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Task 3 Write concluding paragraph for the following introduction. Summarize the main points or paraphrase the thesis statement. Be sure to begin with an expression signaling conclusion.Содержание книги
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Introductory paragraph New technology creates new opportunities for good and for ill. Anyone with a computer, access to the Internet, and an E-mail address has probably received unsolicited, unwanted E-mail at least. There seems to be no way to avoid “spam”, as junk E-mail is now called. Worse, the anonymity of cyberspace has created opportunities for E-mailers to send rude, even abusive messages without having to take responsibility for their words. In my opinion, there is a need to develop some rules of etiquette especially for this new means of communication.
C The Essay Body. Because an essay is long and complex, it is important to organize your thought and to plan the body of your essay before your begin to write. The best way to do it is to make an outline. You are required to produce a formal outline. The number/letter system for a formal outline is illustrated in the model outline that follows. Notice that subtopics that from the body of the essay are intended to the right. As you move to the right, the ideas become more and more specific. Study the model outline for an essay on modern technology. In this outline, the introduction contains only the thesis statement, and the conclusion is abbreviated. The body of the essay, however, is developed in detail.
Modern Technology I. Introduction Thesis statement: The most recent significant discoveries to benefit humankind in modern times are in the fields of television and computer technology.
II. Body A. A popular form of instant communication all over the world is television. 1. Witnessing important events. a. Destruction of Berlin Wall b. Launching of spacecraft 2. Long-distance medicine by two-way video a. Patient and doctor conferences b. Special equipment to monitor patient B. In the last few decades, computer technology has made tremendous progress in the world of communication to benefit humankind. 1. Long-distance communication 2. Information superhighway 3. Global computer networks Electronic mail C. Technology has contributed enormously to advances in computer medicine, which has benefited both doctors and patients. 1. Rural doctors and medical information a. Less access in past b. Immediate access today 2. Rural doctors and urban medical centers Use of computers to prescribe medicine 3. X-ray pictures of body parts. a. Diagnoses of diseases and disorders. b. Necessary treatments 4. Computer-aided diagnosis Example of woman with headaches
III. Conclusion To conclude, scientific research an experiments have certainly opened the doors to faster, more easily accessible information worldwide on television and the computer. Many of these discoveries have changed our lives for the better and have made the peoples of the world closer.
D Transition Signals between Paragraphs When you write two or more paragraphs, you need to show the relationship between your first and second paragraph, between your second and third paragraph, and so on. Think of transitions between paragraphs as the links of a chain. A transition signal between two paragraphs links your ideas together. Two paragraphs are linked by adding a transition signal to the topic sentence of the second paragraph. This transition signal may be a single word, a phrase, or a dependent clause that repeats or summarizes the main idea in the first paragraph.
Task 4 Connect the ideas in the following paragraphs by adding a transition word, phrase, or clause to the topic sentence of the third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs. Try to vary the transitional linking expressions that you use. You may rewrite the topic sentence if necessary.
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