VII. Supply Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple. 

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VII. Supply Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple.


1. I ------ (be) in this school for two years now.

2. We ------- (visit) her whenever we can.

3. I ------ (lift) heavy boxes all morning and now I need a rest.

4. That man -------- (watch) us for the last twenty minutes.

5. I -------- (know) them since I was a child.

VIII. Use the necessary modal verbs.

1. I ask you a question?- You certainly ….

2. I wonder if we take off our shoes here?

3. You always observe traffic rules on the road.

4. I do anything for you?

5. we meet them at the airport? No, you not.

6. You not take so much sugar in your tea.

7. You take all these tablets if you want to get well.

8. Schoolchildren not wear a uniform now.

9. You phone her at her office. She be still working.

10. You be more attentive next time.

IX. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

1. I remember ------- (dream) about a train journey.

2. I will never forget ------ (meet) her for the first time.

3. I’ve stopped -------- (have) dreams about airplanes.

4. I stopped ------- (pick) up pencil and paper on my way to bed.

5. What do you mean --------- (do) with all that money?


Итоговый контроль знаний осуществляется в форме тестовой работы, включающей в себя задания на знание грамматики, лексики, задания на контроль сформированности умений чтения. При оценке тестовой работы используется шкала оценки: 29–30 баллов – «отлично»; 20–28 баллов – «хорошо»; 15–19 баллов – «удовлетворительно»; 14 и менее – «неудовлетворительно».

Объекты контроля:

  • знание основ делового языка по специальности, профессиональной лексики, фразеологических оборотов и терминов,
  • владение техникой перевода (со словарем) профессионально-ориентированных текстов,
  • умение осуществлять элементарную коммуникацию с носителем языка на профессиональные и темы общего характера.


К экзамену допускаются студенты, прошедшие собеседование с преподавателем по разделу коммуникативно-речевой практикум по темам: «Занятия в колледже. Моя визитная карточка», «Социально-культурные особенности страны изучаемого языка», «Педагогическая профессия. Профессиональное общение».

Список вопросов и ситуаций для беседы по темам коммуникативно-речевого практикума:

1. What is your name?

2. Where are you from? / Where do you live?

3. When do you celebrate your birthday?

4. What are you / What is your profession?

5. When did you make your professional choice?

6. What sports do you like?

7. Do you study by correspondence?

8. What do you need the colledge education for?

9. Is it easy for you to combine work with studies?

10. Have you got a family of your own? Describe your family.

11. At what age do children start compulsory education in Great Britain?

12. What is the name of the 1st stage of compulsory education in Great Britain?

13. What is the name of the 2nd stage of compulsory education in Great Britain?

14. What kind public exams do students have at the age of 16?

15. What degrees can students get at university?


Образец экзаменационного теста

Вариант 1

1.Как переводится данное сочетание слов: comprehensive school?

а) общая школа; б) общеобразовательная школа; в) школа для детей с ограниченными возможностями; г) подготовительная школа

2.Найдите слово, не относящееся к теме «Образование и воспитание в нашей стране и странах изучаемого языка».

а)pupils; б) specialize; в)marks; г)learn; д) postcard; е)to pass exam.

3.Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово или сочетание слов.

The Yaroslavl Teacher’s Training College gives ….

а) secondary education; б) higher education; в)specialized secondary education

4. Вместо точек вставьте подходящее слово.

Universities teach in all… areas.

а) new; б) major; в) special

5.Среди ряда предложенных слов найдите синоним к данному: private

а) independent; б) special; в)modern; г) easy; д) main; е)open.

6.Заполните пропуски словами, подходящими по смыслу. Одно слово является лишним.

1) School attendance is---------------for all children from 5 to 16 in England and Wales.

2) -------------- schools give education of high standards.

3) -------------- education begins at the age of about eleven.

а)public б) compulsory; в) secondary; г)modern

7.Вместо пропуска поставьте один из предлогов.

а) from; б) in; в)with; г) of; д) at; е)on.

1) I started school------- the age ------- six.

2) He gets a grant -------the state.

3) She is very strict ------ them.

8.Выберите английские эквиваленты для следующего русского предложения.

Я занимался сочинением, когда в комнату вошла мама.

а) I was writing the essay, when mother came in.

б) I was writing the essay, when mother was came in.

в) I was writing the essay, when mother was coming in.

9. Закончите предложение.

The idea of a boarding school is that ……..

а) you live and study away from home.

б) you live at school.

в) you only study at school.

10.Подберите понятие для определения данного высказывания.

The qualification you get at the end of university in Britain.

а) a degree; б) a statues; в) a diploma

11.Какое из предложений не содержит грамматической ошибки?

а) The students graduate university with a diploma.

б) We have a lot different subjects.

в) You can study at public school if you have money enough.

12. Найдите подходящее определение данному понятию.

a tutor

а) The talks that students go to while they are at university.

б) A person, who knows a lot different subjects.

в) A person, who helps his student to plan his academic work


13.Put each of the following words or phrases in its place in the passage below.

State academic seminar co-educational Terms
Private secondary tutorial nursery school degree
Grant primary lecture Compulsory  
Fees graduate break up Authorities  

When children are two or three years old, they sometimes go to a_____(1), where they learn simple

games and songs. Their first real school is called a_____(2) school. In Britain children start this school

at the age of five. The_____(3) year in Britain be­gins in September and is divided into three_____(4).

Schools_____(5) for the summer holidays in July._____(6) education begins at the age of about eleven,

and most schools at this level are_____(7), which means boys and girls study together in the same class­es. In Britain education is_____(8) from five to six­teen years of age, but many children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after 16 to take higher exams. Most children go to______(9) schools, which are maintained by the government or local education_____(10), but some children go to _____(11) schools, which can be very expensive.

University courses normally last three years and then students_____(12), which means they receive

their ______(13). At university, teaching is by_____(14) (an individual lesson between a teacher and

one or two students),_____(15) (a class of students dis­cussing a subject with a teacher),_____(16) (when a

teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a_____(17) by the govern­ment to help pay their_____(18) and living expenses.



Тексты для самостоятельной работы


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