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Read the following information and make the information to the question 4 in Activity 29 more exact.Содержание книги
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The passive vehicle safety programme has set new standards for passive vehicle safety in Europe and America. Its aim is to provide the customer with an opportunity to compare passive vehicle safety in different car models. Just so that everyone's clear about the terminology, when I say passive vehicle safety, I mean those features used if an accident happens. Features which are used to avoid an accident are referred to as active vehicle safety. Put the safety feature into the correct column.
ABS, adaptive cruise control, crumple zone, highly rigid roof, automatic emergency braking, seat belt, airbags, Electronic Stability Program (ESP), retractable steering wheel, shatterproof windscreen, xenon headlights, lane departure warning system. 32. Work with a partner. Choose a safety feature and prepare a five-minute presentation explaining how your feature works, if you have Internet access, you can visit websites like www.howstuffworks.com to help you. Give your presentation to the class. UNIT V. INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY Work in pairs or small groups and discuss the following issues. 1) Intensive industrialization threatens nature. Do you agree this is a major problem of modern civilization? 2) What are the sources of environmental pollution? 3) What is the real harm? 4) What are the world's worst polluted places in your opinion? 2. Form nouns from the verbs, translate them into Russian: To develop, to define, to interact, to assess, to promote, to provide, to transform, to prevent, to apply, to produce, to supply, to manage, to pollute, to require, to process, to maintain, to introduce. 3. State the part of speech, say how the words are formed, translate them into Russian: Industrial, generally, different, ecological, environmental, heavily, efficient, inefficient, sustainable, primarily, technological, potentially, social, economic, political, scientific, literally, regional, national, global, consequently, renewable, nonrenewable, efficiently, meaningful, various, creative, concurrently. There is a large number of types of environmental pollution. Work in pairs and discuss their sources. Work out the order of their importance. a) Air pollution, b) light pollution, c) littering, d) noise pollution, e) soil contamination, f) radioactive contamination, g) thermal pollution, h) visual pollution, i) water pollution. Match the types of pollution in Activity 2 with their definitions below. 1) Light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference. 2) Roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar. 3) The criminal throwing of inappropriate man-made objects, unremoved, onto public and private properties. 4) The release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. 5) The contamination that occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. 6) A temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant. 7) The contamination, resulting from nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. 8) The discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into surface waters. 9) Pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash, municipal solid waste or space debris. 6. Read Text A. What types of environmental pollution are mentioned here? Text A Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. The Blacksmith Institute issues an annual list of the world's worst polluted places. In the 2007 issues the ten top nominees are located in Azerbaijan, China, India, Peru, Russia, Ukraine and Zambia. It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today. The emergence of great factories and consumption of immense quantities of coal and other fossil fuels gave rise to unprecedented air pollution and the large volume of industrial chemical discharges added to the growing load of untreated human waste. Pollution became a popular issue after World War II, due to radioactive fallout from atomic warfare and testing. The development of nuclear science introduced radioactive contamination, which can remain lethally radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. Growing evidence of local and global pollution and an increasingly informed public over time have given rise to environmentalism and the environmental movement, which generally seek to limit human impact on the environment. Air pollution produced by ships may alter clouds, affecting global temperatures. It also comes from both natural and human-made (anthropogenic) sources. However, globally human-made pollutants from combustion, construction, mining, agriculture and warfare are increasingly significant in the air pollution equation. Motor vehicle emissions are one of the leading causes of air pollution. China, United States, Russia, Mexico, and Japan are the world leaders in air pollution emissions. Principal stationary pollution sources include chemical plants, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, nuclear waste disposal activity, incinerators, large livestock farms (dairy cows, pigs, poultry), metals production factories, plastics factories, and other heavy industry. Agricultural air pollution comes from contemporary practices which include clear felling and burning of natural vegetation as well as spraying of pesticides and herbicides. About 400 million metric tons of hazardous wastes are generated each year. Some of the more common soil contaminants are chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metals (such as chromium, cadmium-found in rechargeable batteries, and lead-found in lead paint, aviation fuel and still in some countries, gasoline), zinc, arsenic and benzene. In the case of noise pollution the dominant source class is the motor vehicle, producing about ninety percent of all unwanted noise worldwide. Pollution can also be the consequence of a natural disaster. For example, hurricanes often involve water contamination from sewage, and petrochemical spills from ruptured boats or automobiles. Larger scale and environmental damage is not uncommon when coastal oil rigs or refineries are involved. Some sources of pollution, such as nuclear power plants or oil tankers, can produce widespread and potentially hazardous releases when accidents occur.
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