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Choose the correct tenses from the Past Story.


Summary 2-58


Eighth Level Training Test 

1 Choose the correct tenses from the Past Story.

1. London ______________(change) a lot since we first ______________ (come) to live here.

2. 'How many times ______________ (you see) this film?'

3. I heard Joe ______________ (get) married last summer.

4. He ______________________ (live) alone for five years before we started dating.

5. ______________ (you read) Joanne Rowling’s latest book?

6. ______________ (you hear) the storm last night?

7. I _____________________(think) about her since she ______________________(leave).

8. My cousin ______________ (be) married three times.

9. What time _______________________(you call) him today?

10. While she ______________ (talk) on the phone the children ______________ (start) fighting and ______________ (break) the window.

11. That woman ______________ (stand) looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes.

12. They _________________ (solve) the problem before we came.

13. When I ______________ (meet) him he ______________ (work) as a waiter for a year or so.


2 Make sentences passive

1. I didn't realize that someone was recording our conversation.


2. The police have never sent drivers to jail.


3. Tom is building this house


4. His behavior surprised me very much



3. Write the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives and adverbs:

strangely, bad, crazy, annoying, sad, often, near

4. Translate 1) Его уже спросили? 2) Она либо спит, либо читает 3) Вам нужно и пройти регистрацию, и найти выход на посадку. 4) Моя кредитная карточка была временно заблокирована (block) – Моя тоже! 5) В моем распоряжении было 5 минут, поэтому я купила эту шубу. 6) Пока снимались деньги, они оплачивали счета. 7) Меня могут выслушать сегодня? 8) Налоги не были заплачены, поэтому его должны арестовать!


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