Mrs. Madigan Goes to the Theatre 

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Mrs. Madigan Goes to the Theatre


Mrs. Madigan is asking the hotel desk-clerk for information about theatres in St. Francis:

Desk Clerk: Good morning, Mrs. Madigan.

Mrs. Madigan: Good morning. I think I’d like to go to the theatre tonight. Is there a

theatre in the city?

Desk Clerk: Would you like a guide?

Mrs. Madigan: No, no. I’ll go by taxi.

Desk Clerk: No, madam. A theatre guide. A list of all the theatres in St. Francis,

with full details of the plays and booking facilities.

Mrs. Madigan: How many theatres are there?

Desk Clerk: Three.

Mrs. Madigan: Hmm. What’s on at the National Theatre? I’ve heard it is the best


Desk Clerk: National Theatre. The “Siege of St. Francis”. It’s a history play,

Mrs. Madigan.

Mrs. Madigan: I’ll go there. I’ll go and get a ticket.

(Later. At the National Theatre box office.)

Mrs. Madigan: One ticket for tonight, please. In the stalls.

Clerk: Which performance?

Mrs. Madigan: Which performance? Tonight!

Clerk: There are two performances nightly. One at six o’clock, the second

at nine o’clock.

Mrs. Madigan: Oh, the nine o’clock. Six o’clock is much too early.

Clerk: Yes, madam.

Mrs. Madigan: One stall for the second performance this evening. But not too far

back. My eyes are becoming rather weak.

Clerk: Yes, madam. Seat A3.

Mrs. Madigan: Is there a good view of the stage from that seat?

Clerk: It’s in the front row, madam.

Mrs. Madigan: Oh, is it? Good.

Clerk: Five crowns please.


Vocabulary notes


1. theatre guide – путеводитель по театрам

2. stalls – партер


Особенности употребления формул вежливости


Приветствие / Прощание

Form of address Answer Style Function
How do you do? the same repeated Formal greeting after introduction
How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? Neutral inquiry after somebody’s health
How’re things? Fine, thanks. What about you? Informal greeting
Good day! (All the best!) Formal parting (cold dismissal)


How do you do? употребляется только во время официального знакомства, соответствует рус. здравствуйте и требует повторения в ответной реплике. При помощи нейтральных фраз, выбираемых в зависимости от времени суток, приветствуют малознакомых людей или прощаются с ними. Добрый день возможно как приветствие только в американском варианте; для британцев – это способ вежливо-холодно указать человеку на дверь, давая понять, что разговор окончен.


Please, thank you, of course

structure form of address answer function
Please / Thank you / Here you are Would you like some more tea? Thank you. / (Yes,) please. Accepting
Have you got enough sugar? Yes, thank you. Confirming
Have you got a cup I could use? Yes, here you are. Handing over things
Thank you. (no answer) Reply to thanks
Of course Have you ever tasted cold tea? Why, yes, of course / sure Reply to something obvious


Когда вам говорят спасибо, можно ответить при помощи фраз Not at all; You’re welcome; That’s alright, которые соответствуют рус. пожалуйста (так как please в таких случаях не употребляется).


Sorry, excuse me

structure form of address answer function
Sorry / Excuse me Do you mind! That’s my plate! I amsorry. I didn’t realize… Apologizing
Excuse me, could I have some jam? Here you are. Help yourself. Attracting attention
Sorry, did I take your spoon? Oh, never mind, it’s alright. Apologizing
Sorry / Please Can I borrow your dictionary? No, please don’t. / I’m sorry, but… Refusing
May I use your telephone? Oh, well, alright. / Please do. Granting permission


Excuse me говорится прежде, чем вы кого-то побеспокоили (в том числе, с целью привлечь внимание), а sorry (I beg your pardon) – в качестве извинения после причиненного беспокойства (а также, когда надо переспросить).

Приказ, вежливая просьба, предложение

Orders, instructions, invitations Requests, suggestions, advice Offering, asking permission
A roll and a cup of tea, please. Could you give me some tea? Can I give you / have some tea?
Please, come in. Would / do you mind coming in? Do / would you mind if I come in?
Please (don’t) take your coat off. Will you take your coat off? Shall I help you with your coat?
Wait a moment, please. Could you wait a moment? Would you like me to wait?










1. Journalist: “______”

Head of a firm: “As a manager of the environmental business unit, he is

responsible for a team of eight”.

1) Which is his team?

2) Is he in environmental business?

3) How many are there in his team?

4) Is he responsible for the environmental business unit?

2. Student: “________”

Tutor: “Yes, it was quite good”.

1) Did you mark my essay?

2) Have you had time to mark my essay?

3) I hope you have already marked my essay?

4) What about my essay?

3. Receptionist: “Can I help you?”

Guest: “__________”

1) Can you book a table for me in the restaurant this evening?

2) You must book a table for me.

3) Would you mind reserving a table in the restaurant for me if you’ve

got a moment?

4) I need a table in the restaurant this evening.

4. Friend: “_________”

You: “Fine”.

1) I wonder if I could make a phone call?

2) Sorry. I need to make a phone call.

3) Would you excuse me, please? I’d like to make a phone call.

4) What is your telephone call?

5. Waiter: “Would you like some more coffee?”

Customer: “________”

1) I like coffee very much.

2) Coffee is a tasty drink.

3) No, it is not necessary.

4) No, thank you. I’ve had enough.

6. Waiter: “Would you like something to drink?”

Customer: “_________”

1) Give me a cup of coffee.

2) I need a cup of coffee.

3) Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?

4) I like coffee very much.

7. Secretary: “Good morning. Can I help you?”

Applicant: “__________”

1) Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Jones?

2) I need to speak to Mr. Jones.

3) Can you tell Mr. Jones that I’m already here?

4) Good morning. My name is David Brown. May I speak to Mr. Jones?

8. Applicant: “I’m interested in secretarial job”.

Top manager: “_________”

1) Now I don’t need any secretaries.

2) Unfortunately, now our organization does not need secretaries.

3) Have you got only secretarial diploma?

4) We have a lot of secretaries, more than it’s necessary.

9. Customer: “Yesterday I bought here a hand-bag, it’s got a flaw!”

Seller: “__________”

1) I can’t see anything.

2) Sorry, madam, can I look at it?

3) We have only high-quality goods.

4) I think the manager should look at it.

10. Traveller: “___________”

A young man: “The first train to Moscow leaves at 6 a.m.”

1) Could you tell me, please, the time of the first train to Moscow?

2) When does the first train to Moscow leave?

3) Hello, tell me the time the first train to Moscow leaves.

4) How can I know when the first train to Moscow leaves?

11. Your friend: “__________”

Professor Brown: “How do you do, Pete?”

1) Professor Brown, let me introduce my friend Pete to you.

2) This is my best friend Pete.

3) Hello, Professor Brown. That’s my friend Pete.

4) Pete, this is Professor Brown.

12. You: “I have a sore throat”.

Doctor: “________”

1) Well, you must have eaten a lot of ice-cream, yeah?

2) At this time of the year everybody catches a cold.

3) Open your mouth, please.

4) Let me feel your pulse, please.

13. Mr. Green: “__________”

Applicant: “Yes, I worked as a secretary in the company Greenwich ”.

1) Do you have any work experience?

2) Where have you worked before coming to our organization?

3) You have worked somewhere before, haven’t you?

4) What is the company where you have worked before coming to us?


Деловое письмо


Regent House, 5th Floor,

12/16 Haymarket, London W1V5BX

Administration: 020 7285 9981

Reservations: 020 7564 0930

Fax: 020 7285 9984

Mr Roberto Garcia

Universal Imports 15 February 2000

28 Whitechapel Court

London E10 7NB


Dear Mr Garcia


Roxanna Garbey has been accepted for a position as Passenger Service Agent with Far Eastern Airways at Gatwick Airport.

In order for Roxanna to work at Gatwick, she must have a special PASS which would permit her to visit high security areas. She has given your name as a reference.

I would appreciate it if you could complete the enclosed form and return it to us as quickly as possible. She is due to start work with us on 15 March, but can only do so after we receive your reference.

Thank you for your cooperation. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope.


Yours sincerely,

J.P. Dent

Personnel Manager

Служебная записка



To: All department heads

From: Patricia Marchand,

General Manager

Date: 18 April


Subject: Visit of German agent


Please note that Katya Schmidt, our German agent, will be visiting the company on Friday, 26 April.


There will be a meeting on that day at 11.30 am in the Boardroom, which you should all attend. Ms Schmidt will be presenting her marketing plan for expanding sales in the German market.


If you wish to join us for lunch at a local restaurant, please let me know as soon as possible.





P.M. – Patricia Marchand



Повестка дня




Management meeting


Date: 1 March

Time: 14.00

Venue: Room 23M, Shaw House



1. Complaints about reception staff.

2. New brochure.

3. Price list for next year.

4. New product presentation.

5. A.O.B. (any other business).





Общая структура резюме

Личные данные: имя, возраст, дата рождения, семейное положение (холост-single; женат, замужем – married; разведен - divorced), количество детей, адрес, номер телефона.


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