Fill in the English translation of the words in brackets. 

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Fill in the English translation of the words in brackets.


1. The early psychologists (определять) psychology as the study of mind and consciousness and used the introspective method to study consciousness.

2. Consciousness not only monitors ongoing behavior but plays a role in directing and (контролирование) that behavior as well.

3. Most (современные) psychologists would define psychology as the science of the behavior of organisms.

4. Altered states of consciousness can vary from the distraction of a vivid daydream to the confusion and perceptual (искажение) caused by drug intoxication.

5. The behaviorists accepted verbal responses as a substitute for (самонаблюдение, самоанализ) when the participant s own experiences were studied.

6. Decision making and problem solving may occur at (подсознательный уровень), but this doеs not mean that all such behaviors occur without conscious reflection.

7. Freud believed that unconscious desire and impulses are cause of most (психические) illnesses.

8. Events that affect behavior, even though we (не осознавать) of perceiving them, influence us subconsciously.

9. Psychoactive drugs have long been used to (изменять) consciousness and (настроение).

10. The French psychiatrist Pierre Janet originated the concept of (диссоциация, разделение), in which under certain conditions some thoughts and actions become split off, or dissociated from the rest of consciousness and function outside of awareness.


3. Arrange the following words in pairs of a) synonyms and b) antonyms.


memory psychic

behavior to inhibit

to meditate recollection

habitual to contemplate

mental conduct

to repress regular



association unaware

internal to maintain

conscious to be awake

to cause dissociation

to alter external

to sleep to prevent

Test 6

Combine the following words into the word combinations.

internal deprivation

to monitor information

to process thoughts

to repress concentration

to accept stimuli

intense effectively

to function an idea

sleep environment

Match the English word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

1. conscious with superiority a) быть в сознании до последней минуты

2. conscious of discomfort b) потерять сознание

3. with a conscious air с) с сознанием своего превосходства

4. to regain consciousness d) подростки, следующие моде

5. consciousness of one’s innocence e) повышение сознания

6. to lose consciousness f) осознание своей невиновности

7. to be conscious to the last g) чувствующий неудобство

8. fashion- conscious teenagers h) прийти в себя

9. consciousness raising i) со смущенным видом


Say the following in one word.

the individual’s current awareness of external and internal stimuli;

the portion of the mind that contains some impulses, memories, and desires that are not accessible to consciousness;

to reject emotionally painful memories from consciousness;

the condition or time of rest in which the eyes are closed, the body relaxed, and the mind unconscious;

some actions and thoughts become split off and function outside of awareness;

the method of examining self- consciousness;

an altered state of consciousness by performing certain rituals and exercises;

to make or become different, to change.


Test 7

Say the following in the word.

to change smth. so that it is suitable for a new purpose or situation;

to hate smth. very much;

a person’s nature as shown in the way he or she usually behaves;

a person with a high level of cortical arousal who seeks out social interaction;

the way someone feels, emotional state;

a person whose interest is generally directed inward, reserved, quiet;

inability to get enough sleep;

the stimulation of the celebral cortex into a state of general wakefulness or attention;

easily hurt or offended.


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