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Pharmaceutical forms and doses





You should indicate group, mechanism of action, spectrum, indications and side effects of the following drugs:

Бансал Прийал

Doxycycline, clindamycin

Бхардвадж Аман

Tobramycin, vancomycin

Верма Неха

Tobramycin, isoniazid

Верма Рохан Кумар

Doxycycline, isoniazid

Куте Аникет Дататрай

Amikacin, clindamycin

Кхатри Равиндер

Tetracycline, streptomycin

Кхатри Робин

Amikacin, vancomycin

Манприт Каур

Chloramphenicol, rifampicin

Пармар Йогешкумар Манчхабхаи

Gentamycin, ethambutol

Саини Шив Кумар

Doxycycline, kanamycin

Сахни Ишита

Sisomycin, vancomycin

Бора Манаш Пратим

Tetracycline, isoniazid

Гхош Абхиджит

Sisomycin, rifampicin

Дас Танушри

Chloramphenicol, amikacin.

Мишра Шивам

Chloramphenicol, streptomycin

Праджапати Пратйуша

Gentamycin, rifampicin

Сингх Анубхав Кумар

Gentamycin, ethambutol

Сингх Анукрити

Tetracycline, vancomycin

Шадани Анмол

Doxycycline, vancomycin

Шарма Викрант

Amikacin, isoniazid

Верма Ваишали

Gentamycin, clindamycin

All students should select the drug and write out the prescription

1. Semisynthetic tetracycline

2. Antibiotic for the treatment of neuroinfection

3. Aminoglycoside antibiotic for the treatment of tuberculosis

4. Antituberculosis drug, derivative of isonicotinic acid hydrazide

5. Antibiotic for the treatment of conjunctivitis

6. Antibiotic for the treatment of skin infection



Drug forms

Method of application


100  mg tablets

1-2 tablets 4 times a day after meals

1% eye ointment 10 grams

Lay behind the lower eyelid 3-5 times a day

3% ointment  15 grams

Apply on the affected skin 1-2 times a day


100 mg tablets (capsules)


The first day 1 capsules 2 times,

next days 1 capsule once a day.

100 and 200 mg in ampoules

Inject I.V. 200 mg in 200-400 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution once a day


250  and 500 mg tablets (capsules)

1-2 tablets (caps.) 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals

0,25% solution in 10 ml vials

1 drop in both eyes 3 times a day

1% alcohol solution in 25 ml vial

Apply on the affected skin 2-3 раза в день


Solution 40 mg/ml in 1 and 2 ml amp.

Inject I.M. 1-2 ml  2-3 times a day

0,1%  ointment 10 grams

Lubricate the affected skin 2-3 times a day


Solution 40 mg/ml in 2 ml amp.


Inject I.M. 2 ml (I.V. drip in 50-100 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution) 2-3 times a day

0,3% solution in 5 ml vial

1-2 drops in both eyes 4-6 times a day


Solution  50 mg/ml in 1 ml amp.

Inject I.M. 1-2 ml   twice a day

0,3% solution in 5 ml vial

1-2 drops in both eyes 4-6 times a day


Solution 250 mg/ml in 2 ml amp.

Inject I.M. 2 ml (I.V. drip in 200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution) 2 times a day

500 and 1000 mg in 10 ml vials

Inject I.M. 500 (1000) mg twice a day


500 and  1000 mg in vials

Inject I.V. drip 500 (1000) mg in 200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution 2-4 times a day



150 and 300 mg capsules

1 capsule 4 times a day

Solution 150 mg/ml in 2 ml amp.

Inject I.M. (I.V. slowly) 2 ml 2-3 times a day

100 mg suppositories

Insert in vagina 1 suppository before bedtime

1% gel 30 grams

Apply on the affected skin 2-3 times a day

2% vaginal cream 20 grams

5 grams in the vagina with an applicator at night


100 ; 200 and  300 mg tablets

1 tablet  1-3 times a day

solution 100 mg/ml in 10 ml amp.

Inject I.M. (I.V. slowly) 5 ml once a day


150; 300 and  600  mg capsules

1-2 capsules once a day before meals


500 and 1000 mg in 10 ml vials

Inject I.M. 500 (1000) mg in 2-4 ml of water pro injections twice a day


500 and 1000 mg in 10 ml vials

Inject I.M. 500 (1000) mg in 2-4 ml of water pro injections twice a day


100;  200; 400 and  600 mg tablets

1 tablet once a day




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