З’єднайте колонку А з колонкою B, щоб отримати правильні словосполучення. 

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З’єднайте колонку А з колонкою B, щоб отримати правильні словосполучення.



1.passive a) seeing distance

2. prevention b)safety

3. to avoid c) departure

4.difficult-to-see d)distance

5. to light e)of a crash

6.a safe f)the driver's way

7.lane g) a collision

8.maximize h) objects


Exercise 4.

Скажіть, які з твержень відповідають змісту тексту. Використовуйте для відповіді розмовні кліше:

I agree with you…. I don’t agree with you… That’s right… You are wrong…

It’s true… It is false information.

1.Crash avoidance systems includes:the vehicle's headlamps, reflectors, and other lights and signals,the vehicle's mirrors,the vehicle's brakes, steering, and suspension systems.

2."Active safety" is used to refer to components of the vehicle.

3. Crash avoidance systems and devices help the driver to avoid a collision

4. Driver assistance systems include: automatic braking systems to prevent or reduce the severity of collision,infrared night vision systems

5.Adaptive headlamps control minimize seeing distance without glaring other drivers.

Exercise 5.

Вставте слова у речення,опираючись на текст.


Restore a crash objects to protect automatic airbags

1.The prevention of …........ is the main task of automobile designer.

2. Primarily............., seatbelts and the physical structure of the vehicle help …... occupants during a crash.

3............... braking systems prevents the severity of collision.

4.Reverse backup sensors alert drivers to difficult-to-see......... in their path.

5.Traction control systems …........ traction.


Exercise 6.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. What is automobile safety?

2. What is active safety?

3. What is passive safety?

4. What do crash avoidance systems include?

5. What do driver assistance systems include?

6. What is adaptive cruise control?

7. What do traction control systems restore?



Перекладіть на українську мову та складіть запитання до тексту.

Знайдіть додаткову інформацію про засоби запобігання аварії.

Crashworthy systems and devices prevent or reduce the severity of injuries when a crash is imminent or actually happening. Much research is carried out using anthropomorphic crash test dummies.

Seatbelts limit the forward motion of an occupant, stretch to absorb energy, to lengthen the time of the occupant's deceleration in a crash, reducing the loading on the occupants body. They prevent occupants being ejected from the vehicle and ensure that they are in the correct position for the operation of the airbags.

Airbags inflate to cushion the impact of a vehicle occupant with various parts of the vehicle's interior. The most important being the prevention of direct impact of the driver's head with the steering wheel and door pillar.

Laminated windshields remain in one piece when impacted, preventing penetration of unbelted occupants' heads and maintaining a minimal but adequate transparency for control of the car immediately following a collision. It is also a bonded structural part of the safety cell. Tempered glass side and rear windows break into granules with minimally sharp edges, rather than splintering into jagged fragments as ordinary glass does.



Практичне заняття № 67

Самостійний переклад тексту

Передтекстове завдання:

Перепишіть нові слова з тексту та використовуйте їх

при перекладі:

skid - юз,занос, prevent up-запобігати, enhancement — підсилення, grip - захват,a halt predictably -зупинка передбачувана, stray - відхилитися, curtain airbags — захисні подушки безпеки, sense – відчувати, pre-tensioner – натяжне пристосування, slack - слабина, imminent- що насувається, whiplash - травма,head restraint - підголівник, pelvis — тазовий відділ, abdomen -черевна порожнина, іsofix- ізолюючо-фіксуючий, a 'top tether'- верхня привязь, anchorages- закріплення, pedestrian- перехожі.

Перекладіть письмово текст.

What safety features does a modern car have?

1. Stability control This electronic system can stop drivers from losing control of their car in sudden manoeuvres or skids, and independent studies have shown it could prevent up to a third of all road accidents.

2. Electronic brake-force distribution (EBD) This enhancement of anti-lock brakes (ABS) reduces brake force if grip differs at each wheel, helping to bring the car to a halt predictably and in a straight line.

3. Lane-keeping technology Citroen's Lane Departure Warning System vibrates the base of the driver's seat when the car strays across motorway lanes without indicating. More advanced systems (like Honda's Lane Keep Assist System on the Accord and Legend) automatically make steering adjustments to keep you in the centre of the lane.

4. A stable body shell A stable car body shell resists crash forces well and provides better protection for those in the cabin. Curtain airbags are a great safety feature

5. Smart seat-belt reminder Not using seat belts is still a major factor in road traffic injury statistics. The best systems (such as in the Volvo S40) don't just remind the driver to buckle up, they sense which seats are occupied and alert the driver if any other belts haven't been fastened.

6. Pre-tensioned and load-limited seat belts Seat belt pre-tensioners take up any slack in the belt when they detect a crash is imminent. Load limiters, on the other hand, prevent injury by allowing the belt to stretch slightly in a crash if too high a load is placed on the seat's occupant.

7. Dual-stage airbags These inflate less rapidly in lower severity impacts, reducing the chance of airbag-related injuries. Whiplash can be prevented with well-positioned headrests

8. Good head restraints Poorly-adjusted head restraints account for many whiplash injuries. Make sure that a car's head restraints can be raised high enough to suit drivers and passengers of all heights -- the top of the head restraint should sit level with the top of a person's head for it to be effective.

9. Seat-mounted side airbags These help protect the pelvis, chest and abdomen in a side-on crash. Seat-mounted side airbags are preferable to door-mounted airbags as they stay in the correct position when the seat is moved.

10. Side curtain airbags These usually drop down from the roof lining above the windows to protect the heads of front and rear passengers in the event of a side-on crash.

Isofix child seat mounts

Isofix is a system for fitting child seats that uses mounting points built into the car seats, rather than the adult seat belt. Three-point Isofix systems are best, as they have a 'top tether' as well as two lower anchorages. As long as you follow the instructions, Isofix should make fitting a child car seat easier, too.

12.Pedestrian protection Cars with a more 'pedestrian friendly' front end should reduce the severity of injury if you're unfortunate enough to hit a pedestrian -- particularly at speeds of up to 30mph.

Заповніть таблицю,викорстовуючи інформацію тексту.

  Safety features Main functions
  Stability co Stop drivers from loosing control
  Lane-keeping technology  
    Help protect the pelvis,chest and abdomen
  Pedestrian protection  


Практичне заняття № 68


Traffic rules.


Drive safely in Britain



1)Drive on the left-hand side of the road.


2)Always pass (overtake) on the outside (right) lane.


3)Do not block the middle lane if the inside lane is clear.


4)When approaching a roundabout, give priority to traffic approaching from the right, unless otherwise indicated.


5)You must always stop at a red traffic light.


6) At a junction there's no general priority rule - priority is marked at most junctions.


7) All traffic signals and road signs must be obeyed.


8) All vehicles must give way to emergency services vehicles.


9) The use of a car horn is not permitted in built-up areas from 23:30 to 07:00 hours.


10) Do not drive in bus lanes during restricted hours. See signs by the side of the road for times.


11) It's illegal to use a mobile phone when driving. If you need to make a call, find a safe place to stop first.


12) Seat belts must be worn by the driver and front seat passenger. Where rear seat belts have been fitted, they must also be worn.


13) The minimum driving age is 17.

Speed Limits

Speed limits must be adhered to and speed cameras or mobile police units are often found on England's roads. In a built up zone--defined as an area where there is street lighting--the speed limit is 30 mph, unless the speed signs indicate otherwise. On single carriageways, the national speed limit is 60 mph and on dual carriageways and motorways, it is 70 mph, again, unless road signs specify otherwise.


Driving Under the Influence

The Highway Code states that drivers must not drive with a breath alcohol level higher than 35 micrograms/100 milliliters of breath or a blood alcohol level of more than 80 milligrams/100 milliliters of blood. Driving while under the influence of drugs or medicine is also illegal. Police are entitled to stop and breathalyze any driver if they suspect that he or she has been drinking or is under the influence of drugs.

Mobile Phones

Handheld mobile phones are not allowed at any time when driving except to call the emergency services in a genuine emergency situation. Hands-free phones are permitted, but the Highway Code warns that these are likely to distract attention and recommends that drivers stop and park if they wish to make or receive calls.


Seat Belts

Adults and children over the age of 14 must wear seats belt in cars and vans, if there are seat belts fitted. Children under the age of 3 years old must be in an approved form of child seat. Children under 12 or below 1.35 meters in height must also use a child restraint such as a booster cushion. There are exceptions for taxis and private hire cars.




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