Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Welcome to King Edward’s Swimming Pool!


Welcome to King Edward’s Swimming Pool!

You are considering going to King Edward’s Swimming Pool and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) free car parking

2) getting to the swimming pool by bus

3) frequent user card price

4) depth of the swimming pool

5) diving classes

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.


You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

• where and when the photo was taken

• what/who is in the photo

• what is happening

• why you keep the photo in your album

• why you decided to show the picture to your friend


You have to talk continuously, starting with “I’ve chosen photo number…”




Последнее изменение этой страницы: 2024-06-27; просмотров: 12; Нарушение авторского права страницы; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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