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Тема 4. Проблемы экономического ростаСодержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
90. Economic growth (экономический рост) - rate of increase in output per capita. 91. Output growth, total (рост совокупного объема выпуска) - annual percentage rate of increase in GNP, usually averaged over a period of years. 92. Output growth, per capita (рост объема выпуска на душу населения) - annual percentage rate of increase in GNP per head of population, usually averaged over a period of years. 93. The sources of economic growth (источники экономического роста) - (1) increase in factor supplies, and (2) increase in factor productivity. 94. Factor supplies (предложение факторов производства) - worker-hours of labor used in production and the size of the capital stock. 95. Factor productivity (производительность факторов производства) - the amount of output per unit of factor inputs. 96. Labor productivity (производительность труда) - total output divided by the quantity of labor employed to produce the output; or output per worker per hour. 97. Total factor input (совокупное вложение факторов производства) - combined rate of increase in labor and capital inputs, weighted by the share of each in national income. 98. Total factor productivity (совокупная производительность факторов производства) - rate of increase in output minus rate of increase in total factor input; also called the residual. 99. Embodied technical progress (воплощенный, материализованный технический прогресс) -technical progress incorporated in the growth of labor or capital inputs. 100. Disembodied technical progress (невоплощенный технический прогресс) - technical progress external to labor and capital inputs (improvements in management, organizational improvements, etc.) Показатели экономического роста (отражающие соотношение между приростом инвестиций и приростом дохода): 101. Multiplier (мультипликатор) - the ratio of the change (increase) in the equilibrium NNP to the change (increase) in investment. 102. Accelerator hypotheses (гипотеза акселератора) - states that the level of net investment depends on the change in expected output. Экономический цикл и его фазы: 103. Economic fluctuation (экономические колебания) - a general upward or downward movement in output and employment, pervading many sectors of the economy. 104. Business cycle (деловой цикл, экономический цикл) - alternating periods of higher and lower rates of economic growth; recurrent ups and downs over a period of years in the level of economic activity. 105. Upswing (подъем) - a pervasive upward movement in output and employment. 106. Boom (бум, резкий подъем деловой активности) - a period of rapid economic growth and, usually, lower than average unemployment. 107. Upper turning point (верхняя точка изменений) - short period during which an upswing ends and a downswing begins. 108. Downswing (спад) - a pervasive downward movement in output and employment. 109. Recession (рецессия) - the contraction phase of a business cycle; a mild downswing in output and employment. 110. Depression (депрессия) - a severe contraction phase of a business cycle involving prolonged decline in output and employment; a period of low national income and high unemployment. 111. Slump (кризис) - a period of lower than average national income and higher than average unemployment, particularly one that has continued, or is expected to continue, for a number of years. 112. Lower turning point (нижняя точка изменений) - short period during which a downswing ends and an upswing begins. 113.Stagnation (стагнация) - contraction in the economy's aggregate output. 114. Stagflation (стагфляция) - inflation accompanied by stagnation in the rate of growth of output and a high unemployment rate in the economy; simultaneous increases in both the price level and the unemployment rate. 115. Inflation (инфляция) - a rise in the general (average) level of prices in the economy. 116. Deflation (дефляция) - a fall in the general (average) level of prices in the economy. Since economic fluctuations are centered in the investment industries, we must look further into the short-run behavior of business investment. A basic distinction here is between autonomous investment and induced investment. 117. Induced investment (вынужденные инвестиции) -is capacity-oriented investment, occurring in response to changes in consumer demand; investment induced by an increase in demand. 118. Autonomous investment (автономные инвестиции) - investment not due to an increase in demand; usually associated with innovation. 119. Innovation (инновации) - application of an invention in production. 120. Acceleration principle (принцип акселерации) -fluctuations in final sales of a product tend to produce larger fluctuations in induced investment.
Тема 5. Проблемы занятости и безработицы 121. Unemployment (безработица) - according to the definition of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, joblessness among people who are actively looking for work and would take a job if one were offered. (US - definition) Unemployment (безработица) - is the total number of hours that people want to work in a period, minus the number that they actually do work. (UK - definition). 122. The labor force (рабочая сила) - all individuals 16 years of age and older who are either working or actively looking for work. 123. The unemployment rate (уровень безработицы) - expresses the number of unemployed workers as a percentage of the labor force; the number of people who are unemployed divided by the number of people in the labor force. 124. A discouraged worker (рабочий, потерявший надежду на получение работы) - is a person who has dropped out of the labor force because of failure to find a job. Типы безработицы: 125. Frictional unemployment (фрикционная безработица) - unemployment caused by workers voluntarily changing jobs and by temporary layoffs. 126. Structural unemployment (структурная безработица) - unemployment caused by changes in the structure of demand for consumer goods and in technology; workers who are unemployed either because their skills are not demanded by employers or because they lack sufficient skills to obtain employment. 127. Seasonal unemployment (сезонная безработица) - is unemployment caused by seasonal shifts in labor supply and demand. 128. Cyclical unemployment (циклическая безработица) - unemployment caused by insufficient aggregate demand; it occurs because of the decline in the economy's aggregate output during recessions. 129. Labor market policy (политика на рынке труда) - attempts to reduce structural unemployment through education, job training, and other activities 130. Full employment (полная занятость) - 1) using all available economic resources to produce goods and services; 2) when 94 to 96 percent of the civilian labor force is employed. 131. Civilian labor force (гражданская рабочая сила) - persons sixteen years of age and older who are not in institutions or the armed forces (the noninstitutional civilian population) who are willing and able to work and who are either employed or actively seeking employment. 132. Underemployment (неполная занятость) -failure to produce the maximum amount of goods and services that can be produced from the resources employed; occurs when workers are overqualified for their jobs; failure to achievefull production. 133. Full production (полное производство) - the maximum amount of goods and services that can be produced from the employed resources of an economy; the absence of underemployment. 134. Okun's law (Закон Оукена) - a change in the rate of full-time unemployment is associated with the percentage change in GNP that is about three times as large. 135. Potential output (потенциальный объем продукции) -GNP that could be produced at a specified (high) level of capacity utilization. 136. Output gap (отставание выпуска продукции) - difference between actual and potential output. 137. The natural rate of unemployment (естественный уровень безработицы) - is the rate that occurs when the economy is producing its potential level of GNP.
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