yad vāsudevābhidham āmananti
yad vāsudevābhidham āmananti
pratyag-dhṛtākṣāmbuja-kośam īṣad
unmīlayantaṁ vibudhodayāya
Worshipping the form of Vāsudeva, his own shelter, who is praised by the wise, Saṅkarṣaṇa slightly opened his lotus eyes concentrated deep in meditation, for giving benefit to the sages.
This verse describes Saṅkarṣaṇa. Worshipping to the highest degree his own shelter (svam dhiṣṇyam) whom the wise worship as Vasudeva, he slightly opened his eyes which were directed inwards for experiencing the bliss of Vāsudeva’s form, in order to give benefit to the sages.
|| 3.8.5 ||
svardhuny-udārdraiḥ sva-jaṭā-kalāpair
upaspṛśantaś caraṇopadhānam
padmaṁ yad arcanty ahi-rāja-kanyāḥ
sa-prema nānā-balibhir varārthāḥ
The sages, hair wet with Gaṅgā water, touched the lotus pillow of the Lord’s feet which the daughters of the snake king, desiring husbands, worship with various gifts out of love.
This verse and half of the next verse describes the sages. To hear the Bhāgavatam, the sages descended from Satyaloka to Pātālaloka via the Gaṅgā. Thus their hair was wet. Upadhānam means pillow. Varārthāḥ means “desiring a husband.”
|| 3.8.6 ||
muhur gṛṇanto vacasānurāga-
skhalat-padenāsya kṛtāni taj-jñāḥ
The sages, knowing the Lord, glorified his activities with words whose syllables were choked because of their love. They addressed the Lord whose thousand raised hoods sparkled with thousands of crowns with the best of jewels.
They, knowing the activities of the Lord (tad-jñāḥ), glorified his activities (kṛtāni) with statements whose words faltered. This is the explanation of Śrīdhara Svāmī. Kṛtāni also means pastimes. Sāhasra means sahasra, a thousand. Maṇi-praveka means “having the chief of jewels,” for according to Amara-koṣa the synonyms are mukhya- varya-vareṇyāś ca pravekānuttamottamā. The verb for this sentence is anupṛchhan, found in SB 3.8.3.
|| 3.8.7 ||