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Modern human being feeding (new approaches to the problem).Содержание книги
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Feeding -organismassimilation process of substances necessary for its tissues building and renewal as well as for energy needs satisfaction. Food must contain organic substances predominant part of which have to belong to proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. If coming food amount is insufficient for energy needs satisfaction, they are compensated by means of internal reserves (mainly fats). If on the contrary, fat accumulative process is triggered (independently from food content)! Feeding culture questions are of essential importance today. Human mood, health, ability to work, life duration – all this depends on feeding character! Food character influences on self-feeling, emotional sphere, intellectual abilities. Feeding questions are based on Nature Laws which are impossible to be denied. Doubtly, every person diet must correspond to his type, individual abilities, natural and climatic conditions where he or she lives. But feeding main laws must follow all people without any exceptions, who wants to preserve and improve his spiritual and physical health! But human being has to understand, master and recognize these laws! Time by time mode to new definite products and way of their production are appeared in our modern society. Multiple media institutions, food enterprizes are predominant in such direction. Second, many people don’t have even any primitive, elementary knowledge in feeding questions. They don’t know, how much, what products when and even how to eat. They have occasional imagions about products chemical content, their features and almost know nothing about products influence on human organism. Only any disease makes these people to pay their attention to their feeding. Unfortunately, it may be too late: incorrect feeding destroyed body and one should adress to the treatment. Human being feeding problem was always actual. Today its actuality increases in many times. It is linked with unknown or even harmful products appearence in our markets and in our shops. One can follow scienctific-practical feeding bases. Scientific-practical feeding bases. They are based on knowledge of significance, products alimentary and biological availability, their ability to satisfact organism needs in chemical nutrients daily necessary to it. Cells consisting body tissues and organs, in which complicated biochemical processes take place, are getting old, die; new young cells replace them. Nutrients are essential for their construction and normal functionning. Organism needs in different chemicals according to age, sex, age, actvity character, living place. Such chemicals consist of such integral groups as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral elements, vitamins. Products have different alimentary availability (one have more proteins, others – fats, carbohydrates and so on) and thus they can satisfact energy body nedds while usage different ways. Human alimentary ration practically constantly must contain more than 600 substances. At feeding non-correctly organized organism has insufficiency in some of them. Sometimes - in vitally important that leads to separate organs or even their whole systems activity disorders. The most significant food components. Proteins. They consist of aminoacids, are plastic building material for practically all human organs. Biologically active substances – enzymes, many hormones – are built from proteins. You should also remember about excessive and non-excessive aminoacids. Fats – is an energy source, first of all. But also they participate in cells construction. Fat consistention (taste too) depends on saturated and unsaturated fat acids different content and correlation. At more expressed saturated fat acids usage (animal products) food is more hardly destructed by corresponding alimentary enzymes. Carbohydrates serve as main energy supplier, their most significant content is in plants. They also are essential for central nervous system and muscles functionning. Vitamines – belong to organic biologically-active substances which take part in all organism vital processes regulation. They are in catalizators structure. Such catalizators are biological processes accelerators; they are called enzymes. Significant vitamins part is destructed both in course of their keeping and at inproper thermal products processing. That’s why any ration must contain many fresh products - vegetables and fruits. One should be careful as for synthetic vitamins – they are assimilated badly by organism but their overdosage is very easy.
Mineral substances – microelements, ultramicroelements. Human organism has more than 70 mineral elements. They are building material and are constituents of biologically-active substances (enzymes, hormones). Water is about 60 per cent of human body weight. It serves as environment for complicated biochemical processes in cells, tissues and organs. Thus, human feeding must be proper, scientifically-based, rational. Adequate feeding theory is taken nowadays as rational feeding. Adequate feeding - feeding which satisfacts organism energetic consumption, provides its needs in plastic substances as well contains all vitamines, macro-, micro- and ultramicroelements, food fibres necessary for viability and alimentary ration as it is corresponds to alimentary tract enzymatic possibilities of a given individuum. Adequate feeding principles non-maintaining, highly-energetic products usage (especially potatoe, bread, confectionery, mealy foods) is accompanied by organism fatness and may result in obesity. It encourages the development of such diseases as: · atherosclerosis; · hypertony; · diabetes mellitus; · heart attack; · stroke. Insufficient physical activity helps in this. Remember! If human being follows proper physical regimen his needs in food is less than at moveless life style. Physical feeding norms are based on national feeding main principles and feeding norms depend on sex, age, activity character, climate, organism physiological state. In the most widely-spread cases adequate feeding is based on energy consumptions connected with professional activity (see material about general metabolism). Adequate feeding depends on feeding regime. Feeding regime – 1) food taking amount in course of 24 hours; 2) daily ration distribution on its energetic availability; 3) food taking time in course of 24 hours; 4) intervals between food taking; 5) time for food taking. Proper feeding regime provides: 1) alimentary system activity effectiveness; 2) food normal assimilation; 3) good self-feeling. The majority of scientists consider that healthy person must follow 3-4-timed feeding with 4-5-houred spaces. It is not properly to take food less than in 2 hours after previous food taking. It disturbs alimentary tract activity rhythm. Food is masticated and processed by saliva badly in course of rapid feeding. It leads to excessive loading to stomach, digestion and food assimilation disorders. At fast feeding saturation feeling appears slower that encourages overeating. Last food taking must be performed not later than to 1,5 hours to sleep. Excessive food before night sleep enforces heart attack, acute pancreatitis, ulcer disease complication development possibility as well as other diseases. But one should remember that need in food is linked with organism function daily biorythm individual features. In people greatest number these functions level increasing is observed in the first day half. That‘s why one should prefer “ morning feeding regime ”, which corresponds to famous proverb: “Eat your breakfast by yourself, to divide your dinner with your friend and to give your supper to your enemy”. Maximal breakfast, according to this system, means 40-50 per cent of daily ration. 25 per cent – to dinner and 25 per cent – to the supper. But this theory is not of no doubt. It is well-known that after excessive food one have feel relaxation, sleepness and as a result working activity is reduced. Such regime is not proper to working person especially for mental activity.
It was occured the theory of “equal loading” due to this. It tells about equal on calorage 3-4-timed feeding. But under real conditions delt with working activity equal loading is not always proper. Because people correspond their food taking mainly with appetite feeling. Besides, equality principle doesn’t take into account twenty-four-hour rhythm of stomach and intestinal juices formation as well as alimentary hormones and enzymes activity. That’s why this principle is not of no doubt too. “Evening loading regime” or maximal supper i.e. about 50 per cent of twenty-four-hour calories must be to supper, on 25 per cent – to breakfast and dinner. It was also established that stomach juice and enzymes maximum formation is about 18-19 hours. That’s because such loading regime causes minimal tension and fatigue. From these positions and according to working day duration, this regime is probably the most physiological for the majority of people. It doesn’t mean that all people must follow this evening regime. Following this regime to obese person is impossible because his weight will grow constantly. Energy loss is practically absent in the evening and eated food will become accumulated as fat. For thin people this regime is the most suitable. Feeding regime choosing must be very individual. But common tendencies and approaches must be attached in the biggest extent to mentionned regimes. Now let’s describe the problem of feeding quality and structure improvement. Nowadays all tryings for feeding structure and quality improvement both at public and on personal level are faced with some objective obstacles. According to adequate feeding position, feeding ration maximal differentiation necessity for every individual is of no doubt. At the same time, it is well-known that daily food of many people is not different. There are many reasons of this. Before – it was the deficiency of one and other products, now – the deficiency of people’s ability as buyers. Many people must limit their ration with the most cheap products. Such resrtricted feeding may be the reason of organism activity disorders. Another problem is delt with established tendency of refined products production. It is difficult to say now when and by whom rafinated sugar, oils, purificated salt production was proposed from which were restricted the substances nowadays considered to be useful striving for product clearence. When eating with rafinated products human being receives insufficient amount of food fibers, vitamins, minerals. As a result – risk of early atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cholelitiasis (stones in bile ducts and gall bladder), oncologic diseases occurs. And we are the witnesses of such diseases growth especially in course of last several decades. Let’s describe these products more careful. Refined sugar - is clean chemical received as a result of multistaired (multi-staged) beetroot and sugar cane processing. It doesn’t contain neither vitamins, nor salts, nor other biologically-active substances. And that’s why person receives only “empty calories” from it. Not completely purificated, yellow sugar, at the same time is less harmful. Comparatively to rafinated one it doesn’t allow fat-protein substances formation - low-densed lipoproteids which are one of atherosclerosis reasons. But let’s think. Do we really need in so often sugar usage? Why not to change it to honey – wonderful natural product containing many useful substances? Salt – is clean chemical too. Often and obligatory making food salty leads to increased percentage of people suffering from hypertony. Sodium excessment in food - is organism water lack reason that also causes intraorbital pressure increasing, heart-vascular system and kidneys diseases. It is of no doubt that alimentary obesity is linked with oversalted food. If obese people is prescribed low-salty diet they loss very quickly 5-7 kg of body weight with liquid. Before, when salt was received from natural resources, human being receives with it not only clean sodium chloridum but also other really necessary substances for organism. That’s why the best salt for usage is stone, sea and iodated. But one should underline that human being satisfacts completely his need in salts while usage different vegetables and other natural products even without any salt usage. White flour of the highest grade (sort) – is very often product for population. The whiter flour as it is has more in calories and it is more harmful for organism. At purification and fine-ground all useful substances leave flour for bran which excite intestinal peristalsis and allow metabolites excretion. Iron, grain germ part (possessing large energy potential) also leave flour. Yeast fermentation decreases grain potential. It is more useful to eat bread from coarse-ground flour as well as flat cakes of home preparation with flour of the worst sort with bran addition. Last years food coming from abroad became more and more often. These products don’t undergo proper sanitary control because of alimentary additions existance which are harmful to human health. This is one more very important problem of modern human being feeding. Limit alimentary additions content is determined by technologic instructions. Such additions are not harmful for human organism. But these normal ranges are not usually followed and sometimes don’t correspond to the reality. Alimentary additions often may be hard intoxications reasons. It is also due to technologic epoch when almost all products are produced on factories with synthetic or artificial substances application. Human being under complicated ecological conditions obviousely receives multiple toxins, poisons – pesticides, inorganic fertilizers, nitrates, radionuclides – with air, water and food. These substances while their accumulating in organism in different doses and often in very unfavorable combinations can lead to so-called ecological poisonings. For example, increased nitrates (nitric acid salts) amount in soil in course of the latest years. They are in nitrogenous fertilizers structure, they use in course of smoking et al. Nitrates are not dangerous themselves but they can transform into harmful substances - nitrites and nitrosamines, which increase methaemoglobine content in blood (hypoxy reason), disturb carbohydrate and protein metabolism, possess cancerogenic action.
All mentionned feeding problems belong to global ones or, at least, of state level. Doubtly, fundamental economical and technological society life reconstruction needs for their solving. Only in this case one can hope that healthy feeding will become gold rule but not the exception for the biggest population part. Main modern human being feeding biological bases (laws): 1. Human needs in energy and nutrients depends on age, sex and performed work character. 2. Organism energy and nutrients consumption must be compensated by their coming with blood. 3. Food organic and mineral substances must be in equillibrium between each other as for organism needs, i.e are represented in definite correlations. 4. Human organism needs in some organic substances coming in a ready state (vitamines, some aminoacids and polyinsaturated fat acids) without any possibilities to synthesize them from other food substances. 5. Food balance is reached due to its variation, products involvement in the ration from different groups. 6. Food content and, correspondingly, products set must correspond to organism individual features. 7. Food must be undangerous for human being and its coockery methods mustn’t hurt him. 8. Organism activity is undergone to biorhythms. Human being must follow feeding regime according to them. But at the same time different feeding systems followers quantity grows constantly in the world. For ages, in all world cultures thinkers and doctors payed much attention to the questions of correct food taking. The wisest humanity representatives understood that any food, according to its dosage, taking conditions, combinations with other products may be both medicine and poison. Part of recommendations recounted in such works of wise ancient and modern people is accepted and used by official medicine, other part is denied or is considered to be disputed according to one or other reasons. We believe that it’s a real time to find “aurea mediocritas” (gold middle).
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