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Unit 4. Operations ManagementСодержание книги
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Possible titles: Get Everyone on the Same Page, 2) Follow the Right Order of Operation, 3) Process First, Technology and Tools Second Vocabulary 2. 1.h, 2.j, 3.d, 4.f, 5.a, 6.c, 7.e, 8.i, 9.g, 10.b 3. 1.Assemble-to-order, 2. By-product, 3. Off-the-shelf, 4. One-off production, 5. Piece-work, 6. Product range, 7. A pilot plant, 8. Throughput. 4. 1. Production cost. 2. Direct cost, 3. Continuous production. 4. Flow production, 5. Work in progress. 6. Production overheads, 7. Make on, 8. An assembly line. 5. 1.e, 2.h, 3.a, 4.f, 5.b, 6.g, 7.d, 8.c. Reading 1 B
F Sample synonyms: 1. to regenerate; 2. to advance; 3. conflicting outcome; 4. perfect component; 5. to influence; 6. doing things in the same way; 7. to stay in good condition over a long period of time; 8. to adjust; 9. continuous improvement; 10. stock. Reading 2 A Sample heading: Managing under/over Production E Sample synonyms: 1. to ensure the ability to change easily to suit a different situation; 2. a beneficial request; 3. to remove production units; 4. reexamination; 5. an original reason; 6. to diagnose an excessive output; 7. to receive some helpful information about what can be done to improve a performance; 8. to express dissatisfaction; 9. a surprising event; 10. to make manufacturing more flexible. Grammar 1. 1. future simple; 2. present simple; 3. future simple; 4. present continuous; 5. to be going to; 6. present continuous; 7. future simple. 2. 1. are going to become; 2. leaves; 3. will be increased; 4. is going to take over; 5. will replace; 6. are moving; 7 are going to relaunch; 8. am meeting; 9. will have; 10. lasts; 11. is going to; 12. will fix; 13. are going to; 14. will improve; 15. are leaving; will go. Unit 5. Quality Management Lead in 1. Quality - a product’s ability to satisfy a customer’s needs or requirements/a parameter which decides superiority or inferiority of a product (Hugley,Dodge, 2013) Quality management - a structured effort by employees to continuously improve the quality of their products or services through proper feedbacks and research. TQM - integrated philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes (Cua,McKone &Schroeder, 2001) 2. Six Sigma practitioners must define the problems, customer concerns and project goals; measure key data points relating to the current process (select characteristics, define performance standards, validate measurement system); analyze their findings to determine cause-and-effect relationships(establish product capability, define performance objectives, identify variation sources); work to improve and optimize existing processes based on the data analysis(screen potential causes, discover variable relationships, establish operating tolerances); and control the optimized processes to avoid variation or deviation going forward (validate measurement systems, determine process capacity, implement process controls). 3. The main differences between traditional total quality management (TQM) and Six Sigma: TQM was invented well before Six Sigma, which inherited many of TQM’s principles.
Vocabulary 2. 1-g, 2-j, 3-a, 4-h, 5-b, 6-d, 7-i, 8-e, 9-c, 10-f 3. 1.Reliability, 2.Qualification process, 3.Certification, 4.Benchmarking, 5.Absolute performance standard, 6. Performance specification, 7. Key principles of quality, 8. Total quality management. 4. 1. Acceptable quality level, 2. World class, 3. Diagnostic test, 4. Processing, 5. Deficiency, 6. Zero defects, 7. Defects per unit, 8. Total quality management. 5. 1.Compliance, 2.Unsteadiness, 3.Remaining, 4. Exclusion, 5. Difference, 6.Character, 7.Freedom. Reading 1 B
C 2. d; 2. k; 3. h; 4. i; 5. b; 6. a; 7. j; 8. c; 9. f; 10. g; 11. ee. D 3 to prohibit, prohibition, prohibitive, prohibitory; 2. to prevent, prevention, preventative. E
G 1. 1. b; 2. f; 3. h; 4. i; 5. d; 6. g; 7. a; 8. c; 9. e. 2. 1. c; 2. d; 3. f; 4. b; 5. a; 6. e. Speaking Preparation: the teacher should prepare a letter of complaint to any company and general information on this company in advance. Reading 2 D
Grammar 1. 1. Your order will be shipped; 2. Their IT systems are being reviewed; 3. The project has been finished; 4. The conference was opened; 5. This company was founded; 6. Sales targets may be produced; 7. The goods are being shipped; 8. Interest rates were raised; 9. Some new software was being installed; 10. A backup copy of these files has been made. 2. 1. It is announced that …/ European stocks are announced to have risen…. 2. It is believed…/The deal is believed to be … 3. It is stated…/ The inflation rates are stated to decrease… 4. It is said…/ The boss is said to be negotiating… 5. It is thought …/ Our suppliers are thought to have had…. Unit 6. Project Management Vocabulary 2. 1-c, 2-e, 3-h, 4-j, 5-f, 6-i, 7- a, 8-d, 9-g, 10-b. 3. 1. Extreme project, 2. Operations, 3. Program, 4. Process, 5. Risk, 6. Project Cost, 7. Earned value, 8. Critical chain project, 9. Nonlinear, 10. Effort. 4. 1. Business model, 2. Business analysis, 3. Quality, 4. Reengineering, 5. Communications Log, 6. Resources, 7. Project planning, 8.Work Breakdown structure. Reading 1 A 1. f; 2. d; 3. e; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c. D Example synonyms: 2. 1. to merge – combine; 2. to confirm – verify; 3. to capture – record; 4. to overlook – to fail to see; 5. to estimate – appraise; 6. to perceive – observe; 7. to review – examine; 8. to update – reengineer. 2. 1. disruption – confusion; 2. dividend – bonus; 3. method – strategy; 4. success - achievement; 5. arena – field; 6. team – staff. E 1. into; 2. to; 3. up, over; 4. on, at; 5. as, to; 6. with; 7. to, within; 8. on; 9. off, to; 10. to; 11. in. G 1. e; 2. h; 3. f; 4. d; 5. a; 6. k; 7. b; 8. g; 9. j; 10. i; 11. c. Speaking Initially, the discussion can be held in small groups. Students then present their rules/lessons and discuss them with other teams. The activity can be extended if students are asked to think of other well-known disasters/failures. Discuss if their rules/lessons apply to other situations. Sample rules:
Reading 2 C Example title: System integration is a critical element in project design E 1. c; 2. a; 3. b. 1. e; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c. F
G 1. in; 2. in; 3. on, up; 4. on; 5. on; 6. with; 7. throughout; 8. in; 9. with. Grammar 1. 1. have, ask; 2. are late, will start; 3. enter, does not recognize; 4. signed, would ship; 5. rise, become; 6. lends, will invest; 7. use, will be; 8. do not invest, will not survive; 9. sends, order; 10. does, will provide. 2.
Unit 7. Risk Management Vocabulary 2. 1. g, 2. j, 3. h, 4. a, 5. b, 6. d, 7. f, 8. c, 9. e, 10. i. 3. 1. analysis, 2. evaluation, 3. criteria, 4. avoidance, 5. transfer, 6. reduction, 7. optimization, 8. financing. 4. 1. stakeholder, 2. interested party, 3. property, 4. occupational accident, 5. self-insurance, 6. named insured, 7. aggregate limit, 8. context. 5. 1. f, 2. a, 3. h, 4. b, 5. g/c, 6. d, 7. e, 8. c/g. Reading 1
D 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b. E 1. to govern, governance, government, governor; 2. to resile, resiliency, resilience, resilient; 3. to account, accountability, accountancy, accountant, account, accounting, accountable; 4. to expose, exposure, exposition, exposed, expositive. F 1. with; 2. in on; 3. beyond; 4. on; 5. across.
Speaking 1. If a student chooses Best Retailer IT, they can consider themselves to be risk seekers, and if they choose New Retailer IT, they could be considered averse to risk. · Risk seekers will choose the option with the most at stake (40% chance that costs can increase to $850,000) but the most favorable outcome ($300,000 cost). · Risk averse individuals will choose the safest option (80% chance of high reliability at a cost of $750,000) with a life-long guarantee. However, this is the costly option. To extend the activity a teacher may ask the following question: As a risk seeker would the following scenario change your mind? Given the competition from New Retailer IT, Best Retailer IT has proposed the following incentive: a 70% guarantee of providing reliable equipment and parts at a cost of $300,000. There is still however a 30% chance that the equipment will fail – in which case, the costs can increase to $850,000. Answer: As Best Retailer IT’s guarantees increase, its offer becomes attractive to even the most risk-averse individuals because of the massive savings it offers compared with New Retailer IT. Reading 2
A a. 3, b. 7, c. 1, d. 2, e. 10, f. 6, g. 8, h. 9, i. 5, j. 4.
C 1. b, 2. d, 3. g, 4. a, 5. f, 6. c, 7. e. D 1. to complexify, complexity, complex; 2. probability, probabilism, probable, probablilistic; 3. to quantify, quantification, quantity; 4. to enhance, enhancer, enhanced; 5. to accept, acceptance, acceptant, acceptation, accepter, acceptable, accepted, acceptive.
Grammar 1.
Unit 8. Administration Vocabulary 2. 1. i, 2. a. 3. g, 4. j, 5. h, 6. c, 7. d, 8. f, 9. b, 10. e. 3. 1. Organization development, 2. Regulation, 3. Span of control, 4. Scalar principle, 5. Hierarchy, 6. Affirmative Action, 7. Collective bargaining, 8. Delegation. 4. 1. Contingency approach, 2. Merit system, 3. Performance appraisal, 4. Organization, 5. Bureaucracy. 6. Division of labor, 7. Economies of scale, 8. Jurisdiction. Reading 1 D Example synonyms: 1. to provide security – to protect; 2. human dignity – status of an individual; 3. nexus – focus; 4. elitism – snobbery; 5. integral view – important opinion; 6. to conceptualise – to form an idea; 7. to lay emphasis – to stress; 8. public servant – an elected worker for the government; 9. commitment – promise; 10. optimum functioning – most suitable operation.
E 4. to; 2. to; 3. with Reading 2
B 1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b C 1. 1. d; 2. f; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. e. 2. 1. d; 2. f; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. e. D
E 1. out, with. 2. with. 3. for. 4. to. 5. to. 6. at. 7. up. 8. from. F Example synonyms: 1. management, government; 2. ultimately; 3. to overlay; 4. confrontation; 5. inviolable, untouchable; 6. to be discouraged; 7. correctly; 8. well-being; 9. to verify; 10. to adjust. Grammar 1. 1. could; 2. couldn’t; 3. can; 4. could; 5. be able to; 6. can’t; 7. was able to; 8. couldn’t; 9. was able to; 10. be able to. 3.
1. Do you have to; 2. needn’t have worried; 3. have to pay; 4. don’t have to wear; 5. I needn’t have bothered; 6. must be; 7. must remember; 8. did you have to; 9. don’t have to; 10. needn’t have taken; 11. mustn’t go; 12. had to; 13. didn’t need to go; 14. must remember; 15. will have to contact.
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