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T 6.2.2 Topics for written papers on Theoretical GrammarСодержание книги
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(Список тем для учебно-исследовательской самостоятельной работы) 1. Transition from simple to composite sentences. 2. Double negation. 3. Types of sentence structure. 4. Determiners. Modifiers. Quantifiers. 5. Reference and the Article 6. Number in invariable nouns. 7. Negation and Non-assertion. 8. “Yes-No” questions with positive and negative orientation. 9. Types of Sentence structures. 10. Subclassification of Adjuncts. 11. The Constituent analysis of the Sentence. 12. Emotive Emphasis and Reinforcement. 13. Implicit and explicit semantic structures. 14. Postponment in Modern English. 15. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. 16. Syntactic processes in Modern English. 17. Language levels and their units. 18. Methods of Linguistic analysis. 19. The notion of System in Linguistics. 20. Basic functions of Language. 21. The Apposition. 22. Discourse and Syntax. 23. Restrictive and Non-restrictive modification. 24. Ellipsis in Dialogue. 25. Predication. 26. Minimizing of Semantic Roles. 27. Contextual transposition of Pragmatic types of sentences. 28. The Supra-phrasal Unity and the Paragraph. 29. Means of anaphoric and cataphoric cohesion in the Text. 30. The Pragmatic approach to the study of Grammar. 31. Content and Expression planes in Linguistics. 32. Minor syntax. 33. Categorization as a dynamic process in terms of Synchrony. 34. Means of Sentence connection. 35. Voice and Reversability. 36. Speech Acts and their constituents. 37. Modality in Modern English. 38. The principle of Oppositions in Morphology. 39. The concept of an analytical form in anglistics. 40. Morphology as distinct from Phonology and Syntax. 41. Grammatical theory in Russian philological tradition. 42. The functions of Language. 43. Semi-composite Sentences. 44. Information Focus. 45. Intensifiers. Emhasizers. Amplifiers. Downtoners. 46. Morphology and Morphonology. 47. The Functional Sentence Perspective. 48. The Phrase and the Sentence. 49. The Utterance and the Sentence. 50. The Semantic structure of the Sentence.
Образцы тестовых заданий (с ключами) Тест 1 Answer the following question: What parts of speech function as head words in a phrase? A infinitives, nouns, adverbs B prepositions, verbs, nouns C adjectives, conjunctions, participles According to what criterion are sentences divided into simple, complex and compound? A the number of words in the sentence B the purpose of utterance C the number of predicative lines What syntactic process is realized on a phrase-level? A contamination B modification C complication 4. To what part of speech does the word ‘just’ may be assigned in the following sentence: He has just come to see if the experiment is finished or not. A adjective B particle C adverb 5. What part of speech is ‘since’ in the following question: Since when haven’t you seen your parents? A conjunction B preposition C adverb 6. To what part of speech does the word ‘open’ belong to in the sentence: At this moment the back door flung open? A verb B stative C adjective 7. What part of speech is ‘up’ in the following sentence: They rolled up the carpet. A postpositional adverb B preposition C postlog What is the role interaction not connected with? A the character of objective relations between the objects of reality B the category of verb voices C the noun cases Injunctive pragmatic type expresses one’s A request B directions C order What syntactic process is expressed in the following sentence: The true adventurer watched a fascinating scene there. A complication B modification C elimination 11. What method of linguistic analysis is presented in the following sentence: The ׀׀ lecturer ׀ used ׀׀ a ׀׀׀׀ lot ׀׀׀ of ׀׀׀׀ scientific ׀׀׀׀ terms. A oppositional B IC-analysis C distributional 12. Identify the type of genitive in “a man’s voice” A the genitive of dispensed qualification B the genitive of received qualification C the genitive of agent The indirect meaning of the sentence includes: A inference B explicitness C a phrase 14. Transitional types of sentences include: A sentences with complexes of secondary predication B sentences with indendent subordinate clauses C sentences with mutually subordinated clauses 15. The process of substitution is presented in English by substantivization and representation: A yes B no 16. Which of the following is considered on the level of a phrase, not a sentence: A an adverb B an attribute C an apposition 1.1 17. What morphemes are distinguished on the basis of self-dependence? A overt and covert B free and bound C form-building and word-building 18. To which of the following types does the phrase ‘a shivering girl’ belong? A equipotent B coordinate C dominational Potential ability of linguistic elements to pattern with one another is called A sequence B valency C government 20. According to the theory of Bloomfield the phrase ‘irregular features’ belongs to A exocentric B endocentric C progressive Retrospectively connected sentences are characterized by A epiphoric B cataphoric C anaphoric cohesion 22. The opposite for ‘adjectivization’ is A nominalization B substantivization C representation 23. The it-subject in the sentence: ‘What a cold winter it was!’ is: A emphatic B impersonal C anticipatory 24. The type of the phrase ‘definitely alike’ is: A adverbial B stative C adjectival 25. What kind of grammatical category is presented in the following opposition: Has lived:: had been living? A tense B temporal correlation C aspect 26. Comment on the categorical nature of the following opposition: the man’s umbrella vs a man’s umbrella A the category of number B the category of case C the category of determination What verb categories are not observed in non-finite forms of the verb? A person B mood C tense Ключи к тесту 1 KEYS to TEST 1
Тест 2 Section 1
Which of the variants doesn’t suit the given description: 1. The menacive pragmatic type of sentence is characterized by: А the future-time reference B the lumper attitude C the addressee’s not being interested in the intended action
2. The theory of linguistic pragmatics is associated with the names of suchscholars as: A Vinogradov B Ostin C Vezhbitskaya Among syntactic processes there may be distinguished A expansion B subordination C elimination 4. Phrases are subdivided into: A coordinate B accumulative C tertiary
Section 2 Match the type of linguistic analysis with its name:
1. D 3 1a/he,she 2-d D 3 1b/it 4 A oppositional B distributional C logical
2. ‘If that true adventurer of yours comes here we are unlikely to succeed’. F:: Pr A IC-analysis B oppositional
3. ‘The || true Adventurer | watched A Fascinating || scene || there’. A IC-analysis B transformational 4. ‘The adventurer reminded me of the scene’. P (x,y,z) A transformational B logical 5. S NP VP d NP VP D A N V NP d NP A N ‘The true adventurer watched a fascinating scene there’. A IC- analysis B logical Section 3 Choose the correct answer to the given questions. 1.The role interaction is connected with A the category of verb voices B the category of noun cases C the character of objective relations between the objects in the situation 2. Injunctive pragmatic type expresses one’s A directions B command C request 3. What syntactic process is expressed in the following sentence: The trees in the Battersea Gardens across the river had a faded look. A modification B contamination C complication 4. According to prof. Barkhudarov L.S. a phrase is A a combination of notional words that denote complex phenomena and their interconnections B a group of syntactically connected notional words within a sentence C a word-group without predication comprised by notional words Section 4 Read the statement and confirm or don’t confirm it by (A)‘yes’ or (B)‘no’ 1. The indirect meaning of the sentence includes proposition, relevance and explicitness. 2. The process of substitution is presented in English by substantivization. 3. An Attribute is considered on the level of a sentence. 4. By distribution of an element we understand the sum of its total environments. 5. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations are correspondingly referred to as ‘in absentia’ and ‘in praesentia’. 6. The privative opposition is presented by a marked and an unmarked terms. 7. Headed phrases are considered to be ‘exocentric’. 8. Traditional classification of Parts of Speech is based on three criteria: semantic, morphological and syntactical. 9. Prospectively connected sentences are characterized by ‘epiphoric’ cohesion. 10. The opposite of ‘adjectivization’ is ‘nominalization’. 11. The category of voice counts two categorial meanings: Active and Passive. 12. The denotative characteristics of a phrase and a sentence are different. 13. ‘Free’ and ‘bound’ morphemes are distinguished on the basis of self-dependence. 14. The weak term of the privative opposition is used in a narrower range of contexts than the strong term. Section 5 Identify the genitive taking into account the semantic relations between the nouns. 1. the man’s generosity A the genitive of agent B the genitive of received qualification 2. the man’s arrest A the genitive of patient B the genitive of agent 3. the man’s wife A the genitive of possessor B family relations 4. the man’s friend A social relations B genitive of received qualification 5. men’s footwear A the genitive of qualification B the genitive of destination 6. the cock’s self-confidence of the man A the genitive of comparison B the genitive of dispensed qualification 7. the man’s computer A the genitive of destination B the genitive of possessor 8. the man’s article A the genitive of agent B the genitive of author 9. two hours’ journey of the man A the genitive of destination B the genitive of quantity 10. a man’s voice A the genitive of dispensed qualification B the genitive of received qualification 11. the man’s arrival A the genitive of agent B the genitive of destination Section 6 Fill in the table answering the following question: What verb categories are the most universal in the English language and function both in Finite and Non-finite forms? Mark your answer with ‘+’ or ‘-‘ category person Number Tense Voice Aspect mood temporal correlation Finite Non-finite Ключи к тесту2 (Keys to Test 2)
Section 6
Грамматическая компетентность студентов проверяется в ходе текущего и итогового контроля. В процессе текущего контроля учитываются результаты разных по форме, объёму и содержанию тестов, оценки за ответы на семинарских занятиях, защита рефератов, презентации. Для итогового контроля проводится экзамен.
Вопросы к экзамену Morphology 1. Morphology and Syntax as two constituents of the grammatical system. 2. Paradigmatic-Syntagmatic relationship and Morphology-Syntax boundary. 3. Types of Grammar and the object of Theoretical grammar. 4. The levels of Language. Their units and peculiarities. 5. Morphemic structure of the word. 6. The notion of a grammatical category. 7. Grammatical meanings and forms. 8. Morphological oppositions and their types. 9. Neutralization of oppositions. 10. Realizers and neutralizers in English. 11. The problems of Parts of Speech classification in the English language. 12. General characteristics of nominal Parts of Speech in the frame of Traditional approach. 13. The common features of the Adjective, the Noun and the Adverb. 14. The category of definiteness and indefiniteness. The problem of determination. 15. Adjectivization of nouns and substantivization of adjectives. 16. The Verb. The categories of Tense and Voice. 17. The categories of Temporal correlation and Aspect. 18. The category of Mood in Modern English. 19. Non-finite forms of the Verb; their general characteristics. 20. Verbals and their grammatical categories. 21. Analytical and synthetic types of the verb-form derivation.
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