tasyaivaṁ ramamāṇasya 

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tasyaivaṁ ramamāṇasya


tasyaivaṁ ramamāṇasya

saṁvatsara-gaṇān bahūn

gṛhamedheṣu yogeṣu

virāgaḥ samajāyata

Enjoying in this way with his queens, he showed complete detachment from the activities of the householder, though following the rules of karma-yoga continuously for many years.


Kṛṣṇa showed complete (samajāyata) indifference (virāgaḥ) to the path of karma typified by rajo-guṇa in performing household activities, and to the enjoyable items offered by such household persons. This continued at all times, but at this time it became very evident. guṇesv asaṅgo vairāgyam: detachment means no association with the guṇas. (SB 11.19.27) Because of this definition, there is no question of such detachment in his pastimes with Rukmiṇī and others which are śuddha-sattva, beyond the material guṇas.

|| 3.3.23 ||

daivādhīneṣu kāmeṣu

daivādhīnaḥ svayaṁ pumān

ko viśrambheta yogena

yogeśvaram anuvrataḥ

What man (what to speak of the Lord), knowing himself to be a jīva subject to the control of karma, surrendering to the Lord in bhakti-yoga, will have faith in material objects and desires which produce karma?


This verse explains the Lord’s detachment in his activities. If the Lord has detachment from his actions which are not subject to karma, what person will have affection (viśrambheta) for his own actions which produce karma (daivādhīnaḥ)? If he practices bhakti-yoga he surrenders to the Lord of yoga.  


|| 3.3.24 ||

puryāṁ kadācit krīḍadbhir


kopitā munayaḥ śepur


One time, a group of sages, angered by the joking young boys of the Yadu and Bhoja dynasties, and knowing the intention of the Lord, uttered a curse.


The sages knew the intention of the Lord (bhagavān-mata-kovidāḥ). Thus they had no fault in cursing. The cause of the Lord’s intention will be described at the end of the Eleventh Canto.


|| 3.3.25 ||


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