)

to catch a cold------------ простудиться

cough/bad cough — кашель/ сильный кашель fits of coughing —n рис тупы кашля nauseaтошнота

to feel nauseous/sick -------------- тошнить

vomiting/to vomit/to throw up-рвота, рвать indigestion/bad digestion — несварение, расстройство желудка constipationзапор diarrheaдиарея dizziness головокружение

My head is swimming/1 Feel dizzy------------------- голова кружит ся

to faint — упасть в обморок

fainting-------- обморок

to lose consciousness-------------- потерять сознание

to come to oneself------------- npudmu в себя

to feel limp/stiff — -чувствовать слабость, тело ломит fatigue — -утомление

to be lightheaded------------ быть в бреду

to be low -------- ощущать стресс, подавленность

to be tun down — испытывать переутомление sweat/to sweat-пот/потеть

to be bitten (by a dog, a snake) —укусила (собака, змея) to be stung by a bee, a wasp-ужалила пчела, оса



illness— длительная болезнь sickness--------------------- более общее название, иногда обозначающее просто дурно ту или психическое расстройство. disease--- часто инфекционная болезнь disorder --------------------- расстройство какого- нибудь органа, системы malady - более формальный синоним disease (поп) communicable diseases (не) заразные болезни (in) curable— (не) излечимая (болезнь) catching, contagious инфекционный epidemic--------------------- эпидемия inherited sickness --------------------- наследственная болезнь attack (bout) — приступ heart attack, bout of depression ------- сердечный приступ, при- imyn депрессии appendicitis --- аппендицит He has appendicitis - У него приступ аппендицита. to have an appendix out/ removed — -удалить аппендикс bronchitis — бронхит cancer — рак lump/swelling--------------------- опухоль small pox — оспа quinsy — ангина measles - корь whooping-cough-------------- коклюш mumps --------- свинка scarlet fever------------------- скарлатина flu (influenza - grippe) ---------- грипп inborn disturbance — врожденное нарушение blind/blindness - - слепой/ слепота dumb/ dumbness — немой/ немота deaf/deafness— глухой/ глухота pneumonia— воспаление легких burn ------------ ожог cut порез The cut is bleeding. - порез кровит. fracture----------------- перелом to be out of joint ----------------- вывихнуть My foot is out of joint. ---------- я вывихнул ногу. pregnant/pregnancy — беременная/ беремеямоіть sprain ----- растяжение I've sprained my ankle. ----- я подвернул ногу. twist — вывих to limp— прихрамывать bleeding - кровотечение mild case ---- легкий случай fatal illness— опасная болезнь hurt, injury, wound — повреждение, поражение, ушиб, рана bruise --------- синяк a black eye --- синяк поо глазом


to take (a) temperature ------------- измерять температуру

to feel one's pulseопределять пульс

to make tests ----------- делать ансигизы

to take /measure /check one's blood pressure-------------------- измерять давление

to check/examineобследовать

to check/examine one's heart/liver-------------------- (сердце, печень)

to check (sound) one's lunges ---------------- (легкие)

to make a diagnosis ------------ поставить диагноз

to go to the doctor------------ пойти к врачу

to consult a doctor------------- проконсультироваться с доктором

to complain of smth... — жаловаться на...

to trouble (bother —disturb) --------------- беспокоить

What is troubling you? What disturbs you?Что вас беспокоит? to have the symptoms ofиметь признаки

to treat for -------- лечить от

to cure smb ofsmthвылечить от

cure (treatment) ------------- лечение

to take a treatment for------------- принимать лечение от

to do good/harm-------------- помочь/навредить

to give directions/ recommendation •------------------ делать назначения

to relieve the pain ----------- облегчить боль

to operate on --------- оперировать

to undergo an operation/surgery----------------- перенести (лечь на) операцию

to be operated on for — перенести операцию по поводу to have smth removed — -удалить to have complications - иметь осложнения

to write out a prescription/a sick leaveвыписать ре­цепт/ бюллетень

to make out a medical certificate ----------------- выписать справку

to prescribe a diet ----------- назначить диету

to stay in bed ----------- соблюдать постельный режим

to gargle — полоскать горло

to heal — залечивать, заживлять

The wound healed up slowly --------------- рана заживала медленно

Breathe deeply-дышите глубоко

Strip to the waist ------------ разденьтесь до пояса

Bare your arm----------- засучите рукав


to make up a medicine/ drug -------------------- приготовить лекарство

chemist's (drugstore) — аптека

to take a medicine for --------------- принимать лекарство от

mixture/pills (tablets)/ powders/ointment/drops------------------------------------ миксту

pal таблетки/ порошки/ мазь / капли

a tablespoonful/a teaspoonful — столовая/ чайна


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