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proktāny anagha sūribhiḥ


nimittāni ca tasyeha

proktāny anagha sūribhiḥ

svato jñānaṁ kutaḥ puṁsāṁ

bhaktir vairāgyam eva vā

O sinless Maitreya! Tell me about the causes of this knowledge as described by the devotees. Can a person attain knowledge, bhakti or renunciation on his own?


The cause for knowledge (nimittāni) is the association of the devotees. Describe this cause which is told by the offenseless, knowledgeable devotees (sūribhiḥ). This verse indicates that without guru, knowledge is impossible.

|| 3.7.40 ||

etān me pṛcchataḥ praśnān

hareḥ karma-vivitsayā

brūhi me ’jñasya mitratvād

ajayā naṣṭa-cakṣuṣaḥ

Since I am ignorant, having lost my sight because of māyā, I have asked these questions with a desire to know about the pastimes of the Lord. Please reply to these questions since you are a friend.

“Why have you asked so many questions?” Please answer these questions asked only with a desire to know about the pastimes of the Lord and service to him. When all these questions are answered, I will have complete concentration on the Lord’s service with indifference to all else. When I have my full attention on the Lord, then I can attain him.  Brūhi me here indicates “Speak in order to deliver me.” In this way the repetition of the word me is not a fault. Addressing Maitreya as a friend (mitratvāt) means that though he is the son of Mitrā, he is also the friend of the whole universe.

|| 3.7.41 ||

sarve vedāś ca yajñāś ca

tapo dānāni cānagha


na kurvīran kalām api

O sinless Maitreya! All the Vedas, sacrifices, charity and austerity cannot compare with a small particle of helping the jīva attain a solution to material existence.

Not only do I get deliverance by this, but you also gain great fame for having done pious acts.

|| 3.7.42 ||


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