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Healthy life style physiological bases.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 32 из 32 Содержание книги
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According WHO (World Health Organization), health is complete body (physical), spiritual and social welfare. Having studied Physiology at lectures and practical classes, everyone of you may have your own definition of health. But, nevetherless, let’s describe separate statements of WHO health definition. “Complete body (physical) welfare” – is it really in life? Many of you can tell: “I am physically in a good health”. But is it so? Of course, when you are 18-20 years old, it’s very easy to make such a conclusion. But look to people who are around you. One carries glasses, others – have problems with his or her leg and so on. And amount of such people is rather big. But, unfortunately, after careful control, - this number is even bigger, frankly speaking, the most of people have problems with their health. On the base of which indexes we tall about health? As a rule, having investigated pulse, pressure, temperature, having determined weight, growth and so on. If you go to the psychiatric clinics and try to measure all these indexes, you will have normal levels in the most people who are there. But whether they are considered healthy? Thus, these indexes determining is not health evaluation criterium. It’s necessary to have psychical health too. “Complete psychical welfare” - it is the unity of consciousness and underconsciousness. We are often so far from this unity. That’s why it’s very difficult to decide who is psychically healthy, who is sick. According to the statistic processing, every 4th person is psychically unhealthy in Europe. But it was so 10 years ago. And, besides many people are gone by such official statistics! “Complete social welfare” - probably, this phenomenon is very difficult to be achieved for the most people. Human being is always surrounded by one or other social problems! “Complete spiritual welfare” – this index evaluation is more difficult. Spiritual health – is a principle of natural kidness to everything and to everybody. Whether many of us can say about their kind attitude to environment, surrounding people, even to our relatives. We can see at every step indifferentness to other people misfortune, troubles; ruthlessness, cruelty, violence, sadism and other expressions testifying to low (the lowest!!!) spiritual level of many people. What is the conclusion of performed analysis? Thus, we have very grief picture because one can’t find human being corresponding to all these requirements “in the afternoon with a fire”. What to do to be closer to the term “healthy person”? To gain this goal, it’s necessary to drive your life maximally to so-called “healthy life style”. What factors does it depend on? If we take all health for 100 per cent, than different factors contribution in it will be following: · environment – 20 per cent; · social factors - 20 per cent; · rest 60 per cent (according to several data – all 80 per cent) – life style. We have practically told about social factor. That’s why we shall only add a few words about medicine role in health preservation and supporting. The most investigators consider that medicine role in health preservation is rather humble and its share is about 6-8 per cent. More probably, it performs its functions of organism support at definite level relatively close to healthy state. And we are sure that any supermodern diagnostical devices, any superlaboratory service, any supereffective medicines, supermodern clinics and supermediocre doctors health problem won’t decide and don’t decide. Sick people amount despite all these “super” is growing up and growing up. And, the most important, will increase and increase. Remember! The more medicines and more pharmacies we have (one can see this now with unarmed eye), the more patients we have. One can tell many things about ecological factor. But the most important in this problem – complete ecological people’s incompetence. Remind, you go alongside the road and see fastened animals. This is the solving of feeding problem. This is the example of people’s “ecological incompetence”. And vegetables and fruits chemical processing out off any control while their cultivation! Chernobyl is out off comments!!! Certainly, all this influences on our health. But at the same time it is the result of human activity. Thus, we do something wrong.
And, at last, main factor our health depens on – modern human being lyfe style. It is not occasionally that it is about 60-80 per cent of our health. What do we mean telling about healthy life style? It includes many constiutuents. All of them are tightly connected one with another. The most essential among them are the following: · thoughts; · movement; · air; · water; · feeding; · harmful habits; · active psychical activity. We consider, that human thoughts – are one of the most important and of the main healthy life style elements. May be you know the proverb: “Healthy spirit - in a healthy body”. It is not correct. Because it is on the contrary: “Healthy spirit – healthy body”. We have discussed this while the highest nervous activity physiology study. Thoughts may make human being sick and they may treat him. The second essential health factor is movement. Aristotel wrote many years ago: “Nothing malnourishes and destroys human organism so like durable physical inactivity”. And we must completely agree with this statement, especially at present”. Why especially at present time? Because, human motor activity is very-very low; the most of them doesn’t perform the most elementary norms of physical activity our organs are intended for. But we forget that all the world (we are particle of this world), everything in it is in movement and moreover in harmonic one. If such harmony is destroyed “chaos” occurs. It is disease itself if it is described at human organism level. Remember! Because of physaical inactivity strong organ is degenerated, weak one – dies at overloading. We discuss advantages of systems and organs functionning in trained people in course of Physiology study. Here – next example. Collaborators of our chair investigated more than 100 indexes characterizing different organism systems activity in big people group (more than 700), part of which was control, another one was performing healthy running. As our results have demonstarated, running people (in the age from 20 till 75 years, of different sex, various professional groups) have in their blood more formed elements amount, low blood coagulation indexes, higher prostacycline level in vascular wall, lower blood pressure level. We can continue this list. According to literary data, people dying in accidents performing healthy running before this regularly, practically don’t have any vessels sclerotic injuries. One can deliver separate lecture on the basis of this material. But during last years there occur very interesting data about movement as healthy life style factor. Indeed, as it was mentionned above, healthy running influences differenly on effectiveness velocity and depends on load intensivity (distance having been runned in course of training, running velocity, running freaquency in a week) in different people (taking into accout their emotional characteristics, typological distinguishing features). Nowadays it was demonstrated that human physical activity should be in correspondence to their genetical features which one can evaluate on blood groups. Authors of this textbook share this opinion and consider that this statement must be taken into account all the people who do physical exercises. I-st blood group – intensive loadings types are necessary – running, swimming, rapid walking (4 times a week). II-nd blood group – walking and running of middle intensivity combination with calming loadings (meditative exercises). Such combinations must be 3-4 times a week in them. III-rd group - intensive loadings are recommended (walking, running – 3-4 times a week) and relaxating (gymnastics - 1-2 times a week).
IV-th blood group - loadings close to those like in people with II-nd blood group are essential. They must avoid games with competitive elements. Such exactments delt with blood groups make human loadings more adequate and their preventive effect must grow due to this. Essential factor of healthy life style is correct breathing training and also air we breath in. We’ve told about correct respiration above. Let us remind you shortly. We breath only with our nose; with lack in inspiration and especially in expiration; we are trained to have healthy respiration freaquency – 6-8 per minute. Physical trainings will lead you automatically to this. We must inspirate air with maximal amount of negative ions. Such air is in mountains, near reservoirs, finally, in the street (especially – in the forests, in the parks). There are much positive ions (or aeroions as they are called by the scientists) in any room the most suitable and ideal for staying there. These positive ions make us sick. Water – is the most important healthy life style factor. Our organism needs constantly in it. But what water do we drink? Naturally, everyone has to strive for clean, purified, spring water usage. Next factor – it is feeding. This factor is tightly connected with movement. That individual who is trained regularly doesn’t have any problems with feeding. He isn’t never overeating or overdrinking. The most important approach to feeding problem – is food limited usage. We’ll be more healthy in 100 times while restricted food usage comparatively to the people which can’t restrict themselves in food and drinking. The most of us consume more than use. It is not occasional that every second person has the excessive weight. Excessive weight – it is disease. Next group factors – harmful habits. It is well-known to everyone how easy to aquire them and how difficult to fight against them. Be the example to your relatives. Leave smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, medicines. Only health person can make other (sick) person healthy!!! Active psychical activity- is other health factor. What does it mean? One scientists differentiate 2 aspects in this: labour joy and sexual health. Labour joy – it is interest to your work. There exists psychological optimum which means that being busy with any kind of work corresponds to physiological, intellectual, social and other factors. Are you satisfied with your work? Do many people today are in joy while performing their daily work? Unfortunately, the percentage of such people is very insufficient. But we spend our main lifetime at work. If it doesn’t carry joy to us, it doesn’t add any health to us. On the contrary. Sexual health – is complex of somatic, emotional, intellectual and social factors. We are talking about sexual explosion today. What is it? Church preaches asketism (refraining particularly sexual one) in Middle Ages. Intimal life was considered as fornication, lechery. There were many ignorance in intim and, it’s quite naturally, that ignorance may born only ignorance. Tht’s why it is remained till nowadays. Finally, it was occured something that did very big gap between civil and sexual maturity. If civil maturity becomes in 18-20 years (in girls) and 22-23 years (in guys), than sexual one becomes significantly before (in 12-14 years in girls and 15-16 years in boys). The gap of the first from the second is approximately 5-7 years and even more. At this period (early sexual) there are only 2 constituents of sexual health – somatic and emotional. That’s why sexual life early beginning causes degradation both mental and physical (fading, impotence). One can add many small, secondary, insignificant factors to factors mentionned above but it is not important and it doesn’t change the essence of deeds. It is clear only one thing: human health is mainly in his or her own hands!!! If you would like to see one responsible for (guilty in) all your diseases and tragedies, look in the mirror and you will see him in all his (her) beauty!!! In conclusion, telling “Good-bye” to you we would like to wish you following: 1. Stop to moan, to complaint on smth, to search for guilty every time – because these are main reasons of all your problems. 2. Don’t ignore physical loadings, don’t do physical trainings the company. Having started to do any physical exercises – continue all your life according to your genetical possibilities. 3. Don’t forget that it’s necessary to eat for live, not on the contrary. Remember: each 2,5 cm of waist circle as for breast are equal to 2 years of life. 4. Stop smoking, taking drugs and medicines and achieve this from other people. 5. Don’t afraid any risk, life difficulties, go forward to them and learn to overcome them. Life is too short to loose it for triviality. Truth and politeness are the most valuable in this life. Smile, clever joke, truly word will help you and your relatives more than all medicines in the world. Take in your Way your knowledge, love to work, because the of sweet “doing nothing” is over and world – is not a hall for loafers but great workshop! Create in it! Have a good journey through the country the name of which is Your Life! Content.
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