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The Republic of BashkortostanСодержание книги
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The Republic of Bashkortostan – a sovereign republic within the Russian Federation – was proclaimed on October 11, 1990. Political and economic independence inspires and gives new strength to everyone – from a rank-and-file worker to the President. At the same time, this independence places a great responsibility upon inhabitants for the fate and the future of the Republic. Bashkortostan is located along the South Urals and the adjacent plains. Its territory is 143.600 square kilometers and the population is over 4 million people. About a hundred nationalities inhabit Bashkortostan: Bashkirs, Russians, Tatars, Chuvashes, Maris, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. The Republic numbers 20 cities, the largest being Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk, Oktyabrski. The capital city is Ufa. The nature of Bashkiria is very beautiful. Boundless steppe here lies near impassible taiga, mountain ranges rise over extensive plains. There are about 600 rivers and thousand lakes in the republic. It is characterized by the continental type of climate. Winter is cold here and it is usually hot in summer. The supreme body of the legislative and representative branches is the State Assembly – Kurultai. The highest executive organ is the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Bashkortostan of today is one of the few regions of Russia developing without being subsidized from the federal centre. Moreover, the Republic participates in financing certain federal programs. This has been the result of political and economic independence of Bashkortostan within the Russian Federation, of a well thought-out and balanced state policy in the sphere of economy. In this connection it should be noted that the current state regulation has nothing in common with the former administrative-command system. Reasonable state regulation of the economy is being effected not by interfering with companies’ operations and management, but by creating the environment for their smooth functioning, through developing and implementing dedicated programs for the promotion of certain industries and social support of the population, through streamlining the production-stimulating taxation system, through a strict enforcement of the laws of the Russian Federation and those of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Rich deposits of oil, gas, coal copper, zink and other ores discovered in the republic made possible a rapid industrial growth. The main branches of industry are extraction and processing of oil, fuel and energetic industries, machine-tool building, production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, coal mining. Oil extraction has lead to the development of refining and chemical industries. Bashkiria is also an important agricultural region of our country, one of the major suppliers of grain, potatoes, milk, meat and other products. The powerful economic potential of the Republic of Bashkortostan contributes to a successful development the Republic’s foreign economic activities. Bashkortostan has been searching and finding efficient ways to develop foreign trade, to attract investments to the economy. Interstate relations in the economic and political spheres are vibrantly developing with direct contacts being established with international organizations and funds. Good contacts have been established with embassies and trade representations of West and East European countries, of the USA, India, Turkey, Japan, Thailand, Australia and the Arab countries. The present Bashkortostan belongs to Russia’s largest industrial centers specializing in raw materials extraction and processing, semi-finished goods production and export to other regions. Possessing abundant natural resources, a powerful scientific and manufacturing capability and – the main asset – hard-working and friendly people, the Republic of Bashkortostan is sure to cope with this challenging task. Task 2. Answer the questions and discuss. 1. When was the Republic of Bashkortostan proclaimed?
2. Where is Bashkortostan located? 3. How many nationalities inhabit the Republic? 4. What’s the capital of it? 5. What is ther supreme body of Bshkortostan? 6. What made possible rapid industrial growth of the Republic? 7. What does the present Bashkortostan belong to? Task 3. Retell the topic. Task 4. Learn the words and word combinations given. Read the text to get some information about Ufa.
My Native City – Ufa The city where I live and study now is Ufa. It is a large cultural, scientific and commercial industrialized centre of Bashkortostan. About 40% of the republic’s industrial capacity is concentrated in Ufa. Being the capital of a multicultural and multinational republic, the city counts its population in figures of more than a million people and with such a great number of citizens the variety of ages and interests differs greatly. Ufa represents a bright mixture of lifestyles, religions and cultures. And it’s right saying that – just look at, for example, architectural buildings: old ones neighbour with those new possessing trendy and stylish forms. The same you can observe on the busy circulation of the city life: clothes people wear, especially young, food they prefer to eat, places they choose to visit, the way they spend their time, languages they speak. You may call Ufa the young city and you may not – the date of foundation refers to the year of 1574 when a fortress was erected to defend Bashkir people and their land from the devastating raids of the Siberian nomads. Not long ago we celebrated Ufa’s 430-year anniversary. People of many nationalities live in Ufa; many of them come from other regions and foreign countries with the aim to work and study. It’s not surprising because Ufa numbers seven leading universities, numerous colleges, technical schools and other educational and scientific institutions and organisations. One of the most famous and prestigious is Ufa State Petroleum Technological University graduating specialists in oil and gas industry. Bashkir State University, Medical University, Aviation Technical University, Teacher’s Training University, Agricultural University and others provide specialists on a wide range of spheres. You can also call Ufa the city of contrasts. Take a look at the city architecture and you will understand what I mean. Banks, shopping centres, complexes are built in original and modern fashions: glass doors and walls, slanted and unusually shaped roofs, etc. They are huge, glisten in the sun and sometimes remind an iceberg or a block of ice that has unexpectedly appeared right in the middle of the street. At the same time very close you can find one- or two- storiedold houses made of brick and wood. The house of entertainment complex “ Ogni-Ufy ” looks attractive and somewhat pompous outside as well as inside. It houses a disco-concert complex “Coliseo” and 2 restaurants – the “Brau Haus”and “Chainaya Bashnya”, the bistro “ Sportivnye Chroniki” where you’ll be treated with original sorts of bear made at a local brewery. Some buildings have oriental motives in their architecture, for example, the shopping and entertainmentcentre “Gostiny Dvor”, where you can shop, dine, play in casino or just walk along the hall. The fascinating mosque “La-La Tulpan” represents itself to be unique thanks to its construction design: bright-red pointed roofs with two minarets can be seen at a far distance. Ufa has still been growing intensive: new edifices, apartment houses are being erected. Without mentioning theatres, museums, cinemas, multiplexes (e.g. “Mir”, “Megapolis”, “Iskra”, “Pobeda”, “Avrora”), sport and fitness centres: (“Biatlon”, “Orange fitness”), popular among different age groups, many other cultural and entertainmentcomplexes, restaurants, bistros and night clubs: (e.g. “ Ogni-Ufy ”, “Tinkoff”, “ Vesiely Rodger”, “Prospect”, “Pravda”, “Dinamic”), etc. have been built for the last several years.
Some time ago when drawing the image of the city people used to point out some historical parts and sights such as museums, monuments and parks. But now, young people prefer to speak of the places interesting for them from another point of view. Now the city lives its night life along with that one of daytime. If during the day, besides their everyday routine, people think of where they can buy, eat, make a business appointment, take care of their body and train it, at night they go to places where they can dance, watch films, relax and dine. Thus, the changes in the sphere of interests of people lead to the change of their way of life and culture perception. (It doesn’t mean of course, that people forget about their traditions: for example, the tradition when during a wedding the groom and the bride visit monuments, squares and parks is permanently observed.)
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