mayy ananta-guṇe 'nante. guṇato guṇa-vigrahaḥ. yadāsīt tata evādyaḥ. svayambhūḥ samabhūd ajaḥ. When the universe came into existence from my material energy within the unlimited Lord of un 

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mayy ananta-guṇe 'nante. guṇato guṇa-vigrahaḥ. yadāsīt tata evādyaḥ. svayambhūḥ samabhūd ajaḥ. When the universe came into existence from my material energy within the unlimited Lord of un


mayy ananta-guṇe 'nante

guṇato guṇa-vigrahaḥ

yadāsīt tata evādyaḥ

svayambhūḥ samabhūd ajaḥ

When the universe came into existence from my material energy within the unlimited Lord of unlimited qualities, then Brahmā and others took birth within the universe.

Having told of his svarūpa, the Lord now speaks of how he begins the creation. Guṇataḥ means from māyā.  The totality of all matter, the universe (guṇa-vigrahaḥ) came into existence. Then within the universe Brahmā and you took birth.

|| 6.4.49-50 ||

sa vai yadā mahādevo

mama vīryopabṛṁhitaḥ

mene khilam ivātmānam

udyataḥ svarga-karmaṇi

atha me 'bhihito devas

tapo 'tapyata dāruṇam

nava viśva-sṛjo yuṣmān

yenādāv asṛjad vibhuḥ

When the chief lord of the universe, Lord Brahmā, endowed with my energy, was attempting to create, and thought himself incapable, he underwent extreme austerities as advised by me. Because of these austerities, Brahmā created nine persons, including you, to help him in the functions of creation.

Khilam means incapable. I told him to perform austerities. By that austerity (yena) he created nine persons.

|| 6.4.51 ||

eṣā pañcajanasyāṅga

duhitā vai prajāpateḥ

asiknī nāma patnītve

prajeśa pratigṛhyatām

O My dear son Dakṣa! O master of the progeny! Please accept in marriage the daughter of Prajāpati Pañcajana named Asiknī.

You should make all efforts to increase the population by all means.

|| 6.4.52 ||

mithuna-vyavāya-dharmas tvaṁ

prajā-sargam imaṁ punaḥ


bhūriśo bhāvayiṣyasi

Having a natural quality of sex life, you will increase the population through this woman, who has a similar nature.

You, having the quality of sex life between man and woman, will produce population in her. Though the Lord mercifully showed Dakṣa his form after Dakṣa had praised him, and had given him instructions, he cast Dakṣa onto the path of karma and material enjoyment, and not into the sweet ocean of his prema. That is because the influence of his offense to his great devotee Śiva had not been completely removed. In the next chapter Śukadeva says that Dakṣa, impelled by the illusory energy of Lord Viṣṇu, begot ten thousand sons in the womb of Asiknī. (SB 6.5.1) Because of his offense, he also criticizes Nārada. One should not say “The Lord also put Kardama into material enjoyment.” The Lord gave Kardama limited enjoyment on seeing slight desire in him, and did not give unlimited enjoyment.


tvaṁ ca samyag anuṣṭhāya nideśaṁ ma uśattamaḥ

mayi tīrthī-kṛtāśeṣa-kriyārtho māṁ prapatsyase


Obeying my instructions, offer the results of your actions to me. Becoming pure, finally you will attain me. SB 3.21.30


Kardama also prayed for bhakti:


naitad batādhīśa padaṁ tavepsitaṁ

yan māyayā nas tanuṣe bhūta-sūkṣmam

anugrahāyāstv api yarhi māyayā

lasat-tulasyā bhagavān vilakṣitaḥ


O Lord! I offer repeated respects to you, who destroy the desire to enjoy by giving realization of your sweetness, and who cover us with the results of karma through the inspiration of your material māyā, who give material benedictions to low persons such as me, and whose lotus feet are worthy of worship. SB 3.21.20


All the devotees like Dhruva, though having material desires, desired bhakti. But Dakṣa did not desire bhakti. Therefore the Lord did not give him bhakti. This is the nature of traces of offense.


|| 6.4.53 ||


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