г. Иностранный язык. МОЦИ-270. Упражнение. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Укажите виды животных и причину их вымирания. 

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г. Иностранный язык. МОЦИ-270. Упражнение. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Укажите виды животных и причину их вымирания.


05.11.2021 г. Иностранный язык. МОЦИ-270

Тема урока:Написание статьи в газету «Спасём мир дикой природы. Исчезающие виды».


Образовательная: практиковать написание статьи в газету.


Структура статьи

Статья обязательно должна включать следующие рубрики:

1. Introduction


2. Problem Statement

Постановка проблемы

3. Research Questions

Вопросы исследования

4. Purpose of the Study

Цель исследования

5. Research Methods

Методы исследования

6. Findings


7. Conclusion



Упражнение. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Укажите виды животных и причину их вымирания.

Today every ten minutes one species of animal, insect, bird, fish or plant dies out forever mainly because of the world’s environmental problems. However, some animals have become extinct because of human actions. People hunt, overfish and change wetlands and forests to croplands and urban areas.

The passenger pigeon, the dodo, the West African black rhino, the Caribbean monk seal, the Tasmanian wolf were hunted to extinction, for instance. The West African rhino became extinct due to being hunted for its horns. The dodo was last seen nearly 400 years ago on the East African coast. Unlike most birds, dodos couldn’t fly and were easy to be caught for meat.

  Several major mass extinctions occurred in the past. Each time many animal species were wiped out. The worst mass extinction happened about 248 million years ago. This extinction included mainly invertebrates that lived in water. Another mass extinction occurred about 65 million years ago. It wiped out many of the planet’s land animals, including the dinosaurs. Scientists believe that a giant asteroid hit the Earth and caused that disaster.

About 10,000 years ago another mysterious animal extinction occurred. It was especially dramatic in North America, where woolly mammoths and saber-toothed cats disappeared. Some scientists believe that the climate change collapsed the food chain, animals had nothing to eat and couldn’t survive.

As global temperatures are rising nowadays, animals such as polar bears, penguins, walruses and the arctic foxes are becoming more and more under threat. The Great Barrier Reef, home to around 1500 different species, has lost over half its coral cover in just three decades, due to the climate change as well. Today a quarter of mammals is at risk of extinction according to the International Red List of Threatened Species.

Laws are trying to protect the world’s endangered species and their habitats from being polluted or destroyed. Some laws make it illegal to hunt endangered animals. Nevertheless, if nothing is done about wildfires, air, soil and water pollution, our planet will face disastrous consequences and one million species that are alive today will have become extinct in the nearest 20 years.


Структура статьи

Статья обязательно должна включать следующие рубрики:

1. Introduction


2. Problem Statement

Постановка проблемы

3. Research Questions

Вопросы исследования

4. Purpose of the Study

Цель исследования

5. Research Methods

Методы исследования

6. Findings


7. Conclusion


Домашнее задание. Следуя алгоритму написания статьи, напишите свою на тему «Спасём мир дикой природы. Исчезающие виды».

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Оценка «хорошо» - выставляется обучающемуся, если допущены незначительные погрешности в ответе на вопрос.

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Оценка «неудовлетворительно» - выставляется обучающемуся, если нет ответа на поставленный вопрос, нет структуры статьи.

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