Continue these sentences using a verb in the present continuous. 

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Continue these sentences using a verb in the present continuous.



Task 1

Continue these sentences using a verb in the present continuous.

1. I’m afraid the MD is busy. He’s having a meeting with the auditors.

2. Could you call the maintenance people? __________________________________

3. The meeting room isn’t free. ___________________________________________

4. I’ve just seen Jane in the cafeteria. ______________________________________

5. Shh! Listen! ________________________________________________________

Task 2

Answer these questions about yourself and your company’s current projects.

1. What new product or service is your company currently working on?


2. What are you doing at work these days?


3. What training courses are you doing?


4. What examinations or professional qualifications are you studying for?


5. What other aims and objectives are you trying to achieve outside work?


Task 3

Complete the following paragraph about a temporary situation. Say how people are dealing with one or more of the following problems.


No transport (trains, buses, underground, etc.)

No emergency services (ambulances, fire brigade, etc.)

No local government services (rubbish collection, etc.)

No postal service

The General Strike is now in its second week, and is causing widespread chaos and disruption in the capital …

Task 4

Write about changes currently taking place in the car market, using the prompts.


1. size                On the whole, cars are getting smaller.    

2. safety             Nowadays… _________________________________________

3. the Japanese  These days… _________________________________________

4. reliability       ____________________________________________________

5. electric cars   ____________________________________________________

6. pollution        ____________________________________________________


Task 5

Translate these words and word combinations into Ukrainian.

To be overdrawn, to negotiate, estate, to expand, maintenance department, annual rate, long-term plan, to sell off, major companions, to turn attention, joint venture, to shut-down, training videos, margin profit, to get orders, appear, non-core subsidiary, reliability, to reduce the workforce, to affect, inefficient factories, recession, to lease, safety procedures, inevitable, to set up, financial advice, profitable, R&D, large organization, to cut down on expenses, competitive, account, new lists, safety, to do a training course, latest economic statistics, to shrink, postal strike.


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