Unit 8. Ice Use Drops, Heroin Use Rises 

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Unit 8. Ice Use Drops, Heroin Use Rises

At home

Discuss the following

a) What are the most often reported in mass media drugs? Why do some people become drug addicts?

Which drugs are considered to be the most dangerous for human health? Why? Why do governments and public try their best to solve the drug problem? Why have some countries legalized drugs?


b) Say what you see in the cartoon. What is the message behind the cartoon? What means did the artist resort to for conveying his idea?

Look at the text title and complete the sentences according to their possible occurrence in the text.


The centre's Louisa Degenhardt says there's been a trend…

The annual drug figures, though, show….

This is probably linked with increased production in places like …

For the Federal Government, it presents….

3 a). Form adverbs from abstract nouns

violence   publicity  
aggression   particularity  
correspondence   pleasure  
increase   importance  

3 b). Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:

  1. More___________, we understand that volunteering to improve the physical health of your neighbourhood by developing community centres creates a healthier, more stable community.
  2. Free market supporters argue that it is ____________ enforced state laws intervening in markets - state capitalism - which cause many of the problems.
  3. In politics, _________ after you've arrived at the White House, the rule of thumb is this: retreat from controversy.
  4. Prices have certainly risen since Bulgaria became a member of the EU, but compared with countries in Western Europe, travellers will find it a ____________ cheap destination.
  5. Foreign firms compete __________ in insurance, fund management, and venture capital.
  6. Likewise, every _________ held corporation maintains different methods for compensating its executives.
  7. The situation grew __________ hopeless.
  8. If the pro-European parties do not want to lose their constituencies, they have to react ___________ and slow down further Europeanization of politics.


4 a). Match the words to make word partnerships

1) crystal illicit drugs
2) the Salvation Army's detox centre
3) National Drug violence
4) negative effects of using drugs
5) random acts of evolving challenge
6) constantly and Alcohol Research Centre
7) use of methamphetamine


4 b) Write all possible combinations in the lines below.








4 c) Find the proper answers in the answer box in the end of Unit 12 and use them to fill the gaps in the sentences below.

1) Every day, in schools across the country, there are __________________________ that go unreported. Teenagers shoot their tutors and intimidate their classmates.

2) __________________________________________________ provides a seven to 28-day program designed to provide people with the first step on their path to addiction recovery..

3) From 2007 to 2008, the percentage of 10th-graders reporting lifetime, past year, and past month ___________________________________________ other than marijuana declined significantly.

4) As part of the National Drug Strategy in May 1986 Australian Government opened and started to fund ________________________________________________________________________.

5) ________________________________________ can cause behavioural problems, paranoia and psychosis, especially when used frequently and in individuals with a predisposition to mental illness.

6) We have every confidence that - together with our industry partners - we'll continue to meet the _______________________________________________________________ of security to help our customers and the industry become more secure.

In class


Listen to the Webcast Ice use drops, heroin use rises and do the exercises.

What do these countries have in common?

Denmark, the Netherlands, Jamaica, The Check Republic

Match the positions with the names.

Names Positions
1) Christopher Pyne a) presenter
2) Michael Turtle's b) the Salvo's detox centre client
3) Louisa Degenhardt c) Youth Affairs Reporter
4) Graham Drew d) the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
5) Elizabeth Jackson e) a drug dealer
6) John f) Minister for drug problems
  g) The charity's representative


C – Comprehension Test 1

Listen to the Webcast Ice Use Drops, Heroin Use Rises again and tick the correct answer.


1 The statistics show A a drop in use of cannabis B a decline in use of crystal methathetamine Ca rise in the use of ice 2 The staff of the detox centre note A more people addicted to ice B a drop-off in the numbers of heroin users C less ice -addicted patients
3 The experts suggest that drop in the use of ice is affected by A sharing experience of about its effect B shrinking supply of the drug C crackdown on the drug dealers 4 A patient from the detox centre says that when he used ice he A went mad B wasn’t aggressive C tried to burn himself
5 Michael Turtle says the annual drug figures show that A heroin is forbidden again B heroin is back C use of ice is more common today   6 Professor Degenhardt believes   A heroin becomes available B ice is less easy to get C new drugs replaced heroin  
7 The availability of heroin may be linked to A increased production in some countries B lack of governmental control C increased immigration from Afghanistan 8 Christopher Pyne claims the drop in use of ice can be referred to A increase in deaths B a very firm line on the use of illicit drugs C the education reform
9 The Government policy against the use of illicit drugs was A too indecisive B tough C lenient   10 The decrease in use of ice might be due   A to the media influence B new legislation in the field C new medication


B – Comprehension Test 2

Listen to the Webcast Ice Use Drops, Heroin Use Rises, answer the questions and fill in the gaps.


Part 1

What do the annual drug trend figures show?

What is the chemical term for a drug commonly called ”ice”?

What is the sphere of Michael Turtle;s coverage?


Part 2

MICHAEL TURTLE: At the Salvation Army's __________________________________________in Sydney's Surry Hills, there are 10 beds.

The charity's Graham Drew says recently ______________________a change in the drugs that people using those beds are seeking help for.

GRAHAM DREW: Well, I've asked some of our _________________________________and they said over the last few weeks there has been a … they have noticed a trend where there are _________________in the numbers of people coming in ______________________ice and, correspondingly, a ________________ increase in the number of people using heroin.


Part 3

MICHAEL TURTLE: And that fits with the latest data from the National Drug and ________________

Research Centre.

The centre's Louisa Degenhardt says there's been a trend away from ice, and that's probably because it's now got______________________________________________.

LOUISA DEGENHARDT: And I think it's just experience. I mean, there's a lot of people who have had ____________________________of using the drug, because they've developed problems with it or it's had _____________________negative effects. And I think it's about people learning that there are risks and choosing not to take them.


Part 4

MICHAEL TURTLE: At the Salvo's detox centre, John has ________________himself _________his ice addiction, and he knows all about the negative effects it has.

JOHN: And I've seen myself, like, a few friends ___________and absolutely just been____________, _______________________aggressive, just going out looking to _______________________looking to get into fights, looking to destroy things, just going along, like people will just set fires in otto bins and just let them __________________________________________________on the ground, like just ____________________________________and aggression really.


MICHAEL TURTLE: The annual drug figures, though, show that heroin ___________________

_____________________________more commonly again.

_______________________________years since the heroin drought was credited with slowing the use of the drug, and Professor Degenhardt believes the ________________________may be on the rise again.

This is probably linked with increased production in places like_____________________________.

For the Federal Government, it presents _________________________________________________

Part 5


The Minister responsible for_____________________________, Christopher Pyne, claims some credit for the drop in ice.

CHRISTOPHER PYNE: Look, I think it's a combination of factors. One would be the_____________

___________________________ that the Government has run, recently of course on the television but also publicly over the last few years we've taken a very __________ line on the use of ________drugs, and particularly with respect to ice.

I think the media has played an important part in __________________________________the dangers of ice, and obviously drug users are responding to that, which is______________________________.

ELIZABETH JACKSON: And that's Christopher Pyne ending Michael Turtle's report.


A – Comprehension Test 3


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