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Англійська мова За професійним спрямуванням Навчальний посібник для студентів II курсу Економічних спеціальностей Дистанційної форми навчання
Редакційно-видавничий відділ Луцького національного технічного університету ЛУЦЬК 2010 УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2(4 Англ.) К 44
Навчальний посібник з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням призначений для студентів II курсу економічних спеціальностей. Метою посібника є навчити студентів працювати з фаховою економічною літературою, сприяти засвоєнню понять і термінів з економіки, маркетингу, менеджменту, банківської справи.
Укладач: Н. П. Киселюк, Л. С. Скучинська Рецензенти: к.ф.н., зав. каф. іноземних мов, доц. ЛНТУ В.Б.Приходько к.п.н., доц. каф. іноземних мов ЛНТУ Г.Я.Маковська
Відповідальний за випуск: Н.П. Киселюк
ВСТУП Навчальний посібник з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням призначений для студентів II курсу інституту управління та бізнесу. Метою посібника є підготовка студентів до самостійної роботи над оригінальною фаховою літературою в галузі економіки шляхом формування у них тематичного словника, активного засвоєння функціональної лексики. Навчальний посібник складений з використанням оригінального англомовного матеріалу з фаху. Він складається з трьох частин. Перша частина - це 12 уроків, що охоплюють такі теми, як форми бізнесу, маркетинг, банки, зобов'язальні документи, бухгалтерський облік і аудит, менеджмент, статистика і т. ін. Друга частина - тексти для самостійного опрацювання, і третя частина - короткий словник економічних термінів. Усі уроки підпорядковані єдиній структурі. Вони містять два тексти (основний і додатковий) на певну економічну тему. До основного тексту додається список слів і словосполучень. Система вправ уроку (усних і письмових) спрямована на перевірку розуміння текстів, закріплення активної тематичної лексики і розвиток навичок усного і письмового перекладу. Структура посібника забезпечує формування у студентів значного фахового словника, активне засвоєння функціональної лексики, необхідної у процесі спілкування, розвиток павичок двостороннього перекладу, тобто всіх тих вмінь і навичок, які передбачають соціальне замовлення.
PART I. LESSON 1 I. Read the following words and word combination and learn their meanings by heart: Economics - економіка (наука); an economy - економіка (господарство); ancient - time - стародавні часи; to hunt - полювати; trade - торгівля, торгувати; wealth - багатство; to describe - описувати; commerce - торгівля, комерція; commercial - торговий, комерційний; since - that time - з того часу; a branch - галузь; rapidly - швидко; employment - зайнятість; however - однак; definition - визначення; relationship - стосунки; scarce resources - недостатні ресурси.
II. Read and translate the text: WHAT IS ECONOMICS? Economy is as old as hills. It is probably the first art which man acquired. When in ancient times some people went out to hunt while others stayed to defend the fire and still others traded (exchange) some things for other ones, in all these cases we had economy. But Economics as an academic discipline is comparatively new. The development of modern economics began in the 17th century when the first important book on Economics was published in 1776. It was "The Wealth of Nations" written by Adam Smith (1723-1790). The author of this book was a Scottish economist. When he published the book Adam Smith was 53 years old. In the book he described the new world of industry and commerce. The fact is that his book founded classical economics modern for that time. Since that time the subject developed rapidly. Now there are many-branches of the subject. They are microeconomics, international economics, econometrics and so on. There is an economic aspect to almost any topic we mention - education, health care, religion, employment, housing, transport, defense, etc. Economics is a theory of how society works. It seems to be clear. However, it is difficult to define economics. There are many definitions of it. The great classical economist Alfred Marshall defined: "Economics is the study of man in the everyday business of life". J. Beardshaw, a British economist, gave more modern definition. It is: "The human science which studies the relationship between resources and the various users which compete for these resources." One common definition of economics is "the study of how people make a living". Economics is the social science that describes and analyses choices from among scarce resources to satisfy its wants. The fields of political science, sociology, psychology, and economics often overlap. Because of the abundance of economic data and the ample opportunity for scientific research in the real world, economics have sometimes been called "the queen of the social sciences''. Reflecting the scientific nature of economics, the Swedish Academy of Science in 1969 instituted the Nobel Prize in Economic Science.
III. Retell the text according to the following questions: 1. How old is economy? 2. What is the first art which man acquired? 3. When was the first book on Economics published? 4. Who was the author of the book? 5. What is described in the book? 6. What branches of economics are there? 7. Why are there many definitions of economics? 8. How did A. Marshall define economy? 9. What is J.Beardshaw's definition of economics? 10. Why is economics sometimes called "the queen of social sciences"? 11. When was the Nobel Prize in Economic Science instituted?
IV. Learn the following groups of: a) synonyms: Soil-land, distribute-divide, do-act, problem-question, rich-wealthy, labour-work-job, last-past, significant-important. b) of antonyms: Rich - poor, primitive - complex, war - peace, trust - distrust, obey - disobey, important - unimportant,
live - die, alive - dead. V. Put the proper form of "to be": 1. Economic (to be) an academic discipline. 2. The economy of France (to be) developed now. 3. "The Wealth of Nations" (to be) published in 1776. 4. Microeconomics (to be) one of the branches of Economics. 5. Now the resources in this area (to be) poor. 6. Dr. Lee (to be) a good specialist in many branches of Economics. VI. Translate from Ukrainian into English. State the functions of "to be": 1. Це відбувалось (було) в стародавні часи. 2. Ми повинні вивчати проблему зайнятості. 3. Вона збирається працювати у галузі економіки. 4. Вони — студенти Академії. 5. Торгівля — важлива сфера людської діяльності. 6. Це питання є спірним. 7. П'ять років тому я була у Франції.
VII. Read, translate and pay attention to the underlined words: 1. Under the contract the prices for goods and services were stipulated. 2. Factors of production are used to produce goods and services to meet our requirements in everyday life. 3. Supply refers to the quantity of products that manufactures or owners are willing to sell at different prices. 4. Demand refers to the quantity of products that people are willing to buy at different prices. 5. A free market economy is one in which decisions about what to produce and in what quantities are decided by the market, that is, by buyers and sellers negotiating prices for goods and services.
VIII. Look at the statements. Say if they are true or false: 1. Economics is a social science that deals with the satisfaction of society's wants. 2. People and establishments must be oriented to their incomes and borrowings. 3. We must escape economics. 4. The knowledge of economics can't give you a fuller life. 5. The study of economics will help you in carrier and business. 6. You are limited to express your opinion on economic problems as a voter.
IX. Fill in the gaps, using the following words: economy, economist, economic, economics, economise, economical. * MIND: economic relies to the subject of economics, economical means careful, not wasteful.
1. It can be said that an early definition of _____ was an "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations". 2. The national _____ is the system of the management and use of resources of a country. 3. It is often possible to _____ if one compares the prices of items before buying them. 4. J.M.Keynes was a famous _______. 5. Inflation may cause a country to be in a bad _______state. 6. It is usually more _____ to buy large quantities of a product than small ones. 7. Investors watch the rate of ___ growth closely. 8. Despite the efforts of the government, the black ___ continues to grow. 9. That car burns so much gasoline that it is not ___. 10. He lost his job so he has to ___ by using buses instead of taking a taxi. X. Read and translate the meanings of the following terms. Translate the sentences with them. Consumer - is a person who buys goods and services for her/his own use and not for resale. 1. Consumers have the right to return faulty goods and demand a refund from the supplier. 2. Consumer is a person whose wants are satisfied by producers. Certificate(n) - is a written or printed paper issued by an authority as proof of something. 1. She receives a certificate of ownership. 2. Certificate of origin is signed either by the exporter or by an organization officially appointed to do so. 3. Certificate of damage is needed by the importer to support his claim on an insurer or the ship-owners. Certify(v) - formally declare something that a certain stated fact is true. 1. The accused has been certified to be insane. 2. You have to get these accounts certified by an auditor.
XI. Translate the following extract in written form: The primary purpose of Economics is to encourage you to develop the economic way of thinking so that you can differentiate sound reasoning from economic nonsense. Once you have developed the economic way of thinking, economics will be relatively easy. Using the economic way of thinking can also be fun. Moreover, it will help you become a better citizen. Economics will help you to fulfill your responsibilities as a citizen in a democracy. It will give you a different and fascinating perspective on what motivates people, why they act the way they do, and why their actions are sometimes in conflict with the best interest of the community or nation. It will also give you some valuable insight into how people's actions can be rechanneled for the benefit of the community at large.
XII. Read the text and answer the questions: 1. What are the ways of looking at economics and the economy? 2. What does macroeconomics deal with? 3. What is microeconomics?
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