Human-machine interface on the base of operator stations 

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Human-machine interface on the base of operator stations


Human-machine interface

Human-machine interface on the base of operator stations

Most probably, the main control system - is the organization of interaction between humans and software and hardware systems. Providing such an interaction is the task of human-machine interface (HMI, human machine interface).

In the abbreviation "ACS TP " key word here is "automated", which implies the direct participation rights in the process of implementing a system of certain tasks. It is obvious that the better organized by HMI, the more effective the duet "people - control system" capable of accomplishing tasks.

How is the HMI organized in modern ACS TP? In fact, there are at least two approaches for the implementation of the functional HMI:

1. On the basis of specialized operator workstations installed in the central control room;

2. On the basis of local control panels, installed directly in the shop nearby to controlled technological objects.

Sometimes these two options are combined to achieve the greatest control flexibility. Let’s consider the first of them.

Hardware operator station (OS, operator station) is nothing but a personal computer. Typically, the station is equipped with several widescreen monitors, a functional keypad and the required network adapters for connecting to the networks of top-level (eg, based on Industrial Ethernet). The station operator is slightly different from office computers, primarily for his execution and performance (and price, which usually amounts to 4 000 - 10 000 dollars).

Which software is used? The station operator installed a software package visualization process (often referred to as SCADA). Most visualization packages running operating systems Windows (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000/XP, Windows 2003 Server). Software visualization is designed to perform the following tasks:

1. Display technology information in human readable graphic form (usually in the form of interactive pneumoschemes) - Process Visualization.

2. Display alarm process - Alarm Visualization.

3. Archiving technological data (data collection process history) - Historical Archiving.

4. Enabling operators to manipulate (manage) facilities control - Operator Control.

5. Access control and logging of operator actions - Access Control and Operator's Actions Archiving.

6. Automated reporting for an arbitrary interval of time (by turns reports, weekly, monthly, etc.) - Automated Reporting.

Typically, SCADA consists of two parts:

1. Development environment, where the engineer draws and technological programs the mimic.

2. The runtime required for the implementation configured pneumoschemes mode runtime. In fact, this mode of daily operation.

There are two operator stations connected to the control system. In the first scheme, each operator station is connected to the controller level of control directly or through an intermediate switch (see Fig. 1 - 17). The connected operator station thus operates independently of the other network stations, and therefore often referred to as a single (though such stations in the network may be a few).


Рис. 1.13. Схема підключення поодиноких операторських

станцій до рівня управління

Fig. 1 - 17. Scheme of connection the single wiring operator stations to the level of control

There is another option. Often operator stations are connected to a server or a redundant pair of servers. Servers in turn are connected to industrial controllers. Thus, the server, as a kind of buffer, continuously reads data from the controller and provides them on demand to workstations. Stations connected to such a scheme, often referred to as clients (see Fig. 1 - 17).


Рис. 1.14. Клієнт-серверна архітектура операторського рівня

Fig. 1 - 18. Scheme of interaction of program modules using single station

Рис. 1.16. Схема взаємодії програмних модулів при

використанні клієнт-серверної архітектури

Fig. 1 - 18. Scheme of interaction of program modules using single station

Рис. 1.16. Схема взаємодії програмних модулів при

використанні клієнт-серверної архітектури

Human-machine interface

Human-machine interface on the base of operator stations

Most probably, the main control system - is the organization of interaction between humans and software and hardware systems. Providing such an interaction is the task of human-machine interface (HMI, human machine interface).

In the abbreviation "ACS TP " key word here is "automated", which implies the direct participation rights in the process of implementing a system of certain tasks. It is obvious that the better organized by HMI, the more effective the duet "people - control system" capable of accomplishing tasks.

How is the HMI organized in modern ACS TP? In fact, there are at least two approaches for the implementation of the functional HMI:

1. On the basis of specialized operator workstations installed in the central control room;

2. On the basis of local control panels, installed directly in the shop nearby to controlled technological objects.

Sometimes these two options are combined to achieve the greatest control flexibility. Let’s consider the first of them.

Hardware operator station (OS, operator station) is nothing but a personal computer. Typically, the station is equipped with several widescreen monitors, a functional keypad and the required network adapters for connecting to the networks of top-level (eg, based on Industrial Ethernet). The station operator is slightly different from office computers, primarily for his execution and performance (and price, which usually amounts to 4 000 - 10 000 dollars).

Which software is used? The station operator installed a software package visualization process (often referred to as SCADA). Most visualization packages running operating systems Windows (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000/XP, Windows 2003 Server). Software visualization is designed to perform the following tasks:

1. Display technology information in human readable graphic form (usually in the form of interactive pneumoschemes) - Process Visualization.

2. Display alarm process - Alarm Visualization.

3. Archiving technological data (data collection process history) - Historical Archiving.

4. Enabling operators to manipulate (manage) facilities control - Operator Control.

5. Access control and logging of operator actions - Access Control and Operator's Actions Archiving.

6. Automated reporting for an arbitrary interval of time (by turns reports, weekly, monthly, etc.) - Automated Reporting.

Typically, SCADA consists of two parts:

1. Development environment, where the engineer draws and technological programs the mimic.

2. The runtime required for the implementation configured pneumoschemes mode runtime. In fact, this mode of daily operation.

There are two operator stations connected to the control system. In the first scheme, each operator station is connected to the controller level of control directly or through an intermediate switch (see Fig. 1 - 17). The connected operator station thus operates independently of the other network stations, and therefore often referred to as a single (though such stations in the network may be a few).


Рис. 1.13. Схема підключення поодиноких операторських

станцій до рівня управління


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