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A commercial rooting kit no longer available. The home hobbyist can duplicate the kit using plastic cups, vermiculite and styrofoam chips. Rooting hormone was also including



Глава 33. Experiments


Horticulturists have reported a number of methods for increasing plant yields which are still in the experimental stage. These include stimulating growth using an electrical current, the use of estrogen and progestin, and the use of strobe lighting.




Experiments at the University of Maryland indicate that a very weak electrical current running through the soil increases the growth rates of plants. This stimulation seems to be most effective when the plants are not receiving a lower than optimum level of light. Some researchers speculate that the current increases the roots' efficiency in obtaining nutrients by affecting the chemical- electrical charges of the nutrient dissolved in the water. One company manufactures a photovoltaic device specifically to charge the soil. The magazine Mother Earth News reported in the March 1984 issue that plant growth can be doubled using these devices. ""Sun Stiks" are available from Silicon Sensors, Highway 18 East, Dodgeville, Wisconsin 53533.




Over the years there have been a lot of anecdotal reports indicating that birth control pills stimulate plant growth. In 1983, a farmer in Texas reported that his tomato plants grew many more tomatoes after they received two treatments with estrogen-based pills. There may be a problem of safety regarding the use of these hormones. There have been no studies on what happens to the hormone once it is taken up by the plant. When estrogen is given to farm animals, it increases their growth rate, but the meat contains traces of the substance, which sometimes affects people who eat it.




Some botanists have speculated that the pigments which are used in photosynthesis respond to energy peaks in the light wave. These scientists believe that much of the light is wasted by the plant because it isn't “peak”. They speculate that much energy could be saved by supplying the plant only with light “peaks”. One way to do this is by using a strobe unit in place of conventional lighting. The strobe flashes a high intensity of light, but it is on for only fractions of a second. The result is that the plants receive many light peaks in between periods of darkness. There has been little research on this theory, but one grower claimed to get satisfactory results. One way to use a strobe without too much risk might be to use it to supplement more conventional lighting. If a higher growth rate is noticed, the strobes could be tried alone. Should this system work, electrical costs could be lowered by as much as 75%.


Приложение 1. Цветные фото



This recirculating NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) constant flow system was made from stock hardware and plumbing parts. The roots grow out of the cubes and stretch along the bottom of the tubes, which hold a shallow stream of water.




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