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Past Story and Passive Structures


4. Translate 1) Его уже спросили? Has he been asked yet?2) Она либо спит, либо читает. She is either sleeping or reading. 3) Вам нужно и пройти регистрацию, и найти выход на посадку. You have to both check in and find the gate.4) Моя кредитная карточка была временно заблокирована (block) – Моя тоже! My credit card was (has been) temporarily blocked! – So was (has) mine!5) В моем распоряжении было 5 минут, поэтому я купила эту шубу. I had five minutes at my disposal that’s why I bought this fur coat.6) Пока снимались деньги, они оплачивали счета. While the money was being withdrawn, they were paying the bills.7) Меня могут выслушать сегодня? Can I be listened to today? 8) Налоги не были заплачены, поэтому его должны арестовать! The taxes have not been paid that’s why he has to be (must be) arrested!

5. Past Story and Passive Structures




We use Past Perfect Continuous when we talk about an action which had been happening before another action in the past.

Past Perfect Continuous

# They had been cooking before I came

We use it when we talk about habits and long-lasting situations which now are different or finished

Used to

# She used to like me


We use it when we talk about an action which was happening during a certain period of time in the past.

Past Continuous

 # She was eating all day yesterday


6. Preposition Trainer. Translate the following sentences

Они настаивают на вашем присутствии или от имени нас всех, или из любопытства, хотя они оба не придут вовремя, потому что это не в их интересах. Всего наилучшего! Пожелай мне удачи! 


They insist on your presence either on behalf of everybody or out of curiosity although neither of them is (are) going to come on time/in time because it’s not in their interests. All the best! Wish me luck! 



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