Non-traditional feeding systems. Fasting systems and their significance for health. Modern feeding in a childhood. 

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Non-traditional feeding systems. Fasting systems and their significance for health. Modern feeding in a childhood.


There are many non-traditional feeding systems nowadays with many rational and very significant aspects for modern human being health. We’ll give characteristics of the most popular systems among population.

Vegetarian system – feeding system, excluding or limiting animal products usage. Main motto of vegetarians is: “Not to eat killed animals corpses!” Such thesis was appearing many times in course of all humanity history. Although many years ago vegetarian system followers had such points of view according to their philosophyc motives. In our pragmatic century the biggest vegetarian part would like to make their health stronger, to reach their elderness, to avoid dangerous disorders. And they really have such chance! Cholesterine’s, triglycerides’ amount in their blood is lower, they have lower arterial pressure level than in meat-eaters, their immunity is higher, maligmamt tumors are diagnosted rather seldom in them! As a rule, working activity is increased and common psychological state is improved in them!

Vegetarian system followers base their system choice by next fact: human organism, to their mind, is closer to herbivorous and primates organism than the one of predators. Plant food (if ration is quite different) contains all vitally essential substances. But decomposition products which exists even in the most fresh meat are absent in them. One should remember that only the most fresh meat – is a food product and if it is preserved (in any fridge), is undergone to thermal processing and coockery finishing than it contains many decomposition products (even atherogenic ones). They stimulate lipids accumulation in liver. There are little vitamines in meat, besides vitamine B12. There is also moral aspect – vegetarian diet avoiding human being from the necessity to cause sufferings to animals (“anger toxins”), to spill their blood, it allows eater thoughts and feelings to be clean. Moreover, there are some data: in human organism with meat is introduced information about animal. And it is not occasional that some people have “dull cattle habits”, “sheep’s or mutton brains”, “swinish attitude to deed”. But there are also arguments based on digestion physiology data. Indeed, more energy comes to animal proteins assimilation and utilization than these proteins can give to the organism.

Main vegetarian system opponents objections are:

1) in prothein deficiency danger because animal food contains little prothein;

2) in deficiency of possible vitamines and microelements necessary for haemocoagulation;

3) many nutrients concentration in plant products is insufficient for the quickest organism development in childhood and in youth.

But it is not so. It was established that people whose food alimentary ration contains 50-60 g in 24 hours have more expressed ability to work than those who eats 100 g of protein and even more in twenty-four –hours. Haemocoagulative vitamins concentration in vegetarian serum is not less than in meat-eaters. And, at last, there exist and existed whole nations in which vegetarian customs and traditions of which are from the bottom of centuries. They didn’t degrade in course of these centuries from generation to generation (unfortunately, main part of modern people prefers meat diet and degradation level is not worthy to investigate, it is visual on the surface with unarmed sight). In any case, official dietology recognizes that at least not strong vegetarian system is quite suitable for durable usage and influences favourably to health.

Raw-eating – is more seriouse vegetarian direction. Its distinguishing feature is products usage only raw, without any thermal processing. Its followers (naturopaths) consider that human being sufficient daily amount is 20-30 g of protein. They explain it by the fact that at raw-eating human organism mobilizing internal reserves, maximally uses vitally essential prothein components – aminoacids. Raw food is alive food. It contains maximum of enzymes, vitamins, microelements and in addition they are natural. All this is destroyes in course of thermal processing. There occur many unassimilated elements in boiled food which only “pollute” organism internal environment.

Naturopathy (naturopathia) – are natural feeding followers. They don’t receive theory based on food calorage (calories). “Food reach in calories led us to overeating”, - naturopaths consider. And there is large part of truth in it. Taking into account our unagile or even moveless life style, we do have to diminish all norms on 800-1000 kkal (comparatively to norma being proposed by official medicine followers). Naturopaths tell that food taking – is a saint action. These are not empty words. One must act according to such wise point of view (not only to listen to them). We are sure (persuade) in feeding culture elements correctness they tell about. Here are some of them.

· If you are irritated and can’t come down and don’t have enough time to eat – it is rather better not to eat.

· Well-known rule – to drink before 10-15 minutes as for eating but not to drink in course of eating.

· To masticate food very carefully. Saliva will dissolve food’s consistention. Thus, you don’t need other liquid dissolving digestive juices and decreasing their function.

· You have to eat only if you feel hunger. Don’t eat if you are not hungry!!! It’s necessary to listen to nature voice, organism voice but not to follow your habit.

· If you have some pain - wait with eating. You must do the same if you have increased temperature. To feed the sick- in more extent to feed illness itself.

· Don’t eat indirectly before your eating. Why? In person who have just eaten blood inflows to alimentary organs leaving brain and muscles without blood. That’s why neither physical, nor mental activity will be effective after eating (especially excessive one).

Naturopaths believe that ideal food for human being – is row vegetables and fruits, containing “sunny energy”, vitamins, mineral salts and enzymes. Such food has alkaline reaction, it is digested easily, it leaves little metabolites, it cleans organism. By the way, lard belongs to such products. Rest products cause acid reaction in organism (meat, bread, starch, sweated juices and drinks) and are assimilated harder. To their mind, 2/3 must be alkaline and 1/3 - acid food. And one more requirement putt this theory followers forward - food biological compatibility will human organism cells. It is better to use plants grown in your motherland but not abroad.

Thus, this system followers have many essential feeding rules which are necessary for all people independently from their feeding regime.

Divided feeding – is food products compatibility. This system main statements are based on next data: nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) decomposition is realized under alimentary enzymes action secreted in oral cavity, intestine, liver and pancreas at products coming into gastro-intestinal tract. One or others enzymes are responsible mainly for definite components processing: either proteins, or fats, or carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are rapidly decomposed under alimentary juices action to ending products. Proteins and moreover fats require more time. While simultaneous coming into gastro-intestinal tract, such food components make gastro-intestinal tract activity more intensive, more tensed, with overloading. At divided feeding alimentary system works more synchronous, without overloadings, not interrupt one another. Next statements belong to this system followers recommendations:

· protein and starch food usage must be in different time;

· one protein type must be in one food taking;

· they don’t recommend to use fats with any protein food;

· melons and watermelons (all fruits) must be eaten separately.

We would like to pay your special attention to milk. It would be better to transform it into acid-milky products, to take separately or not to drink. Milky fat prevents stomach juice releasing. Milk is assimilated not in stomach but in intestine. That’s why stomach doesn’t answer to milk with secretion. Moreover, enzymes responsible for milk utilizing are absent in many people out of childhood.

Genetically determined feeding – is quite new feeding form based on nutrients assimilation according to blood groups. Alimentary tract of people with the I-st blood group is oriented to meat digestion. That’s why they have very high hydrochloric acid concentrations in stomach juice. People of this type are also assimilated sea fishes well. But to avoid cow milk and milky products, rolls and buns would be rather better for them. Potatoe and some beans types negatively influence on these people metabolism.

Proper feeding for people with the II-nd blood group – is vegetarian one, soya products are the most useful for them. Fish, rolls and buns are very good additions to their feeding too. They are to avoid potatoe and tomatoes.

People with the III-rd blood group are practically “omnivorous” (all-eaters) and can eat different food, they assimilate good meat and meat products. But they have to avoid from corn, buckweat, potatoes. Vegetables and fruits must consist important part of feeding.

People with the IV-th blood group must refrain from meat and bird (exception: rabbit, mouton, turkey). Buckweat and corn are not desirable. With seldom exception, all vegetables and fruits are assimilated in them without any problems.

Thus, we see that there are many non-traditional approaches to feeding problem. What is ordinary human to be done, what to do, what to eat? We think that everyone must decide all this with considered and individual approach. It’s necessary to remember that health strengthening and making your figure shapely – it is not avoiding from food but conscious choice and food products combination. And, due to this, one should be of special attention to organism genetically-determined needs. We are sure that big specific weight of our health is in it!!!

Medical fasting- is “waste” of fats accumulated by organism and cholesterine “mobilization”, its metabolic activity increasing with further decreasing of its level till normal values. Definite parts of organs and systems which are not vitally loaded are involved in the process when it is necessary. Either sick tissues or tissues working their vital resource are undergone decomposition in the most often cases. From dying tissues biologically-active protein substances are formed which come to organism renewal and sick organs restoration. Thus, endogenous (internal) feeding with simultaneous organism health-improvement is performed. Organism is released from slags (metabolites) and ballastic substances in course of fasting. These substances cause different diseases.

There are some fasting “types” which differ one from another qualitatively and quantitatively. One can differentiate fasting:

· classic (up to 20-30 days);

· fractional (intermittent);

· dry (linked with drinking regime);

· cascade (24 hours- is feeded, 24 hours – is fasted).

One can use different variants dependently from the situation but only possessing special knowledge and, better, under clinics conditions and under control of specialist.


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