Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 

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Ex.3. Complete the sentences.

1. Somebody … at your house. 2. You … imaginative like me. 3. Teachers … like weather, one minute they … good, one minute they … bad. 4. She … absolutely mistaken. 5. My group mates … regular cinema-goers. 6. Grandma’s spectacles … on the table. 7. It … a difficult test. 8. A lot of people … keen on club music. 9. The flat … quite comfortable. 10. Mike … a slow worker. 11. This … a silly thing to do. 12. You … a quick thinker, Sally. 13. Students, you … nice people to deal with. 14. Mr Frank Simon … 5 years older than his wife. 15. Karen … 10 years younger than her husband. 16. Paul’s father … intelligent and witty. 17. Ben’s brothers-in-law … doctors. 18. Michael … always busy with his job in a disco club. 19. Paul’s family … happy. 20. Her sisters … both fit.


Ex.4. Make these sentences negative.

1. I … married yet. 2. The Volga … in Africa. 3. They … lawyers. 4. It … cosy in the room. 5. The Thompsons … French. 6. Fred … good at Maths. 7. It … a short way to the station. 8. These postcards … cheap. 9. You … an engineer. 10. Mr Grey … a hard person to speak to. 11. I … thirsty. 12. Mrs Olive Simon … generous. 13. Pamela … a History student. 14. Liz’s Spanish and Russian … fluent. 15. Rachel … so cheerful and sociable as her younger sister. 16. Patrick’s and Liz’s hair … the same colour. 17. They … lively and inventive. 18. You … crazy about cartoons. 19. His knowledge of Italian … very limited. 20. These trousers … fashionable. 21. Politics … a popular topic now. 22. This staff … very efficient.


Ex.5. Supply negative forms of the verb to be.

1. You … cold, are you? 2. I’m early, … I? 3. You’re French, … you? 4. She’s ready, … she? 5. We’re late again, … we? 6. They … German, are they? 7. He … angry, is he? 8. I … late, am I? 9. You are tired, … you? 10. I am a bit sceptic, … I?


Ex.6. Change these sentences into general, alternative and disjunctive questions.

1. Pat and Frank are first-year students. 2. Her name is Kate. 3. It is rather warm inside. 4. The cake is tasty. 5. I am 18. 6. My hobbies are sports and modern music. 7. His father is a driver. 8. They are from England. 9. You are wrong.


Ex.7. Ask questions about the information in italics.

Model: His mother is 50. – How old is his mother?

1. Yes, Linda is a third-year student. 2. I’m from a small town in the south of Russia. 3. Tom and Susan are sociable and intelligent. 4. My sister is fond of classical music. 5. David is a film director. 6. Today Tony is at home because it’s Sunday. 7. His home telephone number is 639-8275. 8. It’s 4 o’clock and you are at work. 9. Her books are on the shelf. 10. Post boxes in England are red. 11. Mike is fond of historical books. 12. No, John isn’t their son. 13. Her clothes are very trendy. 14. The goods are from Norway. 15. Henry is at home because the weather is nasty.


Ex. 8. Put the words in the correct order.

1. dress / is / what / her / colour? 2. like / parents / what / your / are? 3. friends / and / his / where / Tom / are? 4. of / what / is / she / kind / of / fond / books? 5. the / this / who / photo / girl / is / in? 6. now / son / at / their / school / is. 7. not / at / am / English / I / good / very. 8. aunt / old / uncle / how / Paul’s / are / and? 9. house / isn’t / on / their / outskirts / is / the /it? 10. Terry / six / he / tall / isn’t / foot / is /? 11. those / or / managers / students / are / sociologists? 12. is / on / Rachel / languages / or / Liz / keen? 13. Russia / for / ballet / is / its / famous.

Ex.9. Put in was or were.

1. He … 20 last year. 2. I … at the concert yesterday. 3. It … much colder yesterday than today. 4. You … at the top of our class. 5. Robert and Nelly … present at the meeting. 6. They … in the garden a minute ago. 7. We … at home at 6 p.m. yesterday. 8. David … in Berlin last month. 9. Billiards … popular here long ago. 10. Her knowledge … poorer last year.

Ex.10. Make the sentences negative.

1. The children … interested in the film yesterday. 2. The boss … away on business last week. 3. We … late for the lecture. 4. It … the first time I baked the cake. 5. I … at Helen’s yesterday. 6. The Woods … in the country last Sunday. 7. The film … very interesting. 8. Mary … pleased with our work. 9. The children … fond of playing games.


Ex.11. Change these sentences into general, alternative and disjunctive questions.

1. They … in the museum last Saturday. 2. I … busy last night. 3. The boys … in the swimming-pool. 4. George … in the gymnasium yesterday. 5. You … at University yesterday. 6. They … late for the English class yesterday. 7. The shop … open at 7 p.m. last Sunday. 8. He … a good actor. 9. The weather … awful yesterday. 10. The goods … from Holland. 11. Ben’s mother-in-law … interested in classical music. 12. Some students … late for the lecture yesterday.

Ex.12. Ask questions about the information in italics.

1. Jane was at the movies yesterday. 2. Betty was at work on Monday. 3. She was interested in the exhibition. 4. Susan’s relatives were at the seaside this summer. 5. We were disappointed with his words. 6. Roger was absent because of his illness. 7. The weather was nice last week. 8. They were in Turkey on holiday. 9. He was 10 last year. 10. Her surname was Smith before marriage. 11. She was a secretary in 1999. 12. The stamps were expensive, 2 dollars each.


Ex.13. Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

1. My daughter will be at home at 6. 2. The dress will be nice. 3. Her brother will be an architect. 4. You will be interested in this information. 5. It will be hot tomorrow. 6. The discussion will be hard. 7. He will be 20 next year. 8. Her hair will be red. 9. Our country will be much more powerful. 10. It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.

Ex.14. Translate into English.

1. Кто эта девушка? – Это моя двоюродная сестра Анна. Она из небольшого сибирского города. 2. Сколько лет Джону? – Он не молод, ему около сорока. 3. Чем вы занимаетесь? Вы студенты или служащие компании? – Мы – будущие менеджеры компании, а пока мы – студенты университета. 4. Ты интересуешься спортом? – Да, я увлекаюсь настольным теннисом. 5. Виктор без ума от компьютерных игр, не так ли? – Ты прав, он очень сильно увлечен ими. 6. Джон американец? – Нет, он не американец, он канадец. 7. Его английский не очень хорош, верно? – Да, его трудно понять из-за его произношения. 8. Который из них твой брат? – Мой брат за столом у окна. 9. Почему Кейт такая счастливая сегодня? – Сегодня ее день рождения. 10. Эти фотографии такие забавные! 11. Какие твои родители? – Они очень гостеприимные и дружелюбные. 12. Как дела у Джейн? – Все отлично. Она просто умница! 13. Где Том и Дик? – Я уверен, что они снова опаздывают на урок. 14. Бренда замужем? – Да, ее муж – преподаватель немецкого языка. 15. Мы рады вас приветствовать в своем доме. 16. Какой музыкой ты увлекаешься? – Мне нравится рок. 17. Почему нет Алисы на занятиях? – Она больна сегодня. 18. Москва славится своим Большим театром. 19. Тигр – хищное животное. Он очень опасен для людей. 20. Розы – мои любимые цветы. Они великолепны. 21. Они должны принести сочинение сегодня. 22. Какой текст вы должны подготовить на пересказ? 23. Я должен встретиться с сокурсником в 7 вечера сегодня.


Оборот there is/are сообщает о наличии в определенном месте предмета, еще неизвестного собеседнику. Конструкция выражает значение «имеется, находится, есть». Английские предложения начинаются оборотом there is/are, за которым следует подлежащее, выраженное существительным, а затем обстоятельство места или времени. There is a computer in her room. There are some students here.

Глагол to be согласуется со следующим за ним первым существительным: There is a book, some pens and copybooks on the table. There are some pens, copybooks and a book on the table.

Глагол to be в обороте может употребляться в различных временах: There was an interesting film yesterday. There were many mistakes in your test. There will be a rock music concert next Saturday.

Отрицательная форма оборота образуется при помощи отрицания not, которое ставится после личной формы глагола to be: There is not (isn’t) a museum in my home town. There are not (aren’t) any apples in the garden now. There was not (wasn’t) any water left. There will not (won’t) be a football match tomorrow. Отрицательная форма оборота образуется также при помощи местоимения no, которое исключает употребление артикля перед существительным: There is no museum in my home town. There are no people in the street.

В вопросительной форме глагол to be ставится перед there: Is there a concert hall in your town? – Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Are there any magazines in the bag? – Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. Оборот there is не образует вопросы, начинающиеся с where? Where is the cat? Where are our books?

Если глагол употреблен в сложном времени, то на первое место выносится вспомогательный глагол: Will there be a conference tomorrow?

Необходимо различать предложения типа There is a book on the table. – На столе книга и The book is on the table. – Книга на столе. В первом случае говорящий указывает, что находится в обозначенном месте, а во втором случае – где именно находится данный предмет.


Grammar Practice


Ex.1. Use the right form of the verb to be.

1. There __ two men at the door. 2. There __ a good clothes shop not far from here. 3. There __ a lot of people at the concert today. 4. There __ a policeman over there. 5. There __ a dog and a cat there. 6. There__ no money in my bank account. 7. There __ four people in our family. 8. There __ no CDs on the table. 9. There __ no news from my friends. 10. There __ a shop and some cafes here. 11. There __ a car and a motorbike in his garage. 12. There __ newspapers and a journal in my bag.


Ex.2. Supply there or it and a personal pronoun (it, he, she, they) in the blanks.

1.__ are a lot of people at the concert, and __ are fond of it. 2. __’s a policewoman waiting for you, __’s in your office. 3. __’s a parcel for you, __’s the book you you’ve been looking for. 4. __’s a new boy in our group today, __’s from Moscow. 5. __’s an article in today’s paper, __’s rather interesting. 6. __ are some students at the door, __’re from Ted’s group. 7. __’s much snow in the Arctic, __’s very cold there. 8. __’s strange that __’s no information on TV. 9. __’s too late, __’s no time left. 10. Near the park __ are two lakes, __ are frozen in winter. 11. __ looks like rain, __’s much rain this year. 12. Are __ any applicants for the job and are __ suitable? 13. Is __ a route to the town centre from here and is __ more direct? 14. __’s a film on TV tonight, __s’ very funny.



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