Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Can he …? Could he …? Is he likely to..? Is it likely that ..? Might he ..?

Can he …? Could he …? Is he likely to..? Is it likely that ..? Might he ..?











can(informal) /could(more polite)

may(informal) /might(more formal)

Can / Could I ask you a question?

May / Might I speak to the headmaster, please?


can(informal; giving permission; could(as well asmight)isn’t used in Present Simple to give permission)

may(formal; giving permission; also in written notices, announcements)

mustn’t / can’t (informal; refusing permission)

may not (formal; refusing permission)

Can I take your book? Yes, you can. Could I use your computer? Yes, you can.

May I sit here? Certainly you may.

Luggage may be left here. (written notice)

Sorry, you can’t / mustn’t stay here.

Rubbish may not be left here. (written notice)


can / be allowed to(present or future)

could (past – for repeated actions)

was / were allowed to(past – for repeated or single actions)

couldn’t / wasn’t allowed to (in negative sentences or questions for repeated and single actions)

Pupils are allowed to / can join any sports club they like.

He was allowed to / could play after school. (repeated)

He was allowed to have a party. (single)

I wasn’t allowed to / couldn’t have a pet when I was 6.














Can you?(informal request)

Will you? (familiar)

Could you?(polite request)

May I?(formal request)

Would you + inf ? / Would you mind + ing?(more polite and formal than ‘could you’)

Can you pour me a glass of water, please?

Will you get me my letters, please?

Could you give me that book, please?

May I have a cup of tea?

Would you bring me a cup of coffee?

Would you mind buying some bread for me?


I’ll(informal; I’m willing to do smth)

Shall I (we) / Can I (we)(Do you want me / us to…? informal)

Would you like / Would you like me to..? (

I’ll help you with the cleaning.

Shall I help you with homework?

Would you like some more juice?



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