Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


A. Music while studying – good or bad.

D. Remembrance Day

1.10. What historical event gave rise to the Bonfire Night?

A. Bishops’ Wars

B. The Gunpowder Plot

C. The Battle of Hastings

D. The Battle of Trafalgar

➢ Конкурс на знание фонетики и орфографии

Напишите слово по транскрипции в соответствии с британским вариантом правописания.


1.11. [ˌentə'teɪnmənt]- entertainment

1.12. ['fiːʧə]-feature

1.13. ['leɪblɪŋ]-labeling

1.14. ['mɔdənaɪz]-modernise

1.15. ['sentə]-centre

1.16. [wɪð'drɔː]-withdraw

Прочитайте предложение (микроконтекст), заполните пропуски, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.


1.17. It’s a tsar’s …

A. throne

B. trone

C. thron

D. throun

1.18. She ​blushed with …

A. embarrasment

B. embarrassment

C. embarassment

D. embarrassement

1.19. How rude! He didn’t even …

A. knok

B. nock

C. knock

D. nok

1.20. I … ​dropped the vase.

A. accidentally

B. accidentelly

C. accidentaly

D. acidentally




Read the texts and do the tasks after each of them.


Текст № 1


Many students report that they often feel bored by studying. (№1) This is not surprising when you consider how some students study. (№2) Many teachers find worrying that a majority of students listen to music at the same time as studying. (№3)


However, what experts say about this issue is rather confusing. (№4) Some people study more effectively when they are relaxed, and listening to music may help. (№5) Students who are worried by the pressure of school may find that they are in a better mood if their music is playing. (№6) When they become more interested in what they are studying, they do not in fact “listen” to the music at all. (№7) It just becomes background noise. (№8)


On the other hand, there are certainly students who find the music more entertaining than their school work, and never really concentrate on their work at all. (№9) So perhaps we should not be surprised to discover that listening to music helps some but not all. (№10)


Music psychology researchers point out that music affects studies, and its influence depends on the type of music and sound volume. (№11) It was noticed that rap and hip-hop negatively affected GPA (Grade Point Average) while classical and easy listening positively affected GPA. (№12) This is consistent with the idea that vocal content in music is a distractor due to its natural attention-grabbing nature. (№13) We are more reactive to vocal sounds than non-vocal sounds. (№14) What is more, high loudness of music may be detrimental. (№15)


In addition, it depends on what students are supposed to be studying. (№16) Anyone who listens to music while trying to read and remember details will almost certainly be distracted by the music. (№17)


In the end, perhaps it is a matter of “what works for you”. (№18)


2.1. Choose an appropriate headline for this article:



2.2. Choose the section of a newspaper/magazine where you could find this article.

A. Society

B. Entertainment


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