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C. Translate the abstract “Business Model”.Содержание книги
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d. Paraphrase the following words:
e. Complete the table with correct word forms:
F. Fill in the gaps with prepositions consulting the text and make your own sentences with the phrases. 1. to gain better control __ business operations 2. plans consistent __ corporate strategy 3. organizations engage __ a range of activities 4. the business model spells __ how a company makes money 5. BPR is an approach aiming __ improvements 6. Leading organizations are becoming bolder __ using this technology
g. Define the following words and translate them:
h. Make word combinations consulting the text: 1.
i. Study the pronunciation: suite, technology, alignment, hierarchy.
Grammar Past Simple/Past Continuous/ Past Perfect Simple/ Past Perfect Continuous Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form (Past Simple/Past Continuous/ Past Perfect Simple/ Past Perfect Continuous). The first sentence has been done for you. 1. When I sent (send) a letter of complaint, they already had agreed (agree) to refund my money but I didn’t know (know) about that. 2. While project managers __ (discuss) sales targets, the secretary __ (type) a minute. 3. When Mark __ (reach) his partners' office, he __ (realize) that he __ (leave) his papers at home. 4. John __ (think) of signing the contract for a long time before he finally__ (make) the decision. 5. The manager__ (be) sure they __ (not receive) the invoice before, but he __ (check) once again. 6. When Michel __ (pass) ACCA, he __ (work) for this company for 5 years. 7. They __ (want) to register a patent on a new product, but __ (find out) that one Chinese company already __ (do) it for a very similar invention. 8. When our company __ (go) public, we __ (launch) sportswear for over two years. 9. Sue __ (listen to) the voicemail, when somebody __ (enter) the office. 10. As the Internet connection __ (be) very slow, the secretary __ (decide) to fax the documents that she __ (prepare) an hour ago.
Complete the sentences in your own way with Past Simple/Past Continuous/ Past Perfect Simple/ Past Perfect Continuous. 1. Several customers complained about our service … 2. The negotiations with the new consultant agency broke down because … 3. At first the meeting went well but after some time we realized that… 4. While I was working at a new product development scheme… 5. The manager suddenly realized that… Underline the correct verb form. The first sentence has been done for you. Last year I 1. got /was getting a nasty surprise when I 2. gave/ was giving my presentation at a conference in London. I 3. had/ had had my business trip to the UK, which I 4. was looking forward to/had been looking to for months. I 5. had been preparing/ had prepared for the conference for a year: first, I 6. sent/had sent an abstract, second, in two month I 7. got/was getting an e-mail that 8. approved/had approved of my article and thirdly, I 9. prepared/had prepared a catchy presentation. And finally the day of presentation 10. came/had come. And while I 11. looked for/was looking for the USB stick with my presentation on it in London, I suddenly remembered I 12. left/had left it at home in Moscow.
Case Study Read the case and discuss the following questions in groups. Come up with a solution to the problem: 1. What managerial mistakes did Komisarjevsky make? 2. Why do you think he made them? 3. If you were a manager, what would you do and in what order? 4. How should a business plan be written from your point of view? Include Managers in Strategic Planning [9] In the late 1980s, Chris Komisarjevsky became head of a public relation firm's European operation. He oversaw underperforming offices in 14 countries and sought a turnaround. Soon after starting the job, he needed to assemble a strategic plan for the coming year and present it to his bosses in the firm's New York City headquarters. After working diligently to complete the plan, he submitted it on time. There was just one problem: It was not a realistic plan to reverse the region's poor performance. "My plan was accepted, but it was overly optimistic and not as demanding in cutting costs," recalled Komisarjevsky, author of the forthcoming book, "The Power of Reputation." "I didn't understand the relationship that needed to exist between me and my local managers. I didn't create a spirit of trust and shared commitment." Komisarjevsky, who later moved to Burson-Marsteller and became its worldwide chief executive, realized too late that he made a series of judgment errors in drafting his first strategic plan as a CEO. For starters, he did not leave enough time to address concerns and solicit input from his local managers, who were scattered across 14 cities. "As the new guy on the block, I was somewhat naive," he said. "I should've got more early involvement and commitment from my managers whose goal is to deliver the numbers in their markets." He also regrets how he constructed the plan. Instead of visiting the offices and observing each country's operation in depth, Komisarjevsky took a long-distance approach. He asked each of his 14 managers to submit numbers to him and proceeded to draft the plan from his desk. Looking back, he says he should have hit the road and allotted more time to meeting face-to-face with each of his managers about projections for the coming year. By collaborating more closely, he could have increased his understanding of each of their markets and performed a more accurate financial analysis. Komisarjevsky applied what he learned when preparing his strategic plan the following year. Rather than wait until a few months before the plan was due, he instituted an ongoing review of each of his 14 offices. He visited the offices throughout the year and invited the regional financial officer and human resources officer to participate. This solidified his bond with his far-flung team. "Managers in field offices tend to circle the wagons to protect their own people," he said. "But if you build a relationship of trust and respect with them, they're more apt to make tough decisions for the larger good and put the company's interests first." Translation
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