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Transform the sentences, putting the verbs into Future Simple.


1. It appears that Britons are still uneasy about discussing sex.

2. Being a teenage mother is not easy.

3.This gives the young mothers a chance to make their way in the world and not depend on state benefits.

4.I can attend lessons, get medical help and discuss baby problems in the company of other girls in my situation.

5. You need to find the answers yourself.

5.5.2. Translate into English and make up a negative and interrogative forms of the sentences:

1. Социальные перемены изменили отношение к этой проблеме.

2. Легко быть матерью-подростком.

3. Иметь ребенка в раннем возрасте это слишком высокая цена за то, чтобы стать ответственным и взрослым человеком.

Translate the questions into English and answer them.

1. Что такое «Пуританское воспитание»?

2. В чем причина ранних беременностей девушек в Великобритании по мнению ООН?

3. Изменилась ли жизнь Джэйн после рождения сына?

4. Что обязаны делать женщины в штате Флорида (США), если они хотят отдать своего ребенка на усыновление?

5.6.Make up a dialogue between:

- a mother and a pregnant teenage-daughter

- a doctor and a pregnant teenager who wants to make an abortion

- two girls, one is pregnant


Text 4


5.7.Read the text and discuss the questions:

1. What are the main diseases caused by smoking?

2. Do you know someone who suffers from such diseases because of smoking?

3. Do you think it is appropriate to smoke in public places?

4. Do you think it easy to quit smoking?

Would you protest if your child (in the future) smoked?


You'd have to be living on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous. Yet statistics show that young people today smoke more, not less. Why?

One answer is that many teens think it is cool. Another is the enormous sums of money invested in advertising cigarettes. Tobacco companies spend millions to encourage the young to start, or to continue, smoking. "The Marlboro Man", "Joe the Camel" and others do cool things and act important while smoking — just to get you to think that if you smoke this brand, you can do these things too. This isn't true. These people are not real and the things they do are made-up.

For tobacco companies cigarettes mean money. For us they mean disease and even death.

Shocking facts

• Over 90% of all smokers start before they are 18.

• The average age for a new smoker is 13.

• Among the 13-year-old smokers there are more girls than boys.

• Smoking kills about 3 million people every year. Some aren't even smokers. They are peo­ple who live or work with heavy smokers.

If you think it cool, think again

Here are some sad, sad, sad facts about smoking.

· Your clothes and hair will have a terrible smell.

· Your teeth will turn yellow.

· You will have bad breath.

· Your hair and skin will become dry. You'll get premature wrinkles.

· Smokers store more fat around the waist.

· A smoker is 22 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. In fact, 30% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking.

· Smoking causes heart attacks. By the way, heart disease is now the number-one killer in Russia.

· Nicotine isn't the only bad thing in cigarettes, there are over 400 chemicals in one cigarette that are known to be harmful.

· Smoking causes bronchitis, asthma and emphysema.

· Pregnant women (especially teenagers) who smoke will face a lot of pregnancy risks. They even may give birth to stillborn babies.

· Babies of women smokers are more likely to have mental disorders than babies of women non-smokers.

· Babies with mothers who smoke develop more slowly during childhood.

· Cigarette smoke clogs and makes lungs awfully dirty.

· Nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

Seven out of 10 smokers want to quit, but can't.

Girls, cigarette packs leave no room in your purse for your com­pact and lipstick.

You'll become richer. Cigarettes cost money.

So think twice before lighting up that cigarette of yours!



enormous - огромный

to invest - инвестировать, вкладывать

to advertise - реклами­ровать

tobacco - табак, табачный

to encourage - подстрекать, потворствовать

to get you to think that - чтобы убедить вас в том, что

brand - марка

made-up - выдуманный, вымышленный, искусственный

disease - болезнь

average - средний

heavy smoker - заядлый курильщик

smell - запах

bad breath - дурной запах изо рта

skin - кожа

premature wrinkles - прежде­временные морщины

to store - накапливать

fat - жир

waist - талия

lung cancer – рак легких

heart attack - сердечный приступ, болезнь сердца

nicotine - никотин

bronchitis - бронхит

asthma - астма

emphysema - эмфизема

pregnant - беременная

to face - сталкиваться, оказаться перед угрозой

stillborn - мертворожденный

mental disorder - психическое расстройство

to develop - развиваться

to clog - засорять, загрязнять

addictive - вызывающий привычку, привыкание

heroin - героин

cocaine - кокаин

to quit - бросать

pack - пачка

purse - сумочка

compact - компакт­ная пудра

lipstick - губная помада

Use of English.


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