Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Choose the most suitable option:

  Choose the most suitable option:

1.-Be careful with the speed. You ……… have an accident. (must/ may)

2.-My sister is a sportive woman. She ……… run very fast. (have/can)

3.-The children ……… swim in the swimming pool. (may/have/should)

4.-She speaks English fluently, so she ……. teach you. (has /can)

5.-It’s forbidden. You ………drive if you are under 18 years. (can/can’t)

6.-Take an umbrella. It ……….. rain. (must/may)

7.-Don’t eat …..so much. You ………. start a diet. (could / have)

8.-You ……… be tired. You got up very early. (must/have)

9.-Excuse me, ………. I have some more tea? (should/can)

10.-Hurry up! We ……….. catch the 6.00 train. (might/have)

11.-Marta ………… come back home so late. (should/shouldn’t)

12.-Victor, you ………..to study for the final exam. (have/can)

13.-If you have pain in your arm, you …….visit the doctor. (couldn’t/should)

14.-If I have enough money, I …….. invite you to the theatre. (may/have)

15.-He can walk now, but last month he ………. (can’t/couldn’t)

16.-My little brother ……… to stay in bed. He’s ill. (have/has)


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