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Тест 1. The Article (part 1)↑ Стр 1 из 14Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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Тест 1. The Article (part 1)
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. ______ Russian company Avgit Founded a joint venture with the
Latvian Spondo company.
a) A (an); b) The; c) –.
2. In 1998 Nestle brought half of its products to _____ Russian market
from abroad.
a) a (an); b) the; c) –.
3. Twenty five specialists have already undergone training in ______
a) a (an); b) the; c) –.
4. _______ Russian–Iranian auto plant has started assembling pickups. a) A (an); b) The; c) –.
5. _______ Germans intend to invest?30 million in the project. a) A (an); b) The; c) –.
6. _______ River Elbe flows through the Czech Republic. a) A (an); b) The; c) –.
7. The nearest big city was ______ Riga. a) a (an); b) the; c) –.
8. In ______ Russia the 1-st McDonald`s restaurant appeared in 1990. a) a (an); b) the; c) –.
9. Before the late 19th century the white conquest of _______ West was completed.
a) a (an); b) the; c) –.
10. _______ United States has rich and productive land. a) A (an); b) The; c) –.
Оформите ответы в виде таблицы.
Teст 9. The Plural
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. The tourist office has __________ about hotel accommodation.
5. What __________ the government going to do about the problem
10. Cash __________ money in the form of banknotes and coins. a) are; b) is.
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Teст 10. The Possessive Case
Выберите нужную форму существительного:
1. In a planned economy, __________ wages depend on the service they provide to society.
a) workers’; b) workers.
2. __________ salary mostly depends on the demand for his or her
a) Someone; b) Someone’s.
3. Consumers can buy a __________ goods or services.
a) company’s; b) company.
4. Utility is the __________word for the satisfaction we get from a
a) economists; b) economists’.
5. The cost of the good, the __________ income can affect the utility
Тест 11. There is /are, there was /were, there have/has been, there will be
Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:
9. The manager of the company is leaving, so there __________ a new manager soon.
a) will be; b) is.
10. There __________ 5, 000 employees in our company. a) are; b) is.
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Teст 12. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense
Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:
9. My boss __________ with your enquiry now but you won’t get a rapid answer.
a) is dealing; b) deals; c) deal.
10. The office __________ at 6 p.m. on weekdays. a) is closing; b) closes; c) close.
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Teст 15. The Passive Voice
Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге:
4. The accumulated profit __________ forward to next year today.
8. The shares __________ on the American Stock Exchange next week. a) will be floated; b) were floated; c) is being floated.
9. Soon the financial results _______________ at the annual general
Тест 17. The Modal Verbs
Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав соответствующий модальный глагол:
1. You ____ send your resume to several companies. a) can; b) need; c) have.
2. You ____ not start your job search without a resume.
5.This phenomenon ____ be explained by economic laws. a) should; b) need; c) have to.
6.The company had gone bankrupt and _____ pay its creditors.
8. Our sales ____ exceed our forecast by 15%.
10. ____ I take a comment at this point? a) Am; b) May; c) Must.
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Тест 21. The Gerund
Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав нужную форму глагола:
1. __________ is the process of buying a security for less than its face
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Тест 22. The Infinitive
Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав нужную форму инфинитива:
1. __________ our employers to develop their skills is one of the prime
8. They made us __________ extremely hard.
a) to work; b) work; c) to have worked.
9. Central banks of different countries are expected __________ away
10. The world economy is predicted __________ growing.
Тест 23. The Participle
Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав причастие насто-ящего или прошедшего времени:
1. All transactions are to be ____________ in the general journal.
7. Accrued income is a total sum of money __________ by the com-pany during a particular period.
a) earning; b) earned.
8. The goods were ___________ in the shop window.
Тест 24. Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 1)
Вставьте в пропуски одно из следующих слов:
1. As the field survey shows, very __________ customers find the design of our goods attractive.
a) little; b) few; c) much.
3. We have __________ time at our disposal. We must make a decision
right away.
a) little; b) much; c) many.
4. There is very __________data available about market trends in this
a) a few; b) little; c) many.
5. We spent too __________ time on routine meetings. a) much; b) a few; c) many.
6. “Are there any seats on the next flight to Madrid?” “Yes, there are
__________ ”.
a) little; b) many; c) much.
7. I am beginning to get __________ worried about the situation. a) a little; b) few; c) many.
8. We need __________ more time to think about your proposal. a) a little; b) many; c) a few.
9. __________ insurance companies protect their customers against
a) A little; b) Many; c) Much.
10. It takes one __________ money to join a credit union. a) a few; b) many; c) much.
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Тест 25. Many, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 2)
Вставьте в пропуски одно из следующих слов:
1. Starting a business without financial support from the bank may cause you __________trouble.
a) a few; b) many; c) much.
2. Banks are subjects to __________ government regulations. a) little; b) many; c) much.
3. Only __________ major customers can keep up with the rise of the
service prices.
a) a few; b) many; c) much.
4. Very __________ financial institutions nowadays keep off technical innovations in the banking industry.
a) a few; b) few; c) much.
5. You can’t do without __________ cash on hand when you go to a
retailer shop.
a) a little; b) many; c) little.
6. Banks are now using computer technology to perform __________
7. No matter how __________ money you have you can open a bank
a) few; b) many; c) much.
8. There are too __________ students in our group. a) a few; b) much; c) many.
9. Do you have __________ homework to do? a) few; b) many; c) much.
10. I need __________ help. Could you help me with the translation?
Тест 26. The Conditionals
Составьте предложения, соединив первую часть каждого пред-ложения со второй:
Тест 1а
Подберите к существительным (1–10) соответствующие им определения (a–j):
Тест 1b
Подберите к существительным (1–10) соответствующие им определения (a–j):
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Тест 1c
Подберите к существительным (1–10) соответствующие им определения (a– j):
1. goods a. the act of doing business or carrying out a
business deal
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Teст 1d
Подберите к существительным (1–10) соответствующие им определения (a– j):
1. consumer a. a position of regular paid work
2. job b. an amount of money that a business organization
has to spend on something
3. inflation c. a person who buys goods and services for his /
her own use and not resale
Teст 1e
Подберите к существительным (1–10) соответствующие им определения (a– j):
1. retail a. money in the form of banknotes and coins
2. bulk b. a business agreement to buy or sell goods or
provide a service
3. deal c. money owed by one person or organization to
4. cash d. large size, volume or quantity
5. debt e. the sale of goods to customers for their own use,
rather than to shops, etc
6. boom f. money given to an employee by an employer in
return for work
7. pay g. a place where goods are stored and sold
8. profit i. money lost in a business deal; a financial deficit
9. loss j. a rapid increase in sales, profits, production, etc;
a time of prosperity
Оформите ответы в виде таблицы:
Teст 2a
Тест 2b
Teст 2c
Teст 3
Подберите к профессиям (1–10) соответствующие им определения (a–j):
1. a marketer a. a person or an organization that promotes and
sells products and services in a certain market
2. a manager b. a student of or an expert in economics
3. аn accountant c. a person whose job is to collect taxes
4. a book – keeper d. a person who is employed to control, organize
and direct part or all of a business or organization
5. a financier e. a person who audits accounts
6. an auditor f. a person whose job is to sell goods
7. a salesperson g. a person whose job is recording business
8. an economist h. a person engaged in financing businesses, etc
on a large scale
9. a tax inspector i. an owner, a director or a manager of a bank
10. a banker j. a professionally trained person whose job is
to keep and check the financial records of an
organization or to advise people on income,
spending, tax, etc.
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Teст 4a
Подберите к каждому из типов менеджеров (1–10) соответствующее определение (a–j):
1. bank manager a. a manager who is in charge of making
materials or goods
2. business manager b. a manager in a company who is responsible
for the development and marketing of a
particular product
3. product manager c. someone in charge of a branch of a bank
4. production manager d. a manager who has a wide range of
management skills, rather than one special
5. general manager e. a manager whose job is to develop new
6. research manager f. someone in charge of a company’s selling
activities and the people whose job is to sell
its products
7. sales manager g. a manager who is in charge of taking
care of a company’s employees, organizing
recruitment, training
8. personnel manager h. a person or organization responsible for
a particular piece of work that will create
something new or improve a situation
9. project manager i. someone whose job is to manage
investments for a financial institution or its
10. investment manager j. a person whose job is to manage and control the financial activities of a company, organization, or part of organization
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Teст 4b
Подберите к каждому из типов менеджеров (1–10) соответ-ствующее определение (a–j):
9. plant manager i. someone in a company responsible for
developing and selling one particular brand
of product
10. portfolio manager j. someone whose job is to manage a
particular type of investment for a financial
institution or its clients
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Teст 5
Подберите к существительным (1–10) соответствующие им синонимы (a–j): 1. purchaser a. difficulty
2. crisis b. saving
3. economy c. commerce
4. management d. buyer
5. finance e. administration
6. production f. employment
7. profession g. earnings
8. income h. making
9. trader i. benefit
10. interest j. seller
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Teст 6
Подберите к существительным (1–10) соответствующие им антонимы (a–j):
1. production a. deflation
2. income b. city
3. proficiency c. lack
4. country d. consumption
5. supply e. expenditure
6. worker f. honesty
7. growth g. incompetence
8. inflation h. idler
9. corruption i. decline
10. risk j. safety
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Подбор синонимов к глаголам
Teст 7
Подбор антонимов к глаголам
Teст 8
Teст 9
Подберите к прилагательным (1–10) соответствующие им синонимы (a–j): 1. busy a. own
2. wide b. regional
3. expensive c. cut-price
4. cheap d. active
5. available e. broad
6. private f. costly
7. modern g. obtainable
8. successful h. innovative
9. local i. well-doing
10. internal j. domestic
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Teст 10
Подберите к прилагательным (1–10) соответствующие им антонимы (a–j):
1. private a. authoritarian
2. busy b. certain
3. expensive c. public
4. free d. cheap
5. vacant e. lazy
6. valuable f. occupied
7. safe g. flexible
8. fixed h. risky
9. personal i. u
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