Различие между рефератом и аннотацией 

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Различие между рефератом и аннотацией


Граница между рефератом и аннота­цией является зыбкой. Помимо коли­чественного фактора и неодинаковых целей различие между рефератом и аннотацией заключается в манере подачи материала. При реферативном изложении референт самоустраняется и излагает информацию с позиций автора. Реферат строится на основе ключевых слов. Аннотация пишется своими словами. Аннотация – вы­жимка тематического содержания – пишется с позиций компетентного судьи, который критически осмысливает мате­риал, обобщает, сжимает, оценивает. Главное в аннотации – назвать тему текста, в реферате же излагается со­держание текста. Различие между рефератом и аннотацией можно увидеть на примере аннотации и реферата статьи, приведенной в данном пособии на страницах 32 – 35.


Статья «Социальная работа в России: история, культура и государство», автор Елена Ярская-Смирнова, опубликована на сайте… Статья посвящена профессии «социальный работник», содержит информацию об исторических корнях социальной работы в Росси и путях ее развития. Статья содержит статистические данные.

Данная публикация может представлять интерес для работников социальных служб, студентов и аспирантов.



Статья «Социальная работа в России: история, культура и государство», автор Елена Ярская-Смирнова, опубликованная на сайте … начинается с экскурса в историю возникновения социальной работы в России. Автор подчеркивает, что культуре народов России свойственна традиция помощи людям. До революции различные благотворительные фонды, религиозные организации и добровольные общества оказывали помощь людям. После революции правительственные организации пришли на смену, и им удалось сделать образование и медицину общедоступными и бесплатными. Но, по мнению автора, Советское государство не смогло решить основные социальные проблемы. Перестройка принесла с собой и новые профессии: социальный работник и социальный педагог.

Автор показывает, как менялись формы социальной работы в процессе смены режимов.

В статье рассматриваются современные тенденции в развитии социальной работы как профессии. Особое внимание уделяется образованию и профессиональной подготовке соцработников. В заключение описываются профессиональные организации социальных работников и социальных педагогов в России в настоящее время.


1. Выберите статью из газеты “Moscow News” по теме «Экономика»/ «Социальные проблемы» (объем не менее 15 000 печатных знаков) и напишите реферат на русском языке. Приложите реферируемую статью.

2. Напишите аннотацию к статье из газеты “Moscow News” (статья может быть на любую тему). Приложите аннотируемую статью.

3. Прочтите текст о Хабаровске, выпишите незнакомые слова, перескажите текст.



In 1858 the Russian military settlement Khabarovka was founded on the Amur river. It was named in honor of Erofei Khabarov, the Cossack explorer, who came to the Amur region in the seventeenth century. Later this trading and military post got the rank of city. In 1884 the Far Eastern Territories became separate from Eastern Siberia and Khabarovka became the administrative center and the home of the governor general of the area. It was renamed Khabarovsk in 1893.

With the construction of the railway the town quickly grew into a modern city. It is the capital of the Khabarovsk Krai (territory), one of the most vital cities in the Russian Far East. With its population of more than 600 000, Khabarovsk is a large industrial, cultural and educational center. It is also a well-known center of international tourism.

Tourists are attracted by the splendid flora and fauna, picturesque places of interest and customs and traditions of the native people. Khabarovsk museums offer an excellent opportunity to get familiar with the history, culture, economy and nature of the Territory. Khabarovsk has its own Art museum with masterpieces of many famous artists and centuries old icons. The Geological museum displays an impressive collection of minerals and semiprecious stones. There are several professional theaters and a Concert hall in Khabarovsk. The Far Eastern Symphony Orchestra is famous beyond the borders of our territory.

Khabarovsk is beautiful in winter and summer, its parks and squares, old wooden houses and the mighty Amur river make it special. Much reconstruction is going on now. New cathedrals, modern buildings and roads have appeared. A new bridge connects the banks of the Amur.

There are over 100 industrial enterprises producing ocean vessels and pleasure boats, gas turbines, compressors, diesels, cables, equipment for fishing industry and many other products. There is a big oil refinery here. The Heating Equipment factory is one of the oldest and largest enterprises in the Far East. The transition to market economy and structural transformations connected with it affected our industries. The manufacturing companies are establishing a new business infrastructure and trying to find new markets.

Today Khabarovsk is a city of students. There are more than thirty different educational institutions where young people from the Far East study. At present students from the Pacific Rim countries come to study at the universities of Khabarovsk. You can meet Koreans and Americans, Japanese and Chinese and sometimes Europeans get training here too.


Note: «Хабаровский край» is translated “The Khabarovsk Krai” or “The Khabarovsk Territory”.

Обратите внимание на предлоги:

To extend from … to … – протянуться с … на …

To be rich in (gold / fish) – быть богатым (золотом / рыбой)

To consist of –состоять из

To be connected to – быть связанным с

4. Ответьте на вопросы

1. When was Khabarovsk founded?

2. What is the population of Khabarovsk?

3. What is the weather like here?

4. Why is Khabarovsk called and educational center?

5. Who was Erofei Khabarov and when did he come to the Amur land?

6. Name the most beautiful places of Khabarovsk.

7. What are the main industries here?


5. Прочтите текст о Лондоне, выпишите незнакомые слова, перескажите текст.



London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. London is an ancient city which was founded by the Roman invaders. At first it was a small settlement on the river Thames, known as Londinium which later on turned into a big port and important trading center. Now London with its suburbs has a population of 11 million people.

Let us go sightseeing in London and visit the principal places of interest. We'll start our tour frorrf Trafalgar Square, which is a geographical center of London. Trafalgar square is also a historical place. In the middle of it is the famous Nelson Column, which was built in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory at Trafalgar. Here, there is also the National Gallery with its wonderful collection of works from the British, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish schools. Now we go down Whitehall and turn to the right to a quiet street. This is the famous Downing Street, and house N° 10 is the residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

And now we are in Westminster. It is the most important part of London. Here you see the Houses of Parliament. It is a beautiful building with two towers: the Clock Tower with Big Ben and Victoria Tower with the national flag over it. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. Many English kings and queens were crowned and buried there.

Another interesting sight in West End is Hyde Park. It is the largest of London's parks and is famous for the Speakers' Corner which attracts a lot of tourists. The West End is full of museums, art galleries, the best theatres, cinemas, expensive clubs and shops.

Now we take a bus and go to the City, which is a small area but it is the business and commercial heart of London. Very few people live there. All the main banks and offices are situated in the City. In the centre of the City there is the Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral. The Tower has a very long history. It used to be a fortress, a royal residence, then prison and now is a museum.

A visit to London is full of surprises. If you are in Piccadilly Circus you can meet many people wearing all kinds of fancy clothes, speaking different languages.

There are many parks in London, such as Regent's Park, St. James's Park, Green Park and others. There are many swans in London parks and gardens and according to the tradition they are considered to be the property of the Royal family. But all these parks provide for Londoners and tourists relaxing spots in which to stroll or play.

There is a lot of traffic in the streets of London. You can see famous double-deckers, cars and taxis.

Be careful when you cross the street in London, because in Britain the traffic keeps to the left, and not to the right as in European countries. When you want to cross the street look first to the right and then to the left.

The traffic lights here are not like in Europe. The red light says «Stop», the green, says «Wait» and the yellow light says «Cross». «Keep left» is the general rule in Great Britain. People cross the street at black-and-white crossing, but if they are in a hurry they just run across at any place. Sometimes a policeman stops them. They call him «Bobby». He stands at street corners regulating the traffic.

If you have a chance, don’t hesitate to visit this world-known city.


6. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is London?

2. Where is London situated?

3. What are the three parts of London?

4. Where do rich people live?

5. What is the business center of London?

6. What monument is in Trafalgar square?

7. Where does the parliament sit?

8. Why is London a sea port?

9. What sights of London do you know?

10. What do you know about the traffic of London?

11. Have you been to London?


7. Прочтите текст о Великобритании, выпишите незнакомые слова, перескажите текст.

Great Britain

Great Britain (GB) lies on the Atlantic coast of Western Europe on the British Isles. These islands are Great Britain and Ireland some small islands. The English Channel and the North Sea separate the British Isles from Europe. The two main islands - Great Britain and Ireland - are separated by the Irish Sea.

The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. When we speak of the United Kingdom (UK), we actually speak of the four countries united into one state: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of England is London. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh; the capital of Wales is Cardiff. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The capital of the United Kingdom is, also, London.

The climate of Great Britain is maritime with many rains in autumn, famous fogs which are dense at times. British winters are mild because of the winds that blow over the Atlantic Ocean and due to the influence of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. The weather is very changeable and it is a favourite topic of conversation in Britain.

Great Britain has a remarkable variety of landscapes. The surface of England and Ireland is rather flat; there are no high mountains in Great Britain. The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis (1.343 m high). And the highest mountain in Wales is Snowdon (1.055 m high).

The rivers in Great Britain are not long but many of them are deep. The longest rivers are the Clyde, the Thames and the Severn. The Thames is the busiest and most important river in GB. The capital of GB, London, stands on the Thames.

In Great Britain, there are many beautiful lakes with green, grassy shores and mountains all around them. The famous Lake District is a great tourist attraction. Scotland is a land of famous lakes. The beautiful Loch Lomond is the largest one and Loch Ness attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.

The population of Great Britain is 57 mln. people. About 80% of the population live in towns and cities.

The UK is not rich in mineral resources. It has deposits of coal and iron ore, oil and gas, lead, zinc and chalk.

Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It produces and exports machinery, electronics, textile, cars and aircraft. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding. The most important industrial cities are Manchester, Leeds, Bristol, Edinburgh, Birmingham and others. Cambridge and Oxford are famous university cities.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a monarchy not a republic, but the Queen has little real power. The official head of the state is the King or the Queen. Although it is made up of four countries (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland), it is not a federation like the USA. The power of the monarch is limited by the Parliament which is made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Parliament makes laws. The head of the Government is Prime Minister.

During the Second World War there was a coalition government of all the major parties, but since then either the Conservative Party or the Labour Party has been in power.

The Britain's flag was approved in 1801. The flag is known as Union Jack.

Newspapers in Britain are mostly owned by individuals or by publishing companies which are called «empires». They do not belong to the government or any political party.

British contribution to the world science and arts is great. Many discoveries are linked with the names of Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Shakespeare and Christopher Wren.

The official language of Great Britain is English. It is now spoken in many countries of the world: the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and others.


8. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим предложениям

1. Великобритания расположена на Атлантическом побережье Западной Европы на Британских островах.

2. Официально страна называется Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

3. Соединенное Королевство - это четыре страны, объединившиеся в одно государство: Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия.

4. В Великобритании морской климат с большим количеством дождей осенью, знаменитыми туманами, которые бывают очень густые.

5. Погода очень изменчива и это любимая тема для разговоров в Великобритании.

6. Великобритания славится своими ландшафтами.

7. Пейзаж в Англии и Ирландии преимущественно равнинный, там нет высоких гор.

8. Самая высокая гора в Шотландии – Бен Невис, а самая высокая гора в Уэльсе – Сноудон.

9. Самые длинные реки Клайд, Темза и Северн.

10. Знаменитый озерный край привлекает множество туристов.

11. Соединенное Королевство не богато полезными ископаемыми. Имеются залежи угля, железной руды, нефти и газа, свинца, цинка и мела.

12.Великобритания производит и экспортирует различное оборудование, электронику, текстиль, автомобили и самолеты.

13. Одной из основных отраслей является судостроение.

14. Великобритания – конституционная монархия.

15. Официальный язык – английский.


9. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

2. What is the population of the country?

3. What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

4. What is the climate of Great Britain?

5. How does the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain?

6. What are Britain’s chief industries?

7. What are the chief industrial centers in the United Kingdom?

8. What goods are produced in Great Britain?

9. What is Britain’s political system?

10. What are the major political parties in Great Britain?

11. How many Chambers are there in the British Parliament?

12. Do newspapers in Britain support any political party?

13. What part of Great Britain is usually called “Lake District”?

14. What winter sport is popular in Great Britain?

15. What do you know about football fans’ behavior?

16. How can you get to Great Britain: by train, by car, by plane?

17. What places would you like to visit there?

18. Name some famous people of Great Britain.



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