With so many covers for Legend over the years, do you have a favourite and why is it? 

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With so many covers for Legend over the years, do you have a favourite and why is it?


10) How have you approached writing Troy, did you approach it in the same way as you did with Lion of Macedon and Dark Prince basing a certain amount on facts or has that hatred of research made an appearance just making it easier to write a fantasy based on some truth?

Nope. All research. Times, places, distances, currents, weather patterns, methods of boatbuilding.... you name it. Despite the fact that I am writing a book about current attitudes I still wanted the basic research to be right. Therefore I needed to know about bronze weapons and armour, methods of transactions in the absence of coinage, and the geographical setups of the ancient kingdoms. The editing has been harder this time, knowing what to cut and what to expand to create a sense of narrative drive and pace.

12) With so many covers for Legend over the years, do you have a favourite and why is it?

My favourite is the black cover with the guy standing in front of a line of skulls. I love it because it replaced a truly dreadful cover with a giant armoured hamster, with an axe stuck in his leg, kneeling before two trick circus horses who could only stand up by leaning against one another.

13) A large number of authors are now exploring the Graphic novel world, (such as GRR Martin) youve already ventured into this with the Legend and Wolf in Shadow both appearing, have you had any other offers to serialise other novels, if so which ones and what do you think about the prospect of having a large number of characters making an appearance? Does this also through into the mix that dreaded standard contract clause that states the characters become the property of another "owner"?

No problems with copyright. Just time really. I want to work with John Bolton, who I think is the best around, and he is - as you would expect from the best around - up to his ears in work. I'd like to do either Waylander or Echoes of the Great Song.


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