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Інтеграція України до Європейського Союзу.Содержание книги
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Relations of Ukraine with the European Union As you know Ukraine is a sovereign state, it establishes new relations with the countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with many foreign countries signing agreements and treaties. A lot of foreign Embassies have appeared in its capital lately. Ukraine is one of the founding members of the United Nations Organizations and participates in the work of many international organizations. The topics of our radio and television talks are often Ukrainian-European relations and our viewpoints on the prospect of their development, and a wide range of other international issues. A fundamental reshaping of foreign policy could only be effected on the basis of a strictly scientific and objective reassessment of the present-day realities. This evaluation the in-depth analysis of international affairs and the consideration of our national interests resulted in the new political thinking. Nowadays the political life is giving fresh grounds for the relations of mutual understanding between Ukraine and the countries of European Union. The new political thinking, as seen by the Ukrainian leadership and by foreign experts, is not something frozen and immobile. It is exceptionally creative process, receptive to innovation. The reason for the new type of relations is that European Union wants to see broader economic ties with Ukraine. The exchanging of opinions with the delegations from the European countries are generally marked by goodwill and intense interest. Ukraine not only strives to live in peace with the rest of the world community, but also to co-operate with other countries and participate in the European and the world structures. It is already a member of numerous international, political and economic associations and a founding member of the United Nations. Херсон. Історія та сучасність. Kherson is the southern Ukrainian city. It is built on the right bank of the river Dnieper. If you want to go to the Black Sea it will take you 1,5 hours by car or 2 hours by bus. The climate here is dry. Winters are cold and summers are hot, and the winds often blow. In summer many people go to the river bank or to the Black Sea, and there are many fruit and vegetables: apples, cherries, strawberries, peaches, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, etc. Population of Kherson is nearly 360, 000 people. Today it is a large sea- and river-port. There are two bridges over the Dnieper which join Kherson and a smaller town Tsurupinsk. There are wonderful views of the river and the countryside. There is fresh air and good climate, so many tourists visit Kherson in summer. Kherson is over 200 years old. Admiral Ushakov and his soldiers built many ships here in the 18th century and fought with Turkish army. Russian army won. 10 years ago the main branches of industry here were ship-building, textile and building of agricultural machines. But there is an economic crisis in Ukraine nowadays, so many factories closed down. Nowadays the main branches of industry are ship-building and tinned food factories, but there is not enough work for all people. Those who work don’t earn much. There are many good colleges and universities such as the Kherson State University, the Technical University, the Shipbuilding University and the Agricultural University. There is a good drama theatre and a puppet-show. If you like painting you can go to the Art Museum. There are good pictures of the painters of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. There are also many bars, cinemas, clubs, gyms. People sometimes call Kherson «a green city» because there are many parks there. Переваги Болонського процесу в Україні. Bologna process The purpose of the Bologna processis to create the European higher education area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe. It is named after the place it was proposed, the University of Bologna with the signing, in 1999, of the Bologna declaration by ministers of education from 29 European countries in the Italian city of Bologna. The basic framework adopted is of three cycles of higher education qualification. As outlined in the Bergen Declaration of 2005, the cycles are defined in terms of qualifications and ECTS credits: 1st cycle: typically 180-240 ECTS credits, usually awarding a Bachelor's degree. 2nd cycle: typically 90-120 ECTS credits (a minimum of 60 on 2nd-cycle level), usually awarding a Master's degree. 3rd cycle: Doctoral degree. No ECTS range given. In most cases, these will take 3, 2, and 3 years respectively to complete. The actual naming of the degrees may vary from country to country. With the Bologna process implementation, higher education systems in European countries should be organized in such a way that: - it is easy to move from one country to the other (within the European Higher Education Area) - for the purpose of further study or employment; - the attractiveness of European higher education is increased so many people from non-European countries also come to study and/or work in Europe; - the European Higher Education Area provides Europe with a broad, high quality and advanced knowledge base, and ensures the further development of Europe as a stable, peaceful and tolerant community benefiting from a cutting edge European Research Area; - there will also be a greater convergence between the U.S. and Europe as European higher education adopts aspects of the American system. ХДУ Kherson State University Kherson State University is the biggest institution of higher education in Kherson, of the IVth accreditation level. Our educational establishment is the oldest in the Southern Ukraine. This year the University is going to celebrate its 90-th anniversary. It prepares qualified specialists in 36 specialties, professionals in their work. These are teachers of all subjects which are taught at school, teachers for preschool child, engineer teachers, biologists, speech therapists, chemists, historians, lawyers, economists, environmentalists, psychologists, social workers, journalists, translators and others. Such task is accomplished by our tight-knit teaching stuff comprising 56 professors, doctors of sciences; 228 associate professors, candidates of sciences; 105 senior teachers, assistants. Forty five chairs provide training of students and supervise their scientific activities. Altogether there are about 8 thousand of full-time, part-time and external students studying at the University, almost 1400 of them annually graduate as diploma professionals with bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree. Besides the 5 educational buildings the University has a sporting health-improving camp "Burevestnik" on the Black Sea coast, training center on the river Dnieper, botanic garden - agro biological station in the city of Kherson. 1500 students from other cities and towns live in University dormitories. University library with 5 reading-rooms, containing 400000 units of book storage, works all days of week. One of the principal directions in the University work is preparation and realization of international projects in the field of science and education. Today higher education in the whole world is characterized by mutual integration and internationalization of educational process. Integration objectives are brought to the forefront in Bologna Declaration. For this reason the development of international relations belongs to primary aims of Kherson State University. Cooperation with the foreign partners is realized on substantive directions by means of different organizational forms - from students and stuff exchanges, to participation in international conferences, seminars, "round tables" for realization of joint complex educational projects. 8. Я – студент факультету біології, географії та екології I am a student of the faculty of Biology, Geography and Ecology. Our faculty is one of the largest in the University. We study different subjects: Biology, Geography, Ecology, Psychology, Sociology, Physiology, Mathematics and many others. Besides these subjects we study Ukrainian, Philosophy and English. We study English to be able to read scientific books on biology, geography or ecology. There are many departments in our faculty: of biology, geography, ecology. Besides them there are research laboratories and museums. Every student has an opportunity to work in modern, well-equipped laboratories, where different problems of biology, geography or ecology are under investigation. Students are acquainted with all branches of biology, geography or ecology. They are lectured in various subjects of this science. During the first two years we attend lectures on mathematics, political subjects and foreign languages. In the third year more narrow specialization begins. We have several specialized courses and additional practical and research work in the subject they have chosen as their future specialty. Besides attending lectures we may join some scientific circle and choose a problem to work on according to our bents. All of us know that biology, geography and ecology are the sciences of glorious past and great future. We do our best to acquire as much knowledge as possible. Подорожі In the streets, roads and squares of the town we see people walking and vehicles driving. The vehicles are: trams, buses, trolley-buses, taxis and motor-cycles, motor-scooters and bicycles. Along the streets there are street lamps, at the corners of the streets there are traffic lights. The street lights are switched on when it gets dark; they are switched off when it gets light. When the red traffic light is switched on, the traffic stops: when the green light is switched on, the vehicles drive on. Along the streets we also see bus, trolley-bus and tram stops. This is where get on and off. People wait for buses at the stops. They get on and of public transport there. In the streets there are also Tube stations where people get on and off the underground electric railway. At big crossroads in large towns and cities there are subways for pedestrian, and fly-over for vehicles. There are sometimes subways for traffic too. At nearly all street corners there are pedestrian crossings for people to cross the road. In England vehicles drive on the left. In Ukraine the traffic drives on the right. Outside the towns, we travel from one place to another by train, plane or boat 2. Ask your friend: 1) what means of transport he prefers: 2) where one should cross the street: 3) what he thinks of the underground in Kyiv/ Moscow? 4) If he has ever used the underground in London or other towns abroad: 5) If he is fond of sightseeing in new towns/ports Topical words: to get about town пересуватися містом toget on the bus сідати на автобус to get off the bus виходити з автобуса to go by tube / subway (Am) їхати на метро to go on foot йти пішки to change a bus пересідати на інший автобус fare платня за проїзд to cross the street переходити через вулицю traffic lights світлофор rush hours години пік parking place місце для стоянки How could I get to...? Як мені дістатися до...? Could you show me the way to...? Покажіть мені дорогу до... Am I right for...? Чи я правильно йду до..? go straight [streit] йдіть прямо turn round the corner поверніть за ріг turn to the right / left поверніть праворуч / ліворуч is it far from here? Це далеко звідси? How long will it take me to get there? Скільки часу необхідно, Мовний етикет і діловий Business Etiquette Read this text and choose one of these titles for it. When in Rome… Problems that business people face Travelling abroad Good manners, good business Doing business in Europe I didn’t mean to be rude! Nobody actually wants to cause offence but, as business becomes ever more international it is increasingly easy to get it wrong. There may be a single European market but it does not mean that they behave the same in Greece as they do in Denmark. In many European countries handshaking is an automatic gesture. In France good manners require that on arriving at a business meeting a manager shakes hands with everyone present. But Northern Europeans, such as the British and Scandinavians, are not quite so fond of physical demonstration. In France it is not good manners to raise tricky questions of business over the main course. Business has its place: after the cheese course. In Germany, as you walk sadly back to your hotel room, you may wonder why your apparently friendly hosts have not invited youout for the evening. Don't worry, it is probably nothing personal. Germans do not entertain business people with quite the same enthusiasm as some of their European counterparts. The Germans are also notable for the amount of formality they bring to business. As an outsider, it is often difficult to know whether colleagues have been working together for 30 years or have just met in the lift. If you are used to calling people by their first names, this can be a little strange. To the Germans titles are important. Forgetting that someone should be called Herr Doktor or Frau Direktorin might cause serious offence. It's equally offensive to call them by a title they do not possess. In Italy the question of a title is further confused by the fact that everyone with a university degree can be called Dottore - and engineers, lawyers and architects may also expect to be called by their professional titles.Italians give similar importance to the whole process of business entertaining. In fact, in Italy the biggest fear, as course after course appears, is that you entirely forget you are there on business. If you have the energy, you can always do the polite thing when the meal finally ends and offer to pay. Then after a lively discussion you must remember the next polite things to do - let your hosts pick up the bill. These cultural challenges exist side by side with the problems of doing business in a foreign language. Language, of course, is full of difficulties - disaster may be only a syllable away. But the more you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with, the less likely you are to get into difficulties. It is worth the effort. It might be rather hard to explain that the reason you lost the contract was not the product of the price, but the fact that you offended your hosts in a light-hearted comment over on aperitif. Good manners are admired: they can also make or break the deal.
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