Check in/out /up on customer creditworthiness 

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Check in/out /up on customer creditworthiness

Fall begind with / get behind with / move behind with payments

Unit. Grammar.

In = periods: the morning, July (months), the winter, 2007, the 80s

On = days and dates: Monday, the 17th, New Year’s Day

At = times and special times: 3pm, breakfast, the weekend, Christmas

Zero = expressions with last, next, ago yesterday, tomorrow.


Unit. Review

1. Don’t sell on price rather than quality.

2. Be proactive with local distributors.

3. Make a firm commitment to export.

4. Think outside the box.

5. Trade on open account.

6. Sign an exclusive deal.

7. Be prepared to modify product specifications.

8. Invest time, effort and money.

9. Ask a credit agency about a customer’s creditworthiness.

10. Chasing payments can be done by the credit agency.

11. Focus on one market, rather than trying to sell all over the world.

12. Don’t assume that what works in your domestic market will also work abroad.


2. Creditworthiness = the ability of a company to repay debts

Chasing = trying hard to get something you want.



Issue/settle/query an invoice.

Provide/ load/ ship good.

Comply with/ state/ meet conditions

Negotiate/ reach/ sign a deal

Check out/ check up on a customer’s creditworthiness

Fall behind with/ get behind with payments


4. After the exporter and foreign customer finally reach on a deal, the exporter will ship the goods and issue an invoice. The exporter must comply with all the conditions in the contract and if they do, they can expect to be paid on time. It’s waste of time if they have to chase customers who get behind with payments. If there’s a problem with payment, the exporter can use a credit agency to check up a customer’s creditworthiness.


5. During the 90s we worked with a series of different local agents. In 2002 we started using APL and they have been our exclusive agent from that time until now. They’re very good at collecting payment from local customers, and we give them the discretion to ask for payment within either 60 or 90 days. They forward to us all payments they have collected, after taking their commission and we receive money from them at the end of every month.


6. Diplomatic sentences:

1. Let me put it another way.

2. Correct me If I’m wrong but you seem to be saying that you’re not convinced.

3. I’m afraid there seems to be a slight misunderstanding.

4. Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear.

5. Would I be right in saying that you want to withdraw from the project.


7. Diplomatic sentences:

I think we might need more time.

I’m afraid there’re still quite a large number of difficulties.

Perhaps we’d renegotiate one or two parts of the contract.

Won’t that be rather expensive?


8. According to our records, our invoice number KL788 is now overdue.

We would appreciate your early settlement of this outstanding balance.

Further to our email, we have still not received payment.

We regret to inform that we have no alternative but to pass this matter to our legal department.


9. Overdue = not paid when expected.

Outstanding = not yet paid.


1. The activity of promoting the sale of goods, especially by their presentation in retail outlets:

d) Merchandising

2. What would you … in this definite case?

E) advise me to do

3. This company isalways smothering their customers with love. What does the word ‘smother’ here imply?

c) make someone feel pleased and satisfied

4. I would like to…on your remarks about the company’s creditworthiness.

a) clarify

5. Unfortunately, this item is out of stock at the moment. What does the phrase ‘out of stock’ imply?

b) not available for immediate sale in a shop

6. If the job … highly paid, I … and work anywhere in the world.

b) was, would go

7.…the political situation in the country improves, it will be difficult to attract investors.

a) Unless

8. Once we're down to the nitty-gritty of this matter, we can begin to sort things out. What does the word ‘nitty-gritty’ imply?

d) the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation

9. The authority should be…of their employees’ merits and achievements.

b) mindful

10. Full investigation of a company’s activities and finances:

a) due diligence

11. The provision of assistance to laid-off employees in finding new employment:

b) outplacement

12. income remaining after deduction of taxes and social security charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes:

d) disposable income

13. I think we are diverting from the main issue. So let’s stick to the …

c) agenda

14. At last we have succeeded … convincing the senior management to give us a pay rise.

a) in

15. What verb does not collocate with the term ‘goods’?

c) avoid

16. Fair compensation payments…to the top management of the acquired company.

b) have been paid

17. A lot of illegal immigrants …by our contractors in this country.

d) are being employed

18. All flights throughout the country…due to oil shortages.

b) have been cancelled

19. We are obliged to…the standards of common decency in our university.

a) uphold

20. I think Susan is getting …from the main issues.

E) side-tracked

21. If I …you, I… on her to do this assignment.

a) were, wouldn’t rely

22. -Could you do me a favour to scan these documents?- OK. …it right away.

a) I’ll do

23. In order to deal with a problem, we need to aсknowledge that it exists. Choose the synonym for the verb ‘acknowledge’.

E) admit

24. Corporate social responsibility is also about reducing costs, upholding a better reputation, improving morale and providing better skills development. What does the term ‘morale’ imply?

a) the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time

25. movement by a manufacturer or trader into a wider field of products:

c) diversification

26. Sometimes we turn a blind eye to some unethical behaviours of our collegues. What does the idiom ‘turn a blind eye’ imply?

a) pretend not to notice

27. Most companies support a different charity each year on an ad hoc basis. What does the word ‘ad hoc’ imply?

c) created or done for a particular purpose as necessary

28.Choose the synonym for the term ‘target company’.

E) prey

29. The committee asked me some delicate questions about the company finances.

Choose a sentence with an appropriate passive form.

d) I was asked some delicate questions…

30. You did a good job: you’re almost certain to get a salary raise. What percentage would suit the word ‘almost certain’?

b) 90%



… an invoice”. to issue

A document that stops anyone other than the inventor from using an invention” p

A possible effect or result” oversight

A situation that could cause harm or danger” threat

Ability to repay debts” creditworthiness

An amount of money that you have to pay to the government” tax

An offer to buy the shares in a company and take control of it” means bid

An oral proposal designed to persuade someone to buy your product or support you” pitch

Apologize” for not doing something

Coming before the main or most important part of smth” preliminary

Costs that alter directly when the business alters its level of output (e.g raw materials, components, labour costs for factory workers)”? variable costs

Easily influenced or effected”? susceptible

Expert believe the product … the home- entertainment market by storm next year.” will take

Extremely important” means crucial

Feeling tired and sometimes confused after a long flight” jet- lagged

Focus … different aspects … the marketing “ on;of

Full investigation of a company’s activities and finances” due diligence

Get smth officially from a specialist organization” to take out

Hear” about smth from somebody

I think the merger … early next year” will probably take place

I’m afraid this issue is outside the … of this meeting, so we can’t discuss it” scope

I’ve already discussed the situation with my broker, so I … my Telecom shares.” will sales

Increasing a company’s size by buying other business: external growth

Measurements of how good smth is”? ratings

Mills&Co are loosing millions. Everybody can see what’s coming: they … bankrupt.” Are going to go

Money or property that a company owns”? assets

My soup was cold, so I … the waiter” complained for

Not clearly or fully explained” means vague

On vacation in Kenya, a buyer with IBM heard … a new factory and called … a salesman about, -

Preventing you from concentrating on smth” means distracting

Reductions in the cost of producing a unit of a product that occur as the output increases: economies of scale

Remember that appearances can be …” deceptive

She asked … the salesman if his components conformed … American norms -; to

She insisted … seeing the workshop and commented … the poor working conditions” in;on

Something that is used instead of smth else” substitute

Something that someone buys (especially a company that has been bought by another company) acquisition

Taking action and making changes before problems develop” means proactive

The amount of money that a company owes” liabilities

The direct cost of producing goods, including materials and labour: cost of sales

The hotel provides … for up to 100 people” accommodation

The presenter … the need for a quick decision” highlighted

The process of combining two companies to form a bigger one: merger

The salaries in our company should … those in other similar companies.” Conform to

They have already threatened they … any pirates.” Will prosecute

They have to take out insurance to comply … the conditions … the contract.” With, of

They want to stimulate growth in the region by offering … to foreign investors” incentives

To become worse” to deteriorate

To consider an idea, to accept criticism and learn past mistakes to take on board

To find new and unusual ways of doing things, especially solving problems” means to think outside the box

To negotiate, to make, to sign” a deal

To officially request payment of a tax” to levy

To pay no attention to smth” to disregard

To provide, to load, to ship “ goods

To start to sell a company’s shares on the stock market” to float

To try hard to get smth you want” means to chase

Total amount of money coming into a company from sales (usually given as an annual figure) total sales/ turnover

Which collocation presents a small degree of changes” a slight rise

Which collocations shows a large degree of change? To increase dramatically

Which phrase contains negative information about business? Go bankrupt

While I’m away on business I … my secretary to do everything” rely on



1. The activity of promoting the sale of goods, especially by their presentation in retail outlets:

d) Merchandising

2. What would you … in this definite case?

E) advise me to do

3. This company isalways smothering their customers with love. What does the word ‘smother’ here imply?

c) make someone feel pleased and satisfied

4. I would like to…on your remarks about the company’s creditworthiness.

a) clarify

5. Unfortunately, this item is out of stock at the moment. What does the phrase ‘out of stock’ imply?

b) not available for immediate sale in a shop

6. If the job … highly paid, I … and work anywhere in the world.

b) was, would go

7.…the political situation in the country improves, it will be difficult to attract investors.

a) Unless

8. Once we're down to the nitty-gritty of this matter, we can begin to sort things out. What does the word ‘nitty-gritty’ imply?

d) the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation

9. The authority should be…of their employees’ merits and achievements.

b) mindful

10. Full investigation of a company’s activities and finances:

a) due diligence

11. The provision of assistance to laid-off employees in finding new employment:

b) outplacement

12. income remaining after deduction of taxes and social security charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes:

d) disposable income

13. I think we are diverting from the main issue. So let’s stick to the …

c) agenda

14. At last we have succeeded … convincing the senior management to give us a pay rise.

a) in

15. What verb does not collocate with the term ‘goods’?

c) avoid

16. Fair compensation payments…to the top management of the acquired company.

b) have been paid

17. A lot of illegal immigrants …by our contractors in this country.

d) are being employed

18. All flights throughout the country…due to oil shortages.

b) have been cancelled

19. We are obliged to…the standards of common decency in our university.

a) uphold

20. I think Susan is getting …from the main issues.

E) side-tracked

21. If I …you, I… on her to do this assignment.

a) were, wouldn’t rely

22. -Could you do me a favour to scan these documents?- OK. …it right away.

a) I’ll do

23. In order to deal with a problem, we need to aсknowledge that it exists. Choose the synonym for the verb ‘acknowledge’.

E) admit

24. Corporate social responsibility is also about reducing costs, upholding a better reputation, improving morale and providing better skills development. What does the term ‘morale’ imply?

a) the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time

25. movement by a manufacturer or trader into a wider field of products:

c) diversification

26. Sometimes we turn a blind eye to some unethical behaviours of our collegues. What does the idiom ‘turn a blind eye’ imply?

a) pretend not to notice

27. Most companies support a different charity each year on an ad hoc basis. What does the word ‘ad hoc’ imply?

c) created or done for a particular purpose as necessary

28.Choose the synonym for the term ‘target company’.

E) prey

29. The committee asked me some delicate questions about the company finances.

Choose a sentence with an appropriate passive form.

d) I was asked some delicate questions…

30. You did a good job: you’re almost certain to get a salary raise. What percentage would suit the word ‘almost certain’?

b) 90%


1. Examining something in order to understand it:

þ analysis

2. CEO stands for:

þ chief executive officer

3. An ability to understand something clearly:

þ insight

4. R&D stands for:

þ Research and development

5. We tried to contact you, but we couldn’t get:

þ through

6. The line is bad. Please hang...and I’ll call you back.

þ up

7. I … for my exam, when my friend… me.

þ Was revising called

8. Before I …to sales Director, I…a sales consultant in our main city-center branch.

þ Go, consult

9. I’m …charge …three accountants working …me.

þ In,of,with

10. Why do you…your boss? Because he makes us work long hours.

þ hate


11. …? I would say very often. It keeps crashing every other day.

þ How often it crahes?

12. …? They were arguing about software problems.

þ What they were arguing about?

13. I was wondering if you ………………….arrange a visit from the technician?

þ can

14. When dealing with difficult customers, sometimes we …exchange the product or give a full refund.

15. I……………………get through to the Paris office. I‘ve been trying all morning.

þ Couldn’t

16. …you give more details of the business procedures?

þ Can


17. Using office telephone for making personal calls very often is …


18. …., or you will never finish your job.

19. Knowledge or skill you get from being in different situations:

þ experience

20. USP is…

21. Many products are identical from the consumer’s point of …

þ view

22. The principal problem in the company is a lack of …between the people.

þ communication

23. You need to possess strong … to work in Sales Department.

24. We can hire you on condition that you’re able to...

25. Nowadays young people prefer money rather than…

þ knowledge


26. When the company was taken over by a larger competitor, Kate…

27. Thanks to her enhanced resume, Sue …for a second interview.

þ Was shortlisted

28. Tom joined the British Petroleum three months ago. He has been hoping for…there.

þ A job

29. The bank has over 3,000 …

þ employers

30. Someone who teaches about trade between countries is a teacher of…

þ economy

31. The bank is …in a number of new projects.

32. Since she …from university, Jane … live alone

þ Is, Jane lives

33. At…moment she is working on … project in …China.

þ The a -

34. Jane… about running her own business ever since she was at school.

þ is

35. David runs the business …a day-to-day basis.

þ on

36. The phrase ‘climb a ladder’ in a company means:

þ Career ladder, getting a better post at work

37. Jim will be working …Jake and Jill in Marketing soon.

þ alongside

38. You won’t... if you don’t prioritize.

39. A dress code is obligatory here. You have to dress…

þ properly

40. If you have any problems we can …a visit from our technician.

þ arrange

41. ‘to refund’ means:

þ compensate

42. I am writing … regard to a computer problem.


43. I would like to express my...for your help with the computer.

þ gratitude

44. Please accept my … for confusing you with your cousin.

þ apology

45. Unfortunately your laptop is no longer … guarantee.

46. A date by which you have to do something:

þ deadline

47. ‘Purchasing’ is a formal way of saying:

þ buying

48. a specially selected group of people who are intended to represent the general public:

49. Household-cleaning products are products which you clean the house …

þ with

50. This idea turned out to be …for technical limitations.

51. What is the thing you are most proud of in your present job? What is your greatest …?

þ achievement

52. During their work placements students … a lot of experience.

þ have

53. Steve... from the company at the age of 75.

þ retired

54. Before graduating, Joe... for jobs in 20 companies.

þ Applied for

55. While I was..., I studied for a master’s degree.

þ Was unemployed

56. I liaise with government officials; fortunately, I …


57. I believe I can make a valuable … to any group.

þ contribution

58. Mike…his sales targets by 10 % and got promoted.

þ raised

59. After a hostile takeover of the company Tony

60. The word ‘redundancy’ means:

þ surplus

61. We expect all the work to be done on time. Are able to work to strict …?

62. There is a lot of conflicts between the...and the trade union members.

63. …indicators are figures showing how well a country’s economy is working.

64. People say makes... world go round.

þ? the


65. We developed …great new product-...idea came from our R&D department.

þ A the

66. Estelle is one of …Jane’s friends from...MBA.

þ - the

67. At... moment she is working on... project in China.

þ The a

68. FedEx is an international company …reputation is very good.

þ whose

69. The woman…phoned me was our CFO.

þ who

70. Sales …by 5% so far this year.

þ Have gone up

71. I …in R&D department since last week.

þ Started working

72. From time to time I … a bit of work in my father’s company-usually during the summer.

þ do

73. Employees are often to join a company’s insurance…

74. a natural ability to do something well or to learn it quickly:

þ aptitude

75. I’m able to cope with being under stress.

76. I don’t think I have any significant weaknesses.

77. It is essential to be staying … at work.

þ productive

78. Candidates should be analytical, independent and able to develop a rapport with clients in all sectors.

79. I am … that there are areas I need to improve on.

80. Today’s marketplace is highly...

þ competitive


81. Packaging is the manufacturer’s last chance to …the customer.

þ seduce

82. Nowadays many students apply for a gap-year…

83. I…my CV all morning, and finally I…it.

þ I have been writing I have been finished

84. There were some complaints about the product, so we had to …it in order to make the necessary modifications.

þ consider

85. ‘to withdraw ’ means:

þ exclude


86. Advertising is simply another of …

87. The company has... a lot of money in new equipment.

88. Last year was very unsuccessful. We __________ to meet our targets by 20%.


89. When I…at work, the meeting …already ….

þ Was, has, started or finished

90. Domestic sales …steadily over the past 4 years.

þ rose

91. There … a slight fall in domestic sales in 1995.

þ is

92. When Wilson’s got into difficulties, Cathy …redundant.

þ was

93. As you …from my CV, I…currently…for Gepo Foods as the Senior Quality Assurance Technician.

þ Can see, am, working


94. In…UK…students have to pay back their loans when they leave …university.

þ The - their

95. Our charges are among … lowest on …market.

þ The the

96....not to bring your personal problems to work?

þ why

97. I …in charge of R&D for a year and a half.

þ Have been

98. Antonio …from Milan University in 1998.

þ graduated

99. After university I…for Cambridge University for ten years. Then I was invited to join Oxford University.

þ worked

100. High staff… might damage a company’s image.

101. For the company to…, our turnover needs to grow by 20% this year.

102. We had to withdraw large number of … products.

þ unnecessary

103. She… several job applications since she graduated from the university but she hasn’t been informed yet.

þ applied

104. I… twenty candidates this morning. I’m so tired!

105. At the present we…our company’s structure.

106. While I …in my uncle’s company, I …to understand ins and outs of this business.

þ Was working started

107. I had no …for accountancy, therefore I applied for marketing at university.

þ skills

108. …delegate more if you want to finish the job.


109. The government has imposed …on the amount of currency that can be exported.

þ limits

110. Anyone who works in …marketing will tell you that …packaging is very important.

þ - -

111. I nearly hit my boss’s car as I …mine.

þ Was parking

112....that it’s rather difficult to find a job at the age of 55?

þ Is it true

113. Ideas for new products can come from many different...

þ sources

114. I’m not …to deal with this problem.

þ In the mood

115. There are many…for students doing a work placement.


116. Doing an internship can help you check if you have chosen the most appropriate career.

117. A work placement also …the look of your CV.

118. We need to...this question urgently.

þ solve

119. We must keep an eye…what our competitors are doing at the present time.

þ on

120. The term ‘investor’ means:

þ Someone who puts money on something, for example trade

121. Microsoft is a company about … I know quite a little.

þ which

122. FedEx is an international company …reputation is very good.

þ whose

123....I do a bit of work in my father’s company – usually during the summer.

124. The soup…delicious.

þ tastes

125. Right now I… two assignments.

þ Have written

126. I I speak two languages: English and Spanish.

þ bilingual

127. I had a great time... my university days.

þ during

128. I had a great time... the first two years at university.

þ for

129. Erica has...left. If you go out to the car park, you’ll catch her.

þ just

130. Have you …been really late for an interview?

þ ever

131. If you want to achieve …success with …new product, there are …number of …steps you have to get right.

132. Products should be available... before they are introduced into the market.

133. A parent company owns several smaller companies called …

þ subsidies

134. A ‘parent company’ means:

135. By the end of the year I…that I …several books on my degree subjects.

þ Need to make sure, have read

136. Currently I… for Almaty Management University. There’s a great atmosphere in my department.

þ work

137. The interview should have a... structure and this should be explained to the candidates at the very start.

138. These workers are paid on hourly … here.

þ pay

139. I can’t solve your problem at the moment. I need to …it my supervisor.

þ address

140. The order I placed online last week….yet.

þ Isn’t arrived

141. I …be grateful if you …the order immediately.

þ Would, can place

142. Someone who a business buys from:

143. A written promise that a company will repair something you buy from them:

þ guarantee

144. We need to make our computers more powerful.

145. The printer has run out of ink. We need to fill up the…

146. The machine broke … after only a few months.

þ down

147. The machine…by a small motor.

þ works

148. In recent years we …rapidly and now the company has three separate divisions.

þ improved

149. We managed to maintain our position during the recession of the early nineties.

150. Last year we had some difficulty in meeting our sales...

þ achievements

151. We were extremely reluctant to make anyone redundant as it was the first time we had ever closed a branch.

152. Typically we…prices once a year, from January the first, but this time we…the dollar prices immediately because of the big change in the exchange rate.

153. We … a couple of hundred pounds on gifts every Christmas.

þ spend

154. This new model is a real breakthrough.

155. Branding is not enough to …almost identical products.

156. The … in our office is very formal – everyone wears a suit.

þ Dress code

157. The office etiquette …that you don’t read other people’s messages.

þ demands

158. She will have to take order to improve their relationship.

þ intiative

159. Most employers prefer interns who have some work experience.

160. Alex seems to have learned nothing from the …of his predecessors. All of them were wrong.

þ faults

161. Do not …me for your faults.

þ blame

162. …do you exactly work? In R&D department.

þ where

163. …do you exactly work for?

164. I often take on… of projects with multi-million dollar budgets.

þ ownership

165. Producers need to know their consumers …

þ rights

166. Right now I… a break.

þ need

167. What are the positive things you can bring to our company? What are your …?

þ Strengths and weakness

168. How does the company know you’re doing a good job? How do they …your performance?

þ check

169. They have given us a ten-day …to finish the job.

170. ‘Know-how’ means:

171. Students are legally obliged to …fully with the university regulations.

þ comply

172. He never acknowledges his mistakes.

173. The phrase ‘to pick someone’s brain’ means:

174. a person who tries to persuade someone to leave their job and take another job which has better pay and more status:

175. I enjoy teaching Marketing at university because it’s my…

þ Field of study

176. He was hired to this firm on the spot.

177. We are seeking someone who is good at …

178. …high prices, they are also dissatisfied with the service.

179. They are unhappy with their …. Suppliers for several reasons despite their long-term relationship.

180. This candidate has some good … though.

181. In fact, he did almost the …job when he was in Africa.

þ Same


182. I don’t think he’s the right …of person for this position.

þ kind

183. Due to the world crisis, the company had to reduce the headcount.

184. The company’s suppliers always complained about the late …

þ delivery

185. I’m going to send them a reminder. They …us for their last order.

186. Jane’s upstairs with Ann and Roy. They…a meeting about the catalogue.

þ Are arranging

187. The stock market can be risky because the price of shares… according to economic conditions.

þ changes

188. Every time inflation …, people … higher wages.

189. Could you help me? I…to translate this letter from Spanish client and I don’t know what this word…

þ Am trying, means

190. I come from Australia, but at the moment I… in Switzerland.

þ Work, live

191. …did she complete her report? On Friday.

þ when

192. Our sales … because we have introduced some new product lines.

193. I’m feeling rather nervous.

194. As you will see from the enclosed CV, I… in the financial services sector for several years.

þ worked

195. Candidates are required to have managerial… in this sphere.

þ skills

196. I got into trouble for not working hard enough last week. Since then I …very hard.

þ work

197. I handed in my resignation a month ago. Since then they…another sales manager.

þ Are looking for

198. I’m looking forward to my trip because I …to Russia.

þ Will travel

199. I’ve booked your flight and hotels for your trip to Germany. You…on the 18th at 6.30 a.m.

þ Will fly

200. We’ve got a machine… prints in color.

þ which

201. to … I spoke was extremely helpful.

þ person


202. We drew up a shortlist of candidates … CVs were very good.

203. I work for a company that manufactures … for aircraft.

204. The office that we work…is very comfortable.

þ in

205. The new accounts program,…, is working very well.

206. I am writing …reference to my client Mr. Warburg.

þ a

207. The conference hall….we held the meeting was a little small.

þ where

208. He gave me …advice.

þ A good


209. I’ve got a problem with Petersons. They owe us …money for some work we did for them.

þ Plenty of

210. Okay. I’ll send them …e-mail today.

þ by

211. I had an … with the Personnel Manager the other day.

þ argument

212. What is an ‘appraisal’?

þ assessment

213. How long have you been in…engineering?

214. We go on business trips …

þ Every month

215. I’ve just received …nice gift from …one of …my suppliers.

þ a

216. I just have to go to…bank to get …money.

þ the

217. Could you send me… information about your latest range of furniture?

þ some

218. Why don’t you get on with your boss?

219. The term ‘short-list’ means:

220. I’m surprised he is the Managing Director. He ….so young.

þ looks

221. The board of…will make the final decision.

þ directors

222. You will get that information from our marketing …

223. Another word for ‘shareholders’ (in American English) is...

þ Stockholder, partner

224. I’ve been involved in this project... three months.

þ for

225. COO stands for:

þ Chief operating officer

226. Task given as part of your studies or your job:

þ assignment

227. The power to make your own decisions:

þ autonomy

228. A set of rules about what you should wear in a particular place or at a particular event:

þ Dress code

229. A set of rules for behaving correctly in a particular situation:

þ etiquette

230. The ability to think of ideas and take decisions independently:

þ initiative

231. To stay away from school or work when you should be there:

þ Skive off

232. This be impractical for technical limitations.


233. It seems that she... for a loan to have some cosmetic surgery.

þ applied

234. I wish I...about their monkey business.

þ know

235. Only...which have been approved by a manager will be reimbursed.


236. The on my way home last night.

þ saw


237. When we got home last night, we found that somebody... into the flat.

238. When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul... home.

þ was


239. This time last year I... in Brazil.

þ was

240. Matt phoned while we... dinner.

þ were

241. I... my back while I was working in the garden.

þ hurt

242. Sam _________ home when I phoned.

þ came

243. Jim...his key and couldn’t get into his house.

þ lost

244. Kate ______ television a lot when she was ill last year.

þ Used to watch

245. The government should do more to...a crime rate.

þ reduce

246. I’m in....of this project.

247. I’m...for entering our clients into the database. help me with my balance sheet?

þ can

249. Would you mind...the front door?

þ closing

250....type of car do you drive?

þ whar

251. The person who had the job before:

ý predecessor

252. The person who has a job or position after someone else:

þ successor

253. Determination to work at something or intention to support something:

þ commitment

254. To threaten or frighten someone to get what you want:

ý bully

255. Someone that has the same job or purpose but in a different country or organization:

þ counterpart

256. A factory where people work very hard in bad conditions and earn very little money:

þ sweatshop

257. Something that does not match something else:

þ inconsistency

258. The rate at which people leave jobs and new people arrive:

þ Staff turnover

259. To have a new product tested by customers:

þ Beta test

260. When we were we stayed at...hotel.

þ -, the

261. Helen works 8 hours... day, 6 days...week.

þ Per, a

262. Jane is looking... a better-paid job.

þ for

263. Have you ever been...the United States?

þ to

264. This was the worst hotel

þ stayed

265. The restaurant...we had dinner was near the airport.

þ where

266. I meet a man...sister knows you very well.

þ whose

267. The people with...I work are very easy-going and very friendly.

þ are

268. The woman...lives next door is my supervisor.

þ who

269. I have just finished a two-month summer... with an international company. I think it will help me find a good job.

þ Internship


270. He liaises with Jim in Marketing.

271. Our boss wants us to be involved in this social project.

272. The Office Manager takes care of the personnel.

273. Nowadays people use the term...instead of ‘personnel’.

þ staff

274. Today’s market...with highly competitive products. It is rather difficult to make the right choice.

þ filled

275. Doing an i nternship can help you check if you have chosen the most appropriate career.

276. We live in a dog-eat-dog business world.

277. In some companies employees are provided with... at the canteens.

þ food

278. In order negotiations you need to possess negotiating skills.

þ Success

279. If forecasts don’t predict good profitability for a product then it should be...

280. The distribution pipeline should be full of the product, ready for when the consumer rush to the stores.

281. Total product development is the prototype stage where a mock-up is built and tested in typical situations where it may be used.

282. Many products are identical from the... points of view.

þ consumers

283. High staff turnover might...a company’s image.

þ distort

284. ‘Sales pitch’ means:

285. We had to withdraw a large number of faulty products.

286. We always represent our new products at the annual Trade Fair.


287. Performance-related pay might demotivate the staff.

288. You always have to...a CV in your application letter.

289. ‘Monkey business’ means...


290. Unwritten rules in a company embrace many issues.

291. Nowadays employees need to survive.

þ competetive

292. We need to be able to...stress by balancing our life.

þ reduce

293. You won’t meet deadlines if you don’t prioritize.


294. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.

295. Heavy...might damage an employee’s health.

þ work

296. The news the boss expects came up with today was earth-shattering.

297. Start digging into reasons of your decision to quit your job.

298. I don’t understand what you...

þ mean

299. These hot cakes for $ 10 at thelocal bookstore.

þ Is selling

300. I...for Almaty Management University since 2007.

þ I have been a student



1.four Ps- Price, Promotion, Product and Placement

2.four Cs- Customer Solution, Cost, Convenience, Communication

3.mix coherency- how well the components of the mix blend together

4.mix dynamics- how the mix must be adapted to changes in the business environment, the organization’s resources and the product life cycle

5.undecover-marketing in which customers do not realize they are being marketed to

6.e-marketing-using electronic media like email or SMS to promote products marketing –promoting products to target customers,f.e..through addressed mail

8.product placement-putting products or references to products in media like films or video games

9.viral marketing-marketing that spreads from consumer to consumer,often online

10.advertasing –persuading people to buy a product or service by announcing it on TV,radio or in other media



1. Repayment the amount of money you pay back each month

2. Cash flow money coming into and out of your business

3. Security an item you agree to give if you fail to pay

4. Guarantor a person who takes responsibility if you fail to pay

5. Interest free loan debt which you pay back without any additional charge

6. Matching funds money you provide alongside government funding

7. Maintenance the cost of keeping something working

8. The cost of keeping something working maintenance

9. Money you provide alongside government funding matching funds

10. Debt, which you pay back without any additional charge interest free loan

11. A person who takes responsibility if you fail to pay guarantor

12. An item you agree to give if you fail to pay security

13. Money coming into and out of your business cash flow

14. The amount of money you pay back each month repayments

15. Drawing on personal savings and credit cards can cover star-up costs without having to wait for other people’s decisions. The downside is that using credit cards can be expensive in the long term. self-funding

16. Regular repayments can make it easier to budget. On the other hand, repayment schemes can cause cash flow problems. You may also need to provide security, such as business assets, or a guarantor. Bank loan

17. This can be a very flexible option for short-term or day-to-day requirements. The disadvantage is that they usually bear a higher interest rate than other loans. Overdraft

18. You get your funding, while the investor only realizes their investment when the business is doing well. You also get their expertise. On the downside, it is hard to raise this finance =, and your own influence and share of the profits will be smaller. Equity finance

19. These appear to be source of cheap financing. However, there is often strong competition, and you may be required to provide matching funds. You may also need to prove wider benefit to the community. Grants

20. You can spread the cost of acquiring assets, and maintenance may be covered. But it’s more expensive than if you buy outright, and you don’t own the assets until the end of the agreement. leasing

21. Leasing You can spread the cost of acquiring assets, and maintenance may be covered. But it’s more expensive than if you buy outright, and you don’t own the assets until the end of the agreement.

22. Grants These appear to be source of cheap financing. However, there is often strong competition, and you may be required to provide matching funds. You may also need to prove wider benefit to the community.

23. equity finance You get your funding, while the investor only realizes their investment when the business is doing well. You also get their expertise. On the downside, it is hard to raise this finance =, and your own influence and share of the profits will be smaller.

24. Overdraft This can be a very flexible option for short-term or day-to-day requirements. The disadvantage is that they usually bear a higher interest rate than other loans.

25. Bank loan Regular repayments can make it easier to budget. On the other hand, repayment schemes can cause cash flow problems. You may also need to provide security, such as business assets, or a guarantor.

26. I’m afraid I don’t have the figures with me. Can I get back to you on that?

27. Screening meeting. be prepared to make a ten minute pitch and answer any questions that come up.

28. Only two per cent of business plan get throw the complete funding process.

29. Problems often___ in the early stages. come up

30. Business angels may turn down proposals for no apparent reason.

31. Angels always______ an entrepreneur’s background thoroughly. check out

32. It’s worth getting a lawyer to any contracts rather than trying to write them yourself. Draw up

33. The term sheet____all the conditions of the deal. sets out

34. A lot of hard work is necessary before the deal finally_____. Goes through

35. In your pitch, you should_____clear and convincing arguments. put forward

36. Get help if you can’t___how much finding to apply for. Work out

37. The screening meeting allows investors to_____poor applicants at an early stage. weed out

38. If you presentations is successful, interested investors will______the statements made in your business plan, presentation, and financial projections. They will go over your team’s background and track record in detail. Check out

39. If you presentations is successful, interested investors will check out the statements made in your business plan, presentation, and financial projections. They will go over your team’s background and _______in detail. track record

40. Online application. Once you have decided to submit a plan, complete our application online. This is designed to identify the most important details about your business so that our internal review committee can_____the non-starters. Weed out

41. Term sheet. On successful completion of the due diligence process, interested angel group members will____a term sheet that sets out the structure of the investment deal, including type of equity and board of directors representation. draw up

42. Term sheet. On successful completion of the due diligence process, interested angel group members will draw up a term sheet that _____ the structure of the investment deal, including type of equity and board of directors representation. Sets out

43. When the new health and safety laws____we’ll have to change the way the factory operates. (be officially approved and accepted) go through

44. They rejected all the proposals we____.(suggest an idea so that people can discuss it and make a decision) Put forward

45. In her report she _____ her plans for recognizing the department. (explains in a clear and detailed way) sets out

46. It is a very confusing situation. I can’t ____ what to do. (solve a problem by considering the facts AmE: figure out) Work out

47. Our brainstorming meetings usually generate a lot of ideas for new products, but only a few ____.(reach a good enough standard to pass to the next stage). Get through

48. Something important ____in the meeting this morning. I need to tell you about it. (was mentioned or suggested) Came up

49. We agreed the deal in principal, now our lawyers have to ____the contract. (prepare and write) draw up

50. We should ____his story carefully – I don’t know whether we can trust him. (make sure that something is true or correct) Check out

51. We were very reasonable during the negotiations, but they ____our final offer. (refused) turned down

52. I understand your position, but I can ______you that we have done our______ assure,homework

53.. ____me explain. It’s quite____ really. let, simple

54. To be ____, I think that raises a difficult___ honest,issue

55. A question I’m often asked is: ‘Where do you see the firm in five years?’ no question

56. That’s a very good question. Useful

57. So, in other words you’re asking…. awkward question

58. I’m glad you raised that point. Useful

59. I understand your position but I can assure you we’ve done our homework. awkward question

60. To be honest, I think that raises a different issue. Irrelevant

61. I think I covered that question in Part two, but let me just recap. unnecessary question

62. ____, really. Our turbine is the most efficient on the market. It is quite simple

63. ___, twenty percent more efficient than any of our competitors. to be precise

64. Pre-tax income of $150,000 in Year 1 Pre-tax income of $ 220,000 in Year 2 Financial summary

65. Don’t call me at 2.30 because I ___to the accountant. will be talking

66. I ___you tomorrow if I have time. Will call

67. That was Dave on the phone. He___ to the conference. won’t be coming

68. Would you like a lift? I ___past your hotel on my way home. Will be going

69. I___ the report by Friday? won’t have finished

70. He’s going to get medal because _____ here for twenty years in June. Will have been working

71. The process of looking for funds may ___for many month, and in the worst case scenario you might even have to obtain a second mortgage on your house. drag on

72. The process of looking for funds may drag on for many month, and in the worst-case scenario you might even have to obtain a second _____ on your house. Mortgage

73. When I retire, I____ around the world. will travel

74. By the time he retires, he ____ here for over thirty years. will be working

75. This time next week I ____ under palm tree drinking pina coladas. will be sitting

76. I think I covered that in Part Two, but just let me ________ Recap



  1. Replace the verb in bold in the sentence: “The media frenzy caused the riot that followed”.

Brought about



  1. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: Owing to a shortage of time Holidayshare PLC ______ the due diligence report before last week’s deadline.

Were not able to complete


  1. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: A favourable exchange rate has meant that recently we _______ our profit record for the third year running.

Managed to break


  1. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: Julietta will probably get the sack after she _______ her manager about the missing cash.

Failed to inform


5. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: After along break with a client, Pedro still found that he ________on lastyear’s financial report.

Could focus


6. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: These days, the high cost of living means that companies ________experienced staff easily.

Do not manage to recruit


7. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: Tanya’s presentation was so clear that she ______the shareholders to accept the takeover offer.

Was able to convince



8. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: Firms that do research into cultural difference usually _______ their businesses overseas.

Succeed in expanding


9. Match the definition with the appropriate term: The crime of giving money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing smth. dishonest or illegal.



10. Match the definition with the appropriate term: A dishonest scheme, especially for getting money.



11. Match the definition with the appropriate term: A set of changes that makes a person or thing look better.



12. Identify an appropriate term to the definition: To use all of smth. and not have any left.

Run out of


13. Identify an appropriate term to the definition: A shot explanation or description that tells you what a particular situation or place is.



14. Identify an appropriate term to the definition: Use of a legal system to settle a disagreement.



15. Identify an appropriate term to the definition: To deal successfully with a disagreement or problem, especially by removing the last remaining difficulties.

Airon out


16. Complete the sentence with a term: A business’s _______ are the sums that it will have to pay at some time in the future, such as loan repayment or taxes.



17. Complete the sentence with a term: All money coming into the business in a specific period is known as _________.

Cash receipts


18. Match the term to the accounting category: An annual allowance for the wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence of the property.



19. Complete the sentence with correct verbs: The profit and loss account _________ the investors to see that we are making a profit and _________ us to make better decision.

Enables compels


20. Choose the most likely verb phrase: Our record profits _______ an excellent sales campaign last year.

Resulted from


21. Choose the most likely verb phrase: Rising computer demand _____an increase in interest rates.

Gave rise to



22. Choose the most likely verb phrase: The verb ____can be replaced with brought about, gave rise to, led to and resulted in.



23. Choose the most likely verb phrase: The verb ____can be replaced with arose from, developed from, originated in, resulted from, stemmed from.

Caused by


24. Insert the most correct word to make usage notes: The linking word ____ can be replaced with as and since.



25. Insert the most correct word to make usage notes: The linking phrase ____ can be replaced with as a result of, due to, on account of, owing to, thanks to.

Because of

26. Insert the most correct word to make usage notes: The linking phrase ­­­____ can be replaced with as a result, consequently.

Because of that



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