I would only go for a another graphic novel if John Bolton was the artist. He does my UK covers and I think he's just about the best in the business. Which one? Waylander. 

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I would only go for a another graphic novel if John Bolton was the artist. He does my UK covers and I think he's just about the best in the business. Which one? Waylander.


If by fan fiction you mean people taking an author's characters and writing their own tales I dont like it at all. I understand why people do it, but in this compensation culture age we live in it does create nightmare scenarios. Someone writes a story about - say - Druss the Legend and a dragon. Some time later I write a tale of Druss and a dragon. The next thing that happens is a letter from a lawyer accusing me of stealing someone else's idea and demanding a sum that would refloat Albania.

5) In previous interviews it has been mentioned that every so often offers are made to you to produce a film based upon one of your creations and you also mention that due to the loss of rights you could never allow this unless the right director came along. Has there been any recent developments along this line, if so which novel and why do you think that that novel was selected?

Following the immense success of Lord of the Rings I dont doubt there are fantasy authors all over the world listening to Hollywood offers. The two books of mine that receive the most are Legend and Wolf in Shadow.

6) Amongst your hobbies you also mentioned that you like playing computer games, what is your favourite type and has anyone approached you to create games using your characters or world ie Dynasty Warriors with the Drenai Heroes, Real Time Battle Strategy using Armies from your worlds, Stealth games using Waylander or perhaps even a first person shoot them up using Shannow? If so who and what, if not what would be your opinnion on these and would you play them yourself or what would you like to see?

There was some interest a few years back, but the problem is that the American market is the key to success in computer games and - though I sell well in the States - there are a large number of US authors whose work in computer game form would outsell me. A secondary problem is that I dont like the idea of one of my characters being used in the kind of kill-frenzy games currently in vogue. This is a savage enough world without geek arsholes designing and marketing 'have fun as a serial killer' games.

As to my own taste I am completely in love with Medieval Total War. It is the best strategy game I have ever seen, and I relax for an hour a day playing it. So far I have won as the Byzantines, using the Varangian Guard, the Egyptians, by bribing opposing armies, and the Spanish, using Crusades. I have lost as the Italians, the Sicilians, and - horror of horrors - the English. I also lost as the Germans, but that was because the Emperor was gay and had no heirs. Bit cheeky that, I thought.

7) With a number of fans enjoying the graphic novels of Legend and Wolf in Shadow are there likely to be any more graphic novels of any of your books, if so which ones and if not which would you like to see a graphic adaptation of?


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