An occasion of telling people each others’ names 

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An occasion of telling people each others’ names

Российской Федерации


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ» Волгодонский инженерно-технический институт – филиал НИЯУ МИФИ






Волгодонск 2010


УДК 802 (076.5)

Рецензент кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Т.Д. Речкина



Составители: Зарочинцева И.В., Гунина Л.А.

Тесты по английскому языку. Четвертый семестр/ Волгодонской ин-т НИЯУ МИФИ, 27с.

Тесты составлены на основе лексического и грамматического материала, изученного в четвертом семестре, выносимого на зачет и экзамен по английскому языку.

Предназначены для студентов 2-го курса всех специальностей очной формы обучения, а также для слушателей курсов английского языка.



©Волгодонской ин-т НИЯУ МИФИ,

©Зарочинцева И.В., Гунина Л.А., 2010




Пособие предназначено для итогового контроля знаний студентов дневного обучения. Оно может быть использовано как для самостоятельного, так и для группового контроля знаний.

Пособие содержит тестовые задания по изученной лексике восьмого, девятого и десятого уроков, а также по следующим грамматическим темам: формы и функции инфинитива, сложное дополнение, сложное подлежащее, функции слов one и that, условные предложения. Каждый тест данного пособия состоит из двух вариантов, которые отличаются по уровню проверяемого материала. Вариант 1 соответствует среднему уровню знаний, вариант 2 – продвинутому уровню.

Итоговый семестровый тест имеет также два варианта и содержит три вида контроля знаний. Первое задание содержит текст и задания к нему, что позволяет проверить умение студентов извлекать основную информацию из иноязычного текста. Второе задание направлено на проверку знания лексики пройденных уроков. Третье задание проверяет уровень владения грамматическим материалом.










1. Переведите с английского на русский. Выберите правильный вариант:


To mean nothing

а. важное значение

б. ничего не значить

в. значить все


To manufacture car engines

а. ремонтировать двигатели

б. производить машины

в. производить автомобильные двигатели


Source of energy

а. источник энергии

б. запас энергии

в. энергия ветра


Quick steps

а. своевременные шаги

б. услышать шаги

в. быстрые шаги


Atomic weight

а. атомный вес

б. атомный реактор

в. атомная энергия


2. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:


1. We speak English and (также) write it.

a. also

b. again

c. too


2. The workers assembled the units (прямо) on the site.

a. straight

b. directly

c. at once


3. Parliament discussed the (внутренний) trade problems.

a. inside

b. outside

c. internal


4. (Сгорание) of petrol produces more heat than combustion of coal.

a. Burning

b. Combustion

c. Fire


5. This (почва) needs stabilization before the construction.

a. clay

b. soil

c. sand


6. He was rather (отсталый) as a child.

a. student

b. fool

c. backward


7. What was the (главная) idea of his lecture?

a. general

b. first

c. latest


8. You will fail your exam (если не) you work harder.

a. if

b. unless

c. as soon as


3. Выберите синонимы к указанным словам:


To vary

a. to do

b. to differ

c. to draw


To beat

a. to strike

b. to bound

c. to smile


To connect

a. to continue

b. to gain

to link


To mean

a. to denote

b. to stand

c. to demolish



a. external

b. interesting

c. inner


4. Выберите антонимы к указанным словам:


The same

a. different

b. difficult

c. duration



a. interfere

b. external

c. inner


To settle

a. to sum

b. to put

c. to unsettle



a. blackboard

b. advanced

c. educated



a. narrow

b. shallow

c. windy


1. Вставьте необходимую форму инфинитива:


1. He seems … now.

a. to read

b. to be reading

c. to have read

d. to have been reading


2. He seems … all the books in the library.

a. to read

b. to be reading

c. to have read

d. to have been reading


3. I want … you to the concert.

a. to take

d. to be taking

c. to be taken

d. to have taken


4. She hoped … by her friends on Wednesday.

a. to help

b. to be helped

c. to be helping

d. have helped


5. I want … to the concert by my father next weekend.

a. to take

d. to be taking

c. to be taken

d. to have taken


2. Определите форму инфинитива:


1. Nature has many secrets to be discovered.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Indefinite Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


2. I meant to phone the doctor first thing in the morning.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Indefinite Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


3. Maggie was very sorry to have forgotten to feed the rabbits.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Indefinite Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


4. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Perfect Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


5. The children seemed to be sleeping when we entered the bedroom.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Indefinite Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


3. Определите функцию инфинитива:


1. To live means to create.

a. обстоятельство

b. часть глагольного сказуемого

c. подлежащее

d. определение


2. I have no desire to argue with you.

a. обстоятельство

b. часть глагольного сказуемого

c. подлежащее

d. определение


3. I had to tell him the whole truth.

a. обстоятельство

b. часть глагольного сказуемого

c. подлежащее

d. определение


4. To improve you phonetics you should record yourself and analyze your speech.

a. обстоятельство

b. часть глагольного сказуемого

c. подлежащее

d. определение


5. The child didn’t like to be washed after the walk.

a. обстоятельство

b. дополнение

c. подлежащее

d. определение





1. Переведите с русского на английский. Выберите правильный вариант:


Поверхность Земли

а. the Earth orbit

б. the Earth sputnik

в. the Earth surface


Широкие связи

а. narrow connections

б. wide connections

в. common ties


Переднее колесо

а. front wheel

б. back wheel

в. steering wheel


4. крушение планов

а. waste of plans

б. importance of plans

в. collapse of plans


Протянуть кабель

а. to start a cable

б. to stretch a cable

в. to send a cable


2. Выберите синонимы к указанным словам:



a. sand

b. salt

c. land



a. geometry

b. main

c. minor


a. wind

b. willow

c. broad


To drag

a. to touch

b. to swallow

c. to pull


a. tram

b. automobile

c. truck


3. Выберите антонимы к указанным словам:



a. graduate

b. in time

c. at once


To connect

a. to unite

b. to separate

c. to stop


To charge

a. to uncharge

b. to chase

c. to change



a. pay

b. damage

c. remark



a. small

b. enormous

c. strong


4. Выберите слово, определение которого приведено ниже:



1. Вставьте необходимую форму инфинитива:


1. They seemed …: I could hear angry voices behind the door.

a. to quarrel

b. to be quarreled

c. to be quarrelling

d. to have quarreled


2. They are supposed … at the problem for the last two months.

a. to work

b. to be working

c. to have worked

d. to have been working


3. The only sound … was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom.

a. to hear

b. to be heard

c. to be hearing

d. to have heard


4. He seems to know French very well: he is said … his youth in Paris.

a. to spend

b. to be spent

c. to have spent

d. to have been spent


5. I hate … you, but you are waited for by the students in the library.

a, to bother

b. to be bothered

c. to have bothered

d. to be bothering


2. Определите форму инфинитива:


1. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus last weekend.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Perfect Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


2. He is very forgetful, but he doesn’t like to be reminded of his duties.

a. Indefinite Passive

b. Perfect Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


3. When Sue looked at the boy closely, she remembered to have seen him in Mike’s company.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Perfect Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


4. He is likely to be translating the text because he has already done the exercise. a. Indefinite Active

b. Perfect Passive

c. Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


5. It seemed to have been snowing heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow.

a. Indefinite Active

b. Perfect Passive

c. Perfect Continuous Active

d. Perfect Active


3. Определите функцию инфинитива:


1. To fulfill this condition was hopelessly out of my power.

a. обстоятельство

b. дополнение

c. подлежащее

d. определение


2. His highest ambition was to write a monumental work of art.

a. обстоятельство

b. часть именного сказуемого

c. подлежащее

d. определение


3. They had arranged to visit the laboratory the next day.

a. обстоятельство

b. дополнение

c. подлежащее

d. определение


4. Ann, to pass the time, had left her kitchen to see whether Mr. Faber was all right.

a. обстоятельство

b. дополнение

c. подлежащее

d. определение


5. He accepted willingly my invitation to remain for a few days in my apartment.

a. обстоятельство

b. дополнение

c. подлежащее

d. определение





1. Переведите с английского на русский. Выберите правильный вариант:


To widen a road

а. расширять дорогу

б. удлинять дорогу

в. создавать пути


To deepen a river

а. нырять в реку

б. углублять вопрос

в. углублять реку


To test new equipment

а. проверять новое оборудование

б. устанавливать новое оборудование

в. менять старое оборудование


Efficient measures

а. своевременные меры

б. нужные меры

в. эффективные меры


2. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:


1. Cars were moving (медленно) along the mountain road.

a. slow

b. slowly

c. fast


2. On the fifth day of the voyage they saw an (остров).

a. continent

b. sea

c. island


3. He was translating that difficult article from 7 (до) 8 p.m. yesterday.

a. till

b. until

c. after


4. Modern machine-building is impossible without (стали).

a. steppe

b. still

c. steel.


5. Most people prefer quality to (количество).

a. quantity

b. number

c. a lot of


6. I like Russian writers (таких как) Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

a. so as

b. this

c. such as


7. Some Asian countries grow (хлопок) and export it to other parts of the world.

a. silk

b. wool

c. cotton


8. Only (несколько) mistakes were made in her test.

a. a few

b. much

c. many


3. Выберите синонимы к указанным словам:



a. different

b. similar

c. various


To end

a. to finish

b. to begin

c. to start


A great deal

a. little

b. few

c. a lot of


To operate

a. to work

b. to stop

c. to stretch



a. amount

b. puzzle

c. dispute


4. Выберите антонимы к указанным словам:



a. quickly

b. quite

c. often


To end

a. to finish

b. to start

c. to stop


a. flat

b. level

c. rough



a. small

b. deep

c. wide


A few

a. many

b. together

c. several



1. Выберите правильный вариант сложного дополнения:


1. a. I saw her have entered the room.

b. I saw her to enter the room.

c. I saw her enter the room.


2. a. Do you want me make you some tea for you?

b. Do you want me to make you some tea for you?

c. Do you want me made you some tea for you?


3. a They watched him get off the bus and cross the road.

b. They watched him to get off the bus and cross the road.

c. They watched him be got off the bus and crossed the road.


4. a. I don’t consider him be an honest man.

b. I don’t consider him an honest man.

c. I don’t consider him to be an honest man.


5. a. He expected us come on Sunday.

b. He expected us to come on Sunday.

c. He expected that we would come on Sunday.


6. a. They expect to be invited.

b. They expect themselves to be invited.

c. They expect they will be invited.


7. a. Would you like them change their mind?

b. Would you like them to change their mind?

c. Would you like to change their mind?


8. a. He ordered that the execution should be postponed.

b. He ordered the execution be postponed.

c. He ordered the execution to be postponed.


9. a. It’s impossible to make my parents to tidy up my room.

b. It’s impossible to make my parents tidy up my room.

c. It’s impossible to make to tidy up my room.


10. a. The Greens always let their children to see the New Year in with them.

b The Greens always let their children seeing the New Year in with them.

c. The Greens always let their children see the New Year in with them.


11. a. I saw that the car crossed the square and stopped before our door.

b. I saw the car to cross the square and stop before our door.

c. I saw the car cross the square and stop before our door.


12. a. Mothers like to watch their children when they are playing with each other.

b. Mothers like to watch their children to play with each other.

c. Mothers like to watch their children play with each other.


13. a. Everybody knows that the Earth was hot once and grew cooler afterwards.

b. Everybody knows the Earth be hot once and grow cooler afterwards.

c. Everybody knows the Earth to be hot once and grow cooler afterwards.


14. a. Your mother only wishes that you would tell her the whole truth.

b. Your mother only wishes you to tell her the whole truth.

c. Your mother only wishes you tell her the whole truth.


15. a. Everyone hates when children speak like wise old men.

b. Everyone hates children speak like wise old men.

c. Everyone hates children to speak like wise old men.


2. Выберите правильный вариант сложного подлежащего:


1. a. The river was supposed to flow in this direction.

b. The river was supposed flow in this direction.

c. They supposed the river to flow in this direction.


2. a. His childhood is said have been very difficult.

b His childhood is said having been very difficult.

c. His childhood is said to have been very difficult.


3. a. You are expected take these things for granted.

b. You are expected to take these things for granted.

c. You are expected that you take these things for granted.


4. a. He didn’t seem to notice me.

b. He didn’t seem notice me.

c. He didn’t seem that he noticed me.


5. a. The circumstances seem have become strange indeed.

b. The circumstances seem to have become strange indeed.

c. The circumstances seem that they have become strange indeed.


6. a. He is said have owned a very good library.

b. He is said to have owned a very good library.

c. He is said he owned a very good library.


7. a. He was told find out a few more things about the whole business.

b. He was told to find out a few more things about the whole business.

c. He told to find out a few more things about the whole business.


8. a. The man doesn’t seem to recognize you.

b. The man doesn’t seem recognize you.

c. The man doesn’t seem that he recognizes you.


9. a. She seems have done it especially for you.

b. She seems having done it especially for you.

c. She seems to have done it especially for you.


10. a. You are not supposed mark other people’s books.

b. You are not supposed to mark other people’s books.

c. You are not supposed that you mark other people’s books.


11. a. The Victoria Falls are said to be very beautiful.

b. The Victoria Falls are said be very beautiful.

c. The Victoria Falls they say to be very beautiful.


12. a. She was said have the first edition of the book.

b. She was said that she had the first edition of the book.

c. She was said to have the first edition of the book.


13. a. She was told buy a cheap fur coat.

b. She was told to buy a cheap fur coat.

c. She told to buy a cheap fur coat.


14. a. This doesn’t seem to be the right key to the door.

b. This doesn’t seem be the right key to the door.

c. This doesn’t seem it is the right key to the door.


15. a. You are supposed be grateful when somebody does something of the kind for you.

b. You supposed to be grateful when somebody does something of the kind for you.

c. You are supposed to be grateful when somebody does something of the kind for you.


3. Сравнение сложного дополнения и подлежащего. Определите инфинитивную конструкцию в следующих предложениях, если таковая имеется:





1. Переведите с русского на английский. Выберите правильный вариант:


Незначительный прогресс

а. quick progress

б. lack of progress

в. negligible progress


Топливо для транспорта

а. fuel for lamps

б. fuel for vehicles

в. fuel station


Качество и количество

а. pro and contra

б. value and number

в. quality and quantity


Для того, чтобы лучше знать

а. in order to know better

б. in order to start

в. in order to get there


Защищать детей

а. to educate children

б. to protect children

в. to love children


2. Выберите синонимы к указанным словам:



a. turbulent

b. nature

c. number


Owing to

a. thanks to

b. come to

c. that is why



a. narrow

b. straight

c. volume


A great deal

a. consist of

b. plenty of

c. nothing


To solve

a. to develop

b. to consider

c. to decide


3. Выберите антонимы к указанным словам:



a. shallow

b. wide

c. raw


a. big

b. small

c. important


a. dirty

b. cooked

c. clean


a. unfortunately

b. probably

c. at once



a. abundance

b. reduction

c. advantage


4. Выберите слово, определение которого приведено ниже:


A period of 100 years

a. month

b. decade

c. century



1. Выберите правильный вариант сложного дополнения:


1. We expect writers … the issues of the modern world.

a. deal with

b. to deal with

c. to be dealt with


2. They do not expect the President … taxes as he has promised.

a. to cut

b. cut

c. to be cutting


3. The local authorities did not want their housing scheme ….

a. to be failed

b. fail

c. to fail


4. One can hardly expect a true scientist … within the limits of one’s narrow field.

a. to be kept

b. keep

c. to keep


5. We expected the partners … on a number of issues.

a. agree

b. to agree

c. to be agreed


6. They believed him … by the invitation to the international congress.

a. to be honored

b. to honour

c. honour


7. Harris didn’t want his wife … off the bike.

a. to have jumped

b. jump

c. to jump


8. Tom was a very diligent pupil and soon he made everybody … him.

a. to respect

b. respect

c. to be respected


9. “I want the floor … by the evening” – mother said.

a. to wash

b. to be washed

c. wash


10. Mother wanted the potatoes … at the market.

a. to buy

b. to be bought

c. buy


11. I know her grandmother … a ballet-dancer.

a. to be

b. to have been

c. be


12. The woman wanted her daughter … to a theatre school.

a. to go

b. go

c. to be gone


13. I do not want the work … in a hurry.

a. to do

b. do

c. to be done


14. The driver expected the passenger … at the next stop and opened the door.

a. to get off

b. get off

c. to be got off


15. I saw the stranger … round the corner.

a. to disappear

b. disappear

c. to be disappeared


2. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее:


1. It appeared that they had lost the way. They appeared to have lost the way.

2. They know that helium atom has two electrons. Helium atom is known to have two electrons.

2. It happened that I was present at the opening session. _____________________

3. It turned out that my prediction was correct. ____________________________

4. It seemed that the house had not been lived in for a long time. ______________

5. It turned out that the language of the article was quite easy. _________________

6. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. _________________

7. They say that he is a good translator._________________________________

8. Newspapers report that the number of unemployment is increasing with every year. __________________________

9. It is said that the weather in Russia was extremely cold last winter. ______________________


3. Выберите правильный перевод сложного подлежащего:




1. Переведите с английского на русский. Выберите правильный вариант:


To increase the cost

а. снижать стоимость

б. увеличивать скорость

в. увеличивать стоимость


To lose time

а. терять время

б. терять дар речи

в. терять вещи


To move very fast

а. двигаться медленно

б. стоять на месте

в. двигаться очень быстро


A skilled worker

а. работать со сноровкой

б. квалифицированный рабочий

в. опытный врач


2. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:


1. This device is not (только) reliable, but also very efficient.

a. much

b. merely

c. except


2. One of the main advantages of an (самолет) is its very high speed.

a. aircraft

b. lorry

c. vehicle


3. All (мера предосторожности) were taken against the new epidemic.

a. steps

b. efforts

c. precautions


4. The work at the construction site goes on regularly in any (погода).

a. weather

b. whether

c. winter


5. This electronic device is (способный) of solving different complicated problems.

a. possible

b. impossible

c. capable


6. The staff of the firm consisted of (опытный) engineers and managers.

a. skilled

b. famous

c. advanced


7. What was the time when he returned? – It was (почти) 2 a. m.

a. before

b. after

c. nearly


8. They missed the train (потому что) they had to wait for the luggage to be packed

a. so


c. because


3. Выберите синонимы к указанным словам:



a. mainly

b. mostly

c. only


To observe

a. to charge

b. to suffer

c. to watch


To consider

a. to think

b. to realize

c. to strain



a. aim

b. addition

c. education



a. usually

b. coldly

c. quick


4. Выберите антонимы к указанным словам:


To break down

a. to repair

b. to shake

c. to damage


a. preparation

b. advantage

c. celebration


a. wide

b. narrow

c. upper


a. advertisement

b. incapable

c. possible


a. partly

b. together

c. everything




1. Условные предложения. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово:


1. What ______ you do if you won a lot of money?

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


2. If the students were studying, _______you disturb them?

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


3. If you make so much noise, I _______ be able to sleep.

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


4. They _______ have missed the last bus if they had hurried.

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


5. If she had locked all the doors, the burglars ________ have got in.

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


6. If you are a good girl, I _______ buy you some chocolate.

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


7. If he hadn’t cut his finger, it _______ not have hurt for weeks.

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


8. I _______ give you 5 dollars if you do me a favour.

a. will

b. won’t

c. would

d. wouldn’t


2. Условные предложения. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово:


1. If she ____not driven so fast, she ______ not ______ crashed her car.

a. have

b. had

c. would


2. If he _____ finished his medical studies, he ______ be a doctor now.

a. have

b. had

c. would


3. If he _____ failed his exams, he couldn’t study at the university.

a. have

b. had

c. would


4. If I saw a mouse in the kitchen, I ______ try to catch it.

a. have

b. had

c. would


5. If you _______ a video, you could record it yourself.

a. have

b. had

c. would


6. If pigs ______ wings, they would fly.

a. have

b. had

c. would


7. I wish I ____ washed my clothes yesterday.

a. have

b. had

c. would


8. If it _____ not been for your help we would _____ got into real trouble.

a. have

b. had

c. would





1. Переведите с русского на английский. Выберите правильный вариант:


Кроме тебя и меня

а. besides you and me

б. besides us

в.instead of you and me


Плотность атмосферы

а. the density of the atmosphere

б. the humidity of the atmosphere

в. the atmosphere of the meeting

2. Выберите синонимы к указанным словам:


To gain

a. to take

b. to breed

c. to win


To lose

a. fail

b. to shudder

c. to build



a. coach

b. plane

c. trolleybus



a. top

b. ultra

c. cloudy



a. against

b. again

c. almost


3. Выберите антонимы к указанным словам:



a. high

b. smoothly

c. slowly



a. luckily

b. likely

c. lubricant



a. backward

b. behind

c. below



a. probably

b. at once

c. usually



a. useful

b. important

c. considerable


4. Выберите слово, определение которого приведено ниже:



1. Условные предложения. Выберите правильный вариант:


1. If it … tomorrow, our game will be cancelled.

a. rain

b. rains

c. rained


2. If a dog … in her leg, she would go straight to hospital.

a. bites

b. will bite

c. bit


3. If he had known it was going to rain, he... his umbrella to work.

a. take

b. would have taken

c. will take


4. If only I … more pocket money, I could buy some new books.

a. had

b. have

c. have had


5. If she hadn’t missed the bus, she … late for work.

a. wouldn’t be

b. wouldn’t have been

c. wasn’t


6. If they … your address, they would have sent you a postcard.

a. knew

b. have known

c. had known


7. If my parents had had good seats, they … the last night.

a. would enjoy

b. would have enjoyed

c. will enjoy


8. If a robber … him in a dark street, he would defend himself.

a. attacks

b. attacked

c. would attack


9. If her alarm clock …, she would have been on time for work this morning.

a. rings

b. rang

c. had rung


10. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary... greatly.

a. would increase

b. will increase

c. increases


11. If he weren’t such a bookworm, he … so much time sitting in the library.

a. won’t spend

b. wouldn’t spend

c. didn’t spend


12. If I... two hundred years ago, I couldn’t have spoken on the telephone.

a. lived

b. had lived

c. was living


13. If he had warned me, I … the work in time.

a. will do

b. would have done

c. would did


14. If it …tomorrow, the children will play snowballs.

a. snowed

b. snows

c. is snowing


15. Your brother … much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

a. would become

b. would have become

c. will become






Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания:

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day comes on the 4th Thursday in November. It is a legal holiday celebrated throughout the United States. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives.

This is a family holiday. Families come together from near and far. In some places special religious services are held in the morning. Then comes the traditional feast. Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with sweet potatoes, squashy cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day.

Football is the most popular game on this day. For many schools, the Thanksgiving Day game is the most important one of the year. Usually there are several football games to watch on TV.

Macy's department store holds its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Celebrities, floats, bands, and balloons shaped like famous storybook and cartoon characters appear in the parade. Santa Claus arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried flowers, and vegetables. Horns of plenty are also very popular.

Charitable organizations serve dinners to needy people. They also send baskets of food to the elderly and sick.

The fist Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the Pilgrims on 1621. They came from England for religious freedom. They sailed from Plymouth, England, on September 16, 1620. Their ship was called the Mayflower. They landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts, on December 26, 1620.

The first winter was a terrible time. There was much sickness and starvation. Native Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant, to fish, to hunt and how to survive in America. The crops did well, and in the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The Pilgrims invited their Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast.

Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national day of observance by Congress in 1941.


1. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос:




1. Переведите с английского на русский:


To mean nothing

а. что-то означать

b. ничего не означать

c. значить все

d. ничего не иметь

To manufacture car engines

а. производить машины

b. производить двигатели для машин

c. производить транспорт

d. двигать производство

Nuclear device

а. ядерное устройство

b. ядерная кнопка

c. ядерное оружие

d. атомная станция

A chief engineer

а. главный механик

b заместитель инженера

c. главный инженер

d. помощник инженера

Atomic weight

а. атомные весы

b вес нетто

c. общая масса

d. атомный вес


2. Выберите правильный вариант:


Переднее колесо

a. front wheel

b. middle wheel

c. above wheel

d. back circle.

Расширять дорогу

a. to deepen a road

b. to dig a road

c. to widen a road

d. to stretch a road.

Несколько слов

a. few words

b. a few words

c. little words

d. less words

Оказаться эффективным

a. to become efficient

b. to turn efficient

c. to prove important

d. to prove efficient

Груженная баржа

a. a loaded yacht

b. an unloaded ship

c. a loaded barge

d. an empty barge



1. Выберите правильный вариант:


1. They were happy … part at our conference.

a. to take

b. to be taken

c. to taking

d. to have been taken


2. The theory … is very important for future inventions.

a. to discuss

b. to be discussed

c. to have discussed

d. to have been discussing


3. I expect … … me a letter.

a. she to send

b. her send

c. her to send

d. she to sent


4. Mother made … … the soup.

a. I eat

b. me eat

c. me to eat

d. me to be eaten


5. You are supposed … in four years.

a. to graduate

b. to have graduated

c. to be graduated

d. graduate


6. If my friend … to see me, I shall be very glad.

a. came

b. come

c. comes

d. is coming


7. If my father returns early, we … TV together.

a. watch

b. shall watch

c. should watch

d. watches


8. If you … the train, you would have arrived in time.

a. didn’t miss

b. haven’t missed

c. hadn’t missed

d. wouldn’t missed


9. If my friend … in my office we should meet every day.

a. worked

b. works

c. had worked

d. has worked


10. If you spoke English every day, you … your language skills.

a. will improve

b. improves

c. would have improved

d. would improve


11. … he known the subject better, he wouldn’t have failed in his exam.

a. Were

b. Was

c. Had

d. Has


12. He has given me … of his English books.

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one


13. I will show you the engine … we must test.

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one


14. Give me … textbooks.

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one


15. These texts are too long, we need shorter ….

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one





Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания:


What is superconductivity?

a. It’s a partial absence of electrical resistance

b. It’s a complete absence of electrical current

c. It’s a complete absence of electrical resistance

d. It’s a complete presence of electrical resistance


2. Выберите предложения, соответствующие тексту:


1. Subjecting materials to low pressure doesn’t change their properties much.

2. The interior of the earth itself is a high-pressure laboratory.

3. Metals become increasingly conductive under high pressures.

4. Increasingly high pressures can’t cause any metals to become superconductive at room temperature.

5. Superconductivity has numerous potential scientific applications.


1. Переведите с английского на русский:


To test new equipment

a. проверять старое оборудование

b. проверять новое оборудование

c. проверять качество

d. проверять новое изобретение


Negligible progress

a. незначительный прогресс

b. незначительный регресс

c. незначительный процесс

d. важный прогресс


To drag along the road

a. съехать с дороги

b. мчаться по дороге

c.тащиться по дороге

d. ехать по дороге


To convert work into energy

a. преобразовать работу энергии

b. заменить работу на энергию

c. преобразовать энергию в работу

d. преобразовать работу в энергию

2. Выберите правильный вариант:


Огромный груз

a. a big cargo

b. a small cargo

c. a huge cargo

d. a wide cargo


Защищать детей

a. to protect nature

b. to protect parents

c. to educate children

d. to protect children


Быстрое сгорание

a. rapid combustion

b. rapid heating

c. quick burning

d. rapid burning


Заряженный электричеством

a. loaded with electricity

b. charged with electricity

c. uncharged with electricity

d. charged without current


Решать вопрос

a. solve the question

b. solve the task

c. to settle the question

d. decide the question


3. Выберите правильный вариант:


A period of hundred years

a. age

b. epoch

c. century

d. millennium



1. Выберите правильный вариант:


1. The internal combustion engine … in this lorry is of a new design.

a. to use

b. to be used

c. to have used

d. to be using


2. The child was happy … home.

a. to have brought

b. to be bringing

c. to have been brought

d. to bring


3. He ordered the scientific conference ….

a. to postpone

b. to be postponed

c. to have postponed

d. be postponed


4. They saw the newcomer … the room and everybody stood to greet him.

a. to enter

b. to be entered

c. to be entering

d. enter


5. This device was known... in that laboratory.

a. to have been designed

b. have been designed

c. to have been designing

d. to design


6. If he … in time, shall we have to wait for him?

a. comes

b. came

c. didn’t come

d. doesn’t come


7. If I … home early, I … to write my report today.

a. came; shall be able

b. comes; shall be able

c. come; shall be able

d. come; shall can


8. If the engineer… of the results before, he … the design of his new invention.

a. has been informed; should have improved

b. had been informed; would have improved

c. was informed; would have improved

d. had been informed; would improve


9. If it … necessary to increase the speed of this particular engine, it … by using a special device.

a. were; could be achieved

b. was; could have achieved

c. had been; could be achieved

d. were; could achieve

10. If Columbus … such a passion for traveling, he … America in 1492.

a. hadn’t; wouldn’t be discovered

b. didn’t have; wouldn’t have discovered

c. hadn’t had; wouldn’t have discovered

d. hadn’t had; wouldn’t discover


11. … the air within the cylinder motionless, only a small proportion of the fuel would find enough oxygen.

a. Were

b. Was

c. Had

d. Has


12. This article is much more difficult than the … we translated yesterday.

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one


13. The question … was discussed at the meeting yesterday is very important.

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one


14. Here are some new magazines. Which … would you like to take?

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one


15. He thought that all … things were not important.

a. ones

b. that

c. those

d. one



Библиографический список


1. Английский язык для инженеров: Учеб./Е.Ю. Полякова, Е.В. Синявская, О.И. Тынкова, Э.С. Улановская. – 6-е изд., испр. – М.: Высш. шк., 2002. – 463с.

2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Сборник упражнений. - 4-е изд., - СПб.: КАРО, 2002. – 544с.

3. Гуревич В.В. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и комментарии: Учебное пособие. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2003. – 269с.

4. Девлин Д. Словарь синонимов и антонимов английского языка. – М.:ЗАО Изд-во Центрполиграф, 2002. - 559с.

5. Кошманова И.И. Тесты по английскому языку. – М.: Рольф, 1999. -256с.

6. Николенко Т.Г. Тесты по грамматике английского языка. – М.: Рольф, Айрис-пресс, 1998. – 160с.

7. Практическая грамматика английского языка: Для работы в аудитории/Практический материал Дейва Виллиса. – М.: ООО «Издательство Астрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2003. – 255с.

8. Трофимов В.Н. Грамматические упражнения и тесты с ответами для школьников и абитуриентов. – М.: АОЗТ «Издательство РУЧЕНЬКИНА», Мн. «Современное Слово», 1998. – 192с.

9. Murphy, Raymond English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for elementary students, with answers. – Cambridge University Press, 1985.

10. Murphy, Raymond English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students, with answers. – Cambridge University Press, 1985.





Урок 8. Вариант 1. 4

Вариант 2 9

Урок 9. Вариант 1 14

Вариант 2 22

Урок 10. Вариант 1. 31

Вариант 2 36

Семестровый тест. Вариант 1 41

Вариант 2 47

Библиографический список 54




Учебно-практическое издание

Тесты по английскому языку:


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