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Профессионально-деловая сфера


Getting a Job


Making an Appointment

1. A: Good morning. Personnel Corps.

B: Hello, my name is Neef, Walter Neef. I would like some information on your

agency. Can you help me?

A: Yes, certainly. What would you like to know?

B: I’m looking for a non-profit agency. Is this a non-profit agency?

A: No, it is not; we’re a private agency, dealing with technical and high-salaried


B: Thank you. I’m looking for a secretarial job or any non-skilled position. Can

you give me the telephones of the agencies specializing in this field?

A: With pleasure, but the list is very long. You can find the information you need

in our leaflet. Our working hours are from 10 to 7 pm.

B: Thank you. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye. Have a good day.

B: You too.


2. Receptionist: Personnel Service.

Mr. Brown: This is George Brown. I’d like to get an appointment with an

employment counselor.

Receptionist: What time is convenient for you?

Mr. Brown: Could the counselor see me at 12 next Wednesday?

Receptionist: Yes, that will be very convenient.

Mr. Brown: Thank you. Good-bye.

Receptionist: Bye. Have a good day.


3. A: Manpower. What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to talk to the employment counselor about a job. Will the counselor be

able to see me today?

A: Hold the line, I’ll consult the diary. (after a pause) Yes, Mr. Brown, are you

there? Mr. Fraser can see you between 10 and 12. What time would be

convenient for you?

B: Let’s make it 10:30.

A: All right, Mr. Brown, 10:30 today.

B: Thank you. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.


4. A: Good morning. Atlantis Consultants.

B: Hello, my name is Sergey Petrov. I would like some information about your

agency. Can you help me?

A: I’ll try. What would you like to know?

B: Does you agency work by appointment only or may I drop in any time during

the week?

A: Our agency works by appointment only. We place applicants in high-level

positions. Would you like to make an appointment to see an employment

counselor at our agency?

B: Yes, I would, thank you.

A: What type of position are you looking for?

B: I have a degree in chemical engineering and I have five years of experience in

the field.

A: Fine. Can you come on Monday at 11:30 am?

B: Yes, that’s perfect. I’ll be there at 11:30. Thank you and have a good day.

A: You too. Good-bye.


Canceling an Appointment

5. Receptionist: 452575 “Manpower”.

Mr. Brown: This is George Brown, I have an appointment with Mr. Fraser for

10:30 today but I can’t make it. Could Mr. Fraser see me some

other time later in the day?

Receptionist: Sorry, he’s fully booked for the day. Could we make it the day after

tomorrow instead?

Mr. Brown: I’m afraid not. I’m very anxious to see Mr. Fraser. Could Mr. Fraser

see me tomorrow?

Receptionist: Will you hold the line, please. I’ll consult Mr. Fraser. (after a pause)

Are you there, Mr. Brown? We’ll try to fit in tomorrow after lunch

between 2:30 and 3:00. Would that be convenient?

Mr. Brown: Yes, thank you. Sorry for trouble.

Receptionist: It’s fine. We expect you at 2:30. Good-bye.

Mr. Brown: Good-bye. You’re very helpful indeed.


6. A: Manpower.

B: May I speak to Mr. Cartright, please?

A: Who is calling, please?

B: This is Ben Collins.

A: One moment, please.

C: Hello?

B: Hello, Mr. Cartright. This is Ben Collins. I’m very sorry, but I can’t keep my

appointment with you today.

C: What’s wrong?

B: I’m not feeling well.

C: All right. How about next Friday at three?

B: Friday at three? That’s fine. Thank you very much.

C: You’re welcome. See you then.


7. R: Rodger Agency.

D: This is Don Kelvin. I have an appointment with Mr. Douglas at twelve today

but my wife is sick. I would like to make an appointment for next week.

R: All right. Would Tuesday at three be convenient for you?

D: Tuesday at three? That’s not a good time for me.

R: How about four o’clock on Wednesday?

D: That will be just fine. Thank you.

R: Fine. We’ll expect you then.


Calling an Employment Agency

Receptionist: Good morning, Pilot Agency.

Applicant: Good morning, my name is Ivanov, Sergey Ivanov. I’m interested in

finding a job in quality control. Is there someone with whom I can


Situation I.

R: I’m sorry; we don’t handle jobs of that kind.

App: O.K. I’m sorry to bother you, but can you suggest an agency which

does deal with such a job?

R: You might try the Greenfield agency.

App: Thank you very much for your help. Have a good day.

R: You too.

Situation II.

R: Yes, just a minute, Mr. Robinson will be right with you.

Mr. Robinson: Good morning, Robinson speaking.

App: Good morning, my name is Ivanov. I’m interested in finding a job

in quality control. May I come and discuss the possibilities?

Situation I.

Mr. Robinson: What are your qualifications in this field?

App: I have a five year diploma from Baltic State Technical University in


Mr. Robinson: Do you have any work experience?

App: Not in this field, but I have worked as an electrician in St. Petersburg


Mr. Robinson: O.K. Come and see me at 3 o’clock tomorrow and bring your resume.

App: Thank you. Good-bye.

Mr. Robinson: Good-bye. See you tomorrow then.

Situation II.

Mr. Robinson: I’m sorry, I have no such listings right now.

App: May I register with you anyway in case something comes in?

Mr. Robinson: Of course, you can. You can come any time during the day. You will

be placed in the file.

App: Thank you. Good-bye.

Mr. Robinson: Good-bye. Have a good day.

App: You too.


Calling Directly the Possible Employer

Secretary: Good morning, OSHA Partners.

Applicant: May I speak with the personnel department?

Secretary: Are you looking for a job or are you already working with us?

Applicant: I’d like to apply for a job.

Secretary: One moment, please.

Secretary: (Personnel department): Hello, Personnel Department.

Applicant: I’m interested in a job in computer programming, with whom can I


Secretary: I’m sorry, we are not hiring today in this field.

Applicant: All right, but can I come in and give you my application anyway?

Secretary: We receive applications every Wednesday between 1.00 and 3.00 pm.

Applicant: Shall I bring a resume?

Secretary: If you like.

Applicant: Thank you. Good-bye.

Secretary: Good-bye.


Personnel Department. Wednesday

Applicant: Good morning, my name is Ivanov, Sergey Ivanov. I’d like to give

you my application for a job.

Secretary: All right, here you are. Fill it out.

Applicant: (in 20 minutes) I’ve completed this application and I also have a

resume. Is there someone with whom I can speak?

Situation I.

Secretary: No, if there is any interest in your application someone will call you.

Applicant: Thank you. Good-bye.

Secretary: Good-bye.

Situation II.

Secretary: Yes, will talk to you in a few minutes.

Mr. Green: Mr. Ivanov? Sit down, please. I’ve examined your application and

your resume and I’m not quite sure what you’re qualified for. So

explain again to me your education and your experience.

Applicant: I graduated from St. Petersburg Technical University, Standards

Department. I’m qualified as standards control engineer.

Mr. Green: We don’t have a quality control department here, but we do have a

product assurance department in which you’d fit nicely. I’ll pass your

resume on to the department head and I’ll call you in a couple of days

about the result.

Applicant: Thank you. Good-bye.

Mr. Green: Good-bye. Have a good day.


Responding to an Advertisement

Receptionist: Good morning, Manpower agency.

Applicant: I’m calling about your add in “Daily News” for an electronic engineer.

I’d like very much to come and talk with someone about the job.

Receptionist: Mr. Robinson is receiving applicants at 3 o’clock every Tuesday and


Situation I.

Applicant: I’m here to see Mr. Robinson about the electronic engineer position,

I’ve read about in “Daily News” want ads.

Receptionist: Have a seat, please. Mr. Robinson will be free in a few minutes. What

is your name? I’ll tell Mr. Robinson that you’re waiting to see him.

Applicant: Thank you. My name is Sergey Ivanov. Here is my resume and


(In a few minutes)

Mr. Robinson: Mr. Ivanov, come in, please. I’ve read your resume and the

application. I think you have a chance at getting this job, so I’m

going to send you to see the employer.

Applicant: But can I have a few particulars about the job?

Mr. Robinson: You should talk to the employer about that. We only place applicants

according to their qualifications. Here is your introduction to the

employer. Mr. Green can see you at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

Applicant: Thank you for your help. Good-bye.

Mr. Robinson: Good-bye. Good luck.


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